Animal Testing also known as Animal Experimentation is the use of non-human animals as test subjects in a variety of experiments aimed to acquire more knowledge about human diseases. Even thought rats seem very distant from us humans they share a lot of similar genetic and psychological features that can help us propel into higher level of understanding and save human lives. Even though there has been consistent breakthroughs thanks to the help of the animals used in the animal testing there are a lot of people who are against the use of animal in the testing because they believe it to be cruel and inhumane. Some way these people are right the animals could be starved to see the effect that it has on the brain. This has been the biggest moral …show more content…
I went onto to the PETA website looking for articles on this topic and i found something that sparked my interest it said that we no longer needed to test on animals because we had alterenativses. Scienctist have developed a new way to test the effects of drugs on the human body with ought using human volunteers or animals. They have created a way to mimic the cell of the body onto slides to test how it effects the human body called vitro testing . Apparently the leading scientist in these fields have been looking for other ways to test but not on animals. They've also dedvolped a simulation …show more content…
They say they don't want to hurt the animals or put them through strains activities or totrure them but if they must do so to save a human life then they would gladly do it because they know there is not another way to get the same results that animal testing would get. We get to thank the animals that have already died to help us live longer with the helps of thousands of rats we made breaking discovery in polio and cancer treatment. We can only thank the animals for the help in the breakthrough with their helped we discovered the way we treat cancers now days and thanks to them many people lived long lives. They believe that ultimately people matter more than the animals
Abraham Lincoln once said, “I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.” I couldn’t agree more with this statement as I do not believe that animal testing is right and I am totally against it.
Animal testing should not be used in cosmetic industries as a source of experimentation because it is unethical and inefficient. It is a cruel way of trying to find results that are not even always trustworthy. Everyone has a different reaction to different chemicals so why even bother animals for testing? Also different species can respond differently when exposed to the same chemical so animal testing can be inefficient. The results from animal tests can be quite variable and difficult to interpret therefore it may not be applicable to human beings. Thus, consumer safety still cannot be guaranteed even after these gruesome tests which are totally unethical. It is also unethical to torture and end the lives of these animals each year for our own luxury. Everyday cosmetic industries are using defenseless animals very cruelly just to carry out some most often useless tests. Instead they should use other alternatives which has been proved to yield better and accurate results than tests involving animals.
Cleopatra was a great and powerful ruler. One life changing event was when she had to take the throne with her brothers at age 18. She lead armies to defeat other countries.
For many years, animal testing has been very widely accepted in the world for the
Although, there has been successful experiments with animal testing, the percentage is low. Many drugs tested on animals that were released to humans had serious side effects and killed or harmed people effectively. Some examples of pharmaceutical drugs that were deemed safe for human use were later found to have serious side effects, like isuprel is a medication used to treat ashma - in Great Britain alone, 3,500 asthamatics died using this. This shows animal testing is in fact very dangerous to humans.
Some of the world's most beloved and beautiful animals are exposed to brutal, intolerable conditions each day- merely for the benefit of human kind. In fact, over 100 million animals are poisoned, burned, immobilized, abused, and utterly stripped of their freedom as they undergo multiple commercial and scientific tests every year. These tests are physically and emotionally demanding on the most harmless of creatures, including dogs, cats, and rabbits. Animals are subjected to severe and intense situations where they have no way of escaping. The Animal Welfare Act saves certain animals from extreme abuse, however the amount of protection given to each animal is very minimal ("Animal Testing"). Because the Animal Welfare Act is unable to protect nearly 100 million animals in experimentation processes from inhumane treatment, commercial and scientific testing in laboratories should be banned when cheaper alternatives can be used as replacement.
Imagine being locked up in a cage having chemicals rubbed, injected and force fed into you. Over 1,000,000,000 animals per year suffer rashes, cuts, burns, infections, loneliness and even death. This is due to animal cruelty or testing. It should be illegal to test on animals. You should be able to adopt an animal after the lab is thru with it.
