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Running Header: Intelligence-Led Policing and Civil Liberties
Intelligence Led Policing and Civil Liberties
Dorothy Savage
Law Enforce Intel-Led Police
Instructor: Dr. Arthur Hayden December 13, 2013

According to Peterson (2005) Intelligence-led policing is a collaborative enterprise based on improved intelligence operations and community-oriented policing and problem solving, which the field has considered beneficial for many years. To implement intelligence-led policing, police organizations need to reevaluate their current policies and protocols. Intelligence must be incorporated into the planning process to reflect community problems and issues. Information sharing must become a …show more content…

There are issues of discretion involve matters of life or death, torture, detention without trial, trial without juries, and basic freedoms to dissent and appear to raise from profiling that cut into notions of equal citizenship and equal protection. Many of which involve the human rights of citizens of other countries and some involve Americans as noted in Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. Res (2000). The debate concerns the tactical interplay of rules for U.S. citizens with rules for non-citizens. The risks to American civil liberties--and to the human rights of others--result from the efforts we will make to increase our security (and our freedom from fear) in any of three ways--prevention, consequence management, and punishment. So as we look at civil liberties the critical issues in the debate involves legal powers. What authority to quarantine or move people, to command resources or destroy property, to search without probable cause for extremely dangerous weapons (2000).
Ethical and moral obligations of the criminal justice system
According to Ethics in Criminal Justice (2007), a variety of criminal justice agencies adhere to codes of ethics. These include lawyers, police officers, correctional officers and forensic scientists. However, ethical problems in the criminal justice system can

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