Many people believe that there is an extraordinary amount of animals used for animal testing, each year. However, people consume more than 340 chickens for every research animal used. Because humans and animals are very similar biologically, they are affected by many of the same illnesses and conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Animal research has enriched comprehensive understanding and treating conditions such as brain injury, Cystic Fibrosis, Malaria, and many others. Animal testing should continue in the U.S. Testing is safer for animals than it is for humans. Animals are the closest thing to humans on our planet. Mice are 98% genetically similar to humans, and chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA with humans. Animal research has been found to put no human lives at risk. Experiments can take place to determine if the idea or product will work as expected. If it does, it can then be tested on humans with a lower risk of unfavorable outcomes. …show more content…
If vaccines for had not been tested on animals, millions of animals would have died from diseases such as tetanus, rabies, distemper, anthrax, infectious hepatitis virus, and Canine parvovirus. The Polio vaccine, tested on animals, reduced the global occurrence from 350,000 cases in 1988 to 27 cases in 2016. According to the California Biomedical Research Association, “Nearly every medical breakthrough in the past 100 years has resulted from animal research.” Animal testing has also been instrumental in saving endangered species from extinction, including the California condor and the black-footed
Animal testing is crucial because without it, scientists might never find developments for biomedical research. Worldwide, there are millions of diseases that create devastation in countless families. However, there are vaccines, cures, and processes that scientists have came up with to help fix this problem. How fast and efficiently they come up with these treatments is the difference in many lives saved. Animal testing has been proven to speed up the process of collecting research
If a drug affects the animals then it would not be used or tested on a human therefore possibly saving that person life. Not only do humans benefit from testing but so do the animals, “Animal experimentation is not only beneficial to humans but animals as well. If the vaccines were not tested on them, a lot of them could have died from rabies, infectious hepatitis virus, anthrax, feline leukemia, and canine parvovirus. Remedies for hip dysplasia and glaucoma were also discovered through animal testing. But the real highlight is that vivisection helped kept endangered species, such as the California condor, the tamarins of Brazil, and the black-footed ferret, from becoming extinct. This is why animal testing is endorsed by the American Veterinary Medical Association.” (16 pros and cons of animal experimentation, n.d.). This evidence alone shows that animals benefit from the test as well. They can go to the vet and get their daily shots and live a happy life with their owners. Without testing this wouldn’t be the case.
Animal testing should not be used in cosmetic industries as a source of experimentation because it is unethical and inefficient. It is a cruel way of trying to find results that are not even always trustworthy. Everyone has a different reaction to different chemicals so why even bother animals for testing? Also different species can respond differently when exposed to the same chemical so animal testing can be inefficient. The results from animal tests can be quite variable and difficult to interpret therefore it may not be applicable to human beings. Thus, consumer safety still cannot be guaranteed even after these gruesome tests which are totally unethical. It is also unethical to torture and end the lives of these animals each year for our own luxury. Everyday cosmetic industries are using defenseless animals very cruelly just to carry out some most often useless tests. Instead they should use other alternatives which has been proved to yield better and accurate results than tests involving animals.
Animal testing has for a long time been a much debated moral issue. For many, this kind of testing has been the only kind of hope for developing new medicines and treatments for illness. For others, it is an unacceptable and unnecessary cruel way of exploiting animals for our own purposes. Treatments for illnesses such as tuberculosis, diabetes, kidney failure and asthma have all been discovered, and vaccinations against polio, diphtheria, tetanus and measles for example have all been found.
Animals that are put forward to medical experimentation contribute to cures and treatments that have saved many lives. The California Biomedical Research Association states that “nearly every medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals.” (California Biomedical Research Association). Animals that are used for these tests have contributed incredible discoveries on unimaginable areas starting on Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Heart Disease/Stroke, Diabetes, Birth Defects, and Spinal Cord Injuries. Animal testing has made medical discoveries to go from antibiotics to blood transfusions, from
Animal Testing also known as Animal Experimentation is the use of non-human animals as test subjects in a variety of experiments aimed to acquire more knowledge about human diseases. Even thought rats seem very distant from us humans they share a lot of similar genetic and psychological features that can help us propel into higher level of understanding and save human lives.
Hurt, injured, abused, starved, that is how animals are treated in testing new products, like Tylenol, and even the hair products you had to have. So is it enough to waste animal lives for that toothpaste, even your hair conditioner!? My reasons to oppose this heinous act are, animal abuse, alternative ways, and the results show no!
Animal testing is not only beneficial to human but also animals, at least to those who are not used in the experiments, such as pets and endangered species. Along with researching for new treatments and medicines for
Testing on animals has been a common thing since ancient times of Aristotle or even before that. Testing in the 19th century was the peak of animal testing and it became more of an issue to the animal rights enthusiast. Testing on animals for cosmetics has been done for a long time in order to protect people from receiving an allergic reaction that can be permanently damaging. All though people might think it’s a good idea to test on animals. Animals don’t react the same way we do, our body anatomy is not similar so why put our trust into something that’s so outdated.
People should NOT do Human Experimentation because, you're risking so many people's lives by testing on humans.There is so many different ways you could test the experiment. There is plants and animals are that you could perform the procedure on instead of doing it on humans. Manufacturers, hope that animal tests will give an indication of how a given drug will affect humans. Inventions have been expanding since the the past years and scientists ended up making a clone of a sheep. That means that they could possibly make a clone of a human. Scientists could make clones for doctors and they can do the experiment on the clones.
Did you know that animals are being testing on, and none of the tests actually benefit humans? Animals should not be used to test medicines and other chemicals before humans use them. Albert Einstein once said “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty,” and he was correct. Many people believe that animal testing helps the human race. Information has proven that animals should not be tested on because it has no beneficial impact on curing human diseases by testing medicines and many more reasons.It is a waste of time and it is pain to the animals. The results of the testing mainly show negative results which doesn’t help humans.
According to Hajar (2011), animal testing prevents human tragedy such as killing people from a drug unsafe for humans. Because of animal testing, we have multiple life-saving cures and vaccines such as a vaccine for Hepatitis B (, 2016). Another good reason for animal testing is that animals are similar to us; in fact, chimps and mice have a close DNA match to humans (, 2016). Animals are a more suitable alternative than human test subjects when the tests could put a human in danger; it is preferred to harm the animals than the humans (, 2016). Another positive aspect of animal testing is that the animals could benefit from the test themselves; as an example, chlamydia vaccines have slowed down koala extinction
Animal testing has led to many life saving cures in humans, as well as animals. They have resulted in beneficial results in humans, as well as animals. Some tests may seem cruel, however the animals are treated somewhat humanely
Just in the United States, “there are about 26 million different species, from dogs to birds, being used every year for medical and science related testing” (“Animals in Science / Research”). Throughout the process of testing, “monkeys are addicted to drugs, cats are deafened and have holes drilled into their skulls, sheep and pigs have their skin burned off, and rats have their spinal cords crushed” (“Animals in Medical Experiments”). As a result, animals face cruel conditions and have no way of fighting back. Although medical testings on animals may cure the deadliest diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis, the abuse and mistreatment these animals face while testing medicines should be deemed inhumane, and such practices should be banned in the United States.
“92% of experimental drugs that are “safe” in animals fail in animal trials because they don’t work” (“11 Facts”). Animal testing is the process by which scientists take animals and use them for experiments by harming them to make everyday products. There are many different ways that scientists test on animals such as putting chemicals in the animal’s eyes to blind them, burning them, and making them breathe in toxic fumes, all in the name of science.