In a world that is constantly changing, the global economy is exponentially growing, with millions of college graduates entering the workforce every year. Aside from growing competition, college graduates are entering a global economy where new technology is steadily advancing, new industries emerging, old industries disappearing, and globalization expanding the accessible job market. As a result of this, college students are faced with the reality in which a college degree is simply not enough alone to guarantee a job after graduation. Therefore, in order to succeed in todays economy, students must strive to better prepare themselves while in college. Students are exposed to many opportunities while in college. With that being said, it is crucial that students take advantage of every opportunity before graduation. A few of the opportunities that help to prepare students for their future are co-operative work programs and internships, student organizations and clubs, and school sponsored study abroad programs. When graduates apply for a job, employers are not just seeking people with a college degree, because a degree is not a resume by itself. When it …show more content…
In fact many majors and degrees have specific organizations and societies designed to help students prepare for their career, such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, for which mechanical engineering students can join. When a student joins and participates in a club, it teaches the student extremely valuable networking and communication skills, which will be beneficial in a later professional environment. Specific clubs and organizations also help students to surround themselves with other students who are like-minded and have common interests. This gives students the opportunity to make friends who can help them in achieving goals, and more connections in the future of their
Although someone without a degree may have more natural intelligence and ability than their credentialed counterpart, a degree is now worth more than actual capability in the job market. Bankston writes that “the popular emphasis placed on higher education in a society in which higher education has become a broad expectation has heightened the importance of credentials as an asset for obtaining a job at the expense of other assets, such as demonstrated ability or experience in a field” (p. 337). A degree provides a form of merit that employers look for immediately because the degree marks the individual as someone who can supposedly meet deadlines, fulfill obligations, and think critically. Margolis (2007) remarks how “it was the common practice of my colleagues to immediately sift out the [resumes] that didn’t have a degree and just throw them away” (p. 42). Because many employers are searching through high volumes of resumes, they don’t have time to thoroughly look at every single one; they speed up the process by simply filtering out
In society today, a college education is often seen as a “the next step” in a young adult’s life. Whether they actually know what they would like to earn a degree in, they feel the need to continue their education as almost everyone around them is pursuing post-secondary education of some sort. It is often argued that a college education is not necessary to get ahead because of the manufacture based workforce that is up and coming in America, however, there are many benefits to having a post-secondary education such as a higher rate of pay and more job opportunities.
Returning back to school was a very natural decision for me. It seemed to be the next logical step in my personal and career goals. My ultimate goal is to be happy and healthy and be a good provider and role model. With that set aside for now, my next goal is to be financially stable and able to provide for my family in ways that my family was not able to provide for me. I definitely expect to work for what I want and earn every bit of it. The most recent motivator was that my company was willing to contribute a huge chunk of the yearly tuition, therefore removing some financial burden. This makes me feel like they truly care about my future and they really want to see me succeed.
In addition to the prior mentioned obligations that a new graduate feels, the cutthroat nature of the job market does not favor new college graduates. Today’s society has come to a general consensus: college is the only path to success. While the validity of this drastic opinion can be argued, the empirical evidence in this culture suggests that it has a degree of truth. Students in pursuit of employment in fields where career growth and increased earnings potentially exist are discovering that in order to start a career, an undergraduate degree is now the minimum requirement by employers. Postgraduate work is also becoming the unwritten rule for advancement in the corporate and professional world now. Nevertheless, it is still a challenge to find employment, even with an undergraduate degree, as many employers would rather hire experienced workers instead of young people
Ever since I could have a clear understanding of the roles doctors play in our society, and to remembering my first doctor's visit I instantly wanted to become one of those woman in a long white coat running around helping patients or performing a procedure. My passion for helping others is something that has empowered me to become a doctor. Because of my passion for helping individuals , my dream of one day becoming a surgeon ,I have decided to further my academic career at Virginia Commonwealth University ( Vcu ) . I plan on attending one of the finest medical schools in Virginia while also maintaining a job and balancing life as a college student and a mother.
