
Persuasive Essay About The American Dream

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Who do you think was the first dreamer who ever dreamt of the American Dream? Was he or she even American? Looking back in history you will find that it was mostly immigrants from places like Europe and Ireland who were coming to America, packing up everything in hopes of getting a taste of this “American dream.” All these different people from different places coming to achieve the same, “dream,” does not seem very likely. However all these people had their own reasons for coming to America, and with that each of them had their own “dream.” Although in today’s society advertisements and television shows portray an American dream that everyone can get behind in order to sell their products, and get views. They highlight an American dream of having three things, having lots of money, a nice house, and a college degree from a prestigious school or university. My American dream doesn’t require those things. In fact I believe that the American dream is dying because of the fact that there is too much importance around money, materialistic things, and college degrees. “Money makes the world go round,” Everyone’s heard this before and if you have a job you know this to be true. Money is as essential as water in todays society and so you would think that the more money you have the easier life would be. My mom used to always tell me “Money can’t but you happiness,” and according to Business insider, A new study by Princeton University researchers states “money does buy you happiness — but only up until a certain point. It says that after you make $75,000 per year, increasing your income is not going to make you any "happier." Yet still everyone strives to become a millionaire, some even choosing risky and dangerous paths to do so because they see on T.V that these celebrities are living such luxurious life’s while the person watching is stuck working a nine to five job at a fast food place. This is the part of the American dream I see as unfair, because some of these celebrities are born into that money, but just as easily someone could work twice as hard as the celebrity their whole life and still end up homeless. Companies like fantasy football web site Draft Kings know the desire for people to become rich

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