
Persuasive Essay About Inclusion

Decent Essays

In the city of Anaheim, many students have an opportunity to receive higher education which not only prepares them for life but for life itself. Students should take advantage of the help they are being offered, resources available, and the chances that are given to them. Not all students participate in their education but those who do have a higher chance of becoming successful. Success is sticking with what matters the most, living a life you feel excited about, but mainly it’s a difficult journey. In order for students to succeed, schools need to play a major role. For instance, schools should manage additional time into a student's school year, motivate students to be outstanding, and lastly push students to participate in extracurricular activities. Once a student accomplishes their goals, they have learned how to succeed even in their most difficult times.
Pushing students to participate in extracurricular activities benefits a student by developing their concentration skills, communication skills, attitudes, leadership skills, and good sportsmanship. In Anaheim schools, students don’t understand the outcome of participating and they don’t understand how it helps them in their futures. A way Anaheim schools can help is by adding an extracurricular class so students can have a better focus. In the documentary “Mad hot ballroom,” Yomaira Reynoso stated that students who don’t have opportunities, now have one to get into the arts. Some students here in Anaheim schools

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