Everyone hears the dreaded tales, that when people go off to college, they’re doomed to gain “Freshmen 15.”
It has always been hard for me to properly envision my future, as it is always changing. As a child I thought of becoming a doctor, in middle school I dreamt of becoming a journalist, and my plans for the future are still shifting. However, there has always been one common element among my aspirations for the future, and that is the desire to engage in and improve the lives of others. This central desire is what leads me to choose Georgetown as the school which perfectly encapsulates my interests.
My parents moved to the United States from Haiti in order to provide my brother and I a better life. As their oldest child, I will be the first in our family to attend college, and get a bachelor’s degree. Ever since 2008 my mother has not found a stable job. This causes my family’s budget to be tight, and therefore I don’t have a sufficient amount of funds to cover for my future college education. Receiving financial aid will allow me to go to the university of my choice, without getting into debt. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my opportunities with
In today’s society, employers look for workers with college degrees because they know what college students are capable of doing. Employers now hold their employees to a different standard compared to the 1900s. Back then, employers did not mind the level of education a person had because being educated was not as common. However, now that society has progressed, more and more people have the same level of education: a high school diploma. Today, employers want to hire someone that
I have been waiting to tell you the news before it was official, but I will not be returning to school next semester. The only reason I went to college was to run and now that I have realized that running is not everything I have changed my mind. I was looking in to going to either my local community college or a college if I could go for cheap. I reached out to Holy Family University which is only 20 minutes from my house and I found out I could go there for only $14,000 a year if I decided to run there since they're D2 and they can offer athletic scholarships. I thought long and hard about this and I have decided that this is the right choice for me. I can still continue to run and it will be a lot easier for me to afford. I do not want to
From our previous feedback sessions, I remember you telling me that you wanted to go to college with your GI Bill after your enlistment was over. I believe that waiting for education is not the best route. I think it would be better if you would take classes while you’re still in the Air Force because it will save your GI bill for higher level degrees
We’ve all read the newsletters and articles on how college brightens your future or broadens your career but one thing they seem to leave out is all the facts about how many people actually make it after receiving a college degree. Studies have shown that 14% of the 2015 college graduates have a real job. This means that the other 86% has no job lined up after college life. Despite the percentage of those actively looking for jobs, the job market is getting tougher as they do require more work experience just as much as the knowledge of the career. Recently schools have been asking their students what they can do to help prepare them for their future. Many students asked for more
They are very important because they promote a great experience to the students in a particular field, and also markedly increase the chance to find a job. Another advantage to attend a college is to build a huge network. The college offers students spaces to meet future partners and employers because they promote frequent career fairs. For example, Conestoga College annually offers these meeting between companies and its students. “At the most recent event in January, the Recreation Centre was filled with 85 employers and more than 800 students who attended during the three-hour period “(Conestoga College, n.d, para. 5).
Imagine being someone who struggled throughout high school, but is constantly being told they need to go to college. If a student is constantly having problems with their learning, thinking, money, and support, why should they be obligated to continue their education when they are struggling today? The problem today is that people feel like they have no other choice but go to college to be successful. Many people today do not go to college, but get a job and slowly start to become successful. A person can work and gain experience and knowledge, which allows a person to move up. Since there are many jobs today that do not require a college degree, going to college should not be obligated by students after high school. College is not for everyone, and no one should be forced to go.
Once highschool ends, you will think you are already done with school, and you can finally be free, and you are kind of right. However, your college education should not stop at high school, as high school only teaches you a few things. Going to college will teach things outside of just learning some basic math and writing formats. College will prepare you for life as well. By going to college, you will earn more, be more employable due to your accumulation of knowledge, and you will live a healthier life. College is not for everyone, but if you prefer a secure future then it is suggested to go to college. By pursuing business without a college degree, you could lose all your money and everything you have worked for at any moment if you are not cautious. With a college degree, you can earn a decent salary with a secure job.