
Persuasive Essay Against Animal Cloning

Decent Essays

Animal Cloning

Imagine you are in the hospital, on the waitlist for an organ, yet the doctor says receiving a donor organ is rare. You're praying for someone to be able to donate their organ or even die so you can live. It is a scary thought and the possibility of not surviving due to the rarity of the organ.
Cloning is a topic that has arisen in today’s modern day society and many people have talked about it, positive and negatively. Cloning can fix several problems including that donor donation and even the cloning of extinct animals. Many are against the use of animal cloning claiming it is inhumane and cruel, however, more are for animal cloning. Although many people are against the use of animal cloning, it would eliminate the need …show more content…

On July 30, 2003, a group of French and Spanish scientists were able to bring back an animal from extinction. They were able to revive an animal called a bucardo, which is like a wild goat. The bucardo was a large creature, “reaching up to 220 pounds and sporting long, gently curved horns,” (Zimmer). This type of wild goat lived thousands of years high in the Pyrenee mountains. They were very populated and then people began to hunt them. “In 1989 Spanish scientists did a survey and concluded that there were only a dozen or so individuals left,” (Zimmer). Scientist decided they had to do something about this species that is becoming extinct due to the hunters so they found a Bucardo names Celia. She was reported dead and the last of her kind. Her life is still lived on. “a team of reproductive physiologists led by José Folch injected nuclei from those cells into goat eggs emptied of their own DNA,” (Zimmer). 57 were implanted yet only seven were reported pregant. After those 7 were reported pregnant, six had miscarriages. The one that survived died after ten minutes from entering the world. Animal cloning has a far aways to go, but they are close to finding a solution.
Animal cloning might sound like a good and successful idea to fix extinction; however, the success rate is at a low. According to the article “What are the Risks of Cloning?”, the success rate ranges from 0.1 percent …show more content…

Over three years ago a man named Dr. Phillip Dupont decided to clone his doberman-catahoula mix dog. He loved his dogs and he was turning 70 years old so he decided to spend his money to get his dog, Melvin, cloned. “He paid the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in South Korea more than $100,000 to create a copy of Melvin,” (Landman). He created two clones of his dog, Ken and Harvey. It is not as unpopular as you think, “Sooam says it’s produced about 80 dogs for Americans since 2007,” (Landman). They state it costs $50,000 for puppies and $25,000 for kittens. Cloning is not only for endangered species but also for people who just love their

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