
Persuasion Quotes About Women

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There are many moments throughout Persuasion where we can see women challenging their expected roles in society. The actions and beliefs of several of the women in the novel bring to question what is appropriate for and to be expected of women and allude to the fact that women are not as weak as they have been perceived and therefore deserve an equal place in society. It’s in these instances that the book challenges the idea that women are not equal to men as well as several of the stereotypes of women that were present during the era.
One of the first places in the novel that we see a woman defying a stereotype laid out for her is in Chapter seven when the Musgroves’ injured son has stabilized enough that Charles feels it’s reasonable for …show more content…

Wentworth expresses that he feels women are essentially too high maintenance to have aboard (“It is rather from feeling how impossible it is, with all one's efforts, and all one's sacrifices, to make the accommodations on board such as women ought to have. ” Pg 64) causing his sister, Mrs. Croft, to correct him explaining that she had been plenty comfortable on all of the ships she had been on and that women were not inherently senseless, putting unwarranted value on extravagant comforts (“But I hate to hear you talking so like a fine gentleman, and as if women were all fine ladies, instead of rational creatures. We none of us expect to be in smooth water all our days.” Pg 65). Yet again we see a female character breaking the mould of what a lady “should” be and correcting a male character’s opinion on the matter. Mrs. Croft’s statements disprove the idea that women are fragile beings who can only handle the most delicate of situations and are for the most part frivolous and need to be taken care of, signifying that women are just as qualified to sail and if this is true, do many other things they are viewed as being incapable

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