
Persuasive Essay About Life After College

Decent Essays

In a world that is constantly changing, the global economy is exponentially growing, with millions of college graduates entering the workforce every year. Aside from growing competition, college graduates are entering a global economy where new technology is steadily advancing, new industries emerging, old industries disappearing, and globalization expanding the accessible job market. As a result of this, college students are faced with the reality in which a college degree is simply not enough alone to guarantee a job after graduation. Therefore, in order to succeed in todays economy, students must strive to better prepare themselves while in college. Students are exposed to many opportunities while in college. With that being said, it is crucial that students take advantage of every opportunity before graduation. A few of the opportunities that help to prepare students for their future are co-operative work programs and internships, student organizations and clubs, and school sponsored study abroad programs. When graduates apply for a job, employers are not just seeking people with a college degree, because a degree is not a resume by itself. When it …show more content…

In fact many majors and degrees have specific organizations and societies designed to help students prepare for their career, such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, for which mechanical engineering students can join. When a student joins and participates in a club, it teaches the student extremely valuable networking and communication skills, which will be beneficial in a later professional environment. Specific clubs and organizations also help students to surround themselves with other students who are like-minded and have common interests. This gives students the opportunity to make friends who can help them in achieving goals, and more connections in the future of their

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