All of first quarter was allocated to nurturing mindset, the stage was set; the culture in our classrooms was where we wanted it to be. Growth mindset was present in our culture; students were comfortable making mistakes and learning from them. Equally important, they felt safe engaging in mathematical discourse knowing it was in viewed in “rough-draft form”, ideas in progress. This strategy allows contributions to be viewed as ideas and not judged right or wrong.
Interestingly animal research has created advancement in the understanding and treatment of conditions such as breast cancer, brain injury, childhood leukemia, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis and many more. Additionally, other people feel that animals themselves benefit from the results of animal testing. Millions of animals have received vaccines for rabies, distemper, canine parvo virus and other diseases as a result of animal testing and research. The issue with this reasoning is that there is not any regard for the animals’ life when there is alternative means of testing. The value that we place on the lives of animals should be the same as what we place on human
When a young girl is looking at a magazine ad for the latest eyeshadow makeup, she notices that the model has on a shade of eyeshadow that looks gorgeous, but did she ever considered how that eyeshadow was manufactured? That makeup product was more than likely tested on animals for eye and skin irritation. Many research labs are using defenseless animals for testing and unnecessary experiments. There are three different types of people that have different thoughts. The one type of person really does not seem to bring the situation to life, and pushes it to the back of their mind, while the other type of person stands for animal testing because it may help save someone's life. Many people believe it is alright for animals to be used for extensive examining and those people think that since animals have similar biological DNA, scientists can use them for testings. Although, there are people who believe that animal testing is not okay, and does not need to exist. People who think that animal testing is bad will say that animal testing can be torture. During the act of animal testing, animals have no say in being tested on. It can be considered animal cruelty. Animals are not treated fairly after being tested on. Animal testing is not always reliable with data. Animals should not be used in medical and/or cosmetic lab testing for several compelling reasons.
Believe it or not, many of the animals that are used for biomedical research and other forms of testing aren’t even protected. Meaning that many of the animals that are subjected to testing, the Animal Welfare Act does not protect them from such harm. These animals include; mice, birds, fish, and reptiles. Even the animals under the AWA are not necessarily protected because not all animals that are subject to testing are not subjected to what's considered “pain and torture”. To add onto the torture that these animals received, many of the tests done on them have absolutely no purpose in the end. The animal being tested on, for instance, may never satisfy the requirements needed in order for a product to be released to the public. Also, with a simple understanding of the principles of chemistry, it
We test animals, and as a result, there is ongoing debate. There are alternatives but they are still developing and aren’t always available. So when we do have to test, for things such as medicine, there are rules. Reduce, Refine, and Replace. Also known as the three R’s, this is a more humane way to test on animals. Reduce being they reduce the amount of animals to use in the tests. Refine is a test method that refines animal use; and replace is replacing animals for systems such as computer models, biomedical or cell-based
To begin, one of the most important reasons why animal testing should be unacceptable, is because the human species is very different compared to any other animal; therefore, they make unreliable test subjects. For example, according to PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), they found that nearly 150 clinical trials [human tests] of treatments, to reduce inflammation in critically ill patients, have been undertaken, and all of them failed, despite all the animal tests being successful (Should Animals Be Used for
Each year, 100 million animals die from testing in laboratories, biology lessons, and experimentation in the United States alone. Animal testing started in first century Greece where a doctor named Galen studied animals. Subsequently, a scientist 400 years ago named William Harvey used animals to understand the human body. However, modern day animal testing did not start until 150 years ago when physiology became a popular science. Animal testing is inhumane, cruel, and grotesque. It is a major problem and controversial issue in the United States. Foremost, it should be put to an end because it is wrong, has multiple better alternatives, and it should not be considered a valid testing method.
Pork is the culinary name for meat from the domestic pig. It is the meat that consumed the most in the world, but is notoriously recognized for being banned in the Jewish and Islamic religions. This brings us to the statement “eating pork is morally unacceptable” which poses a profound challenge to a Divine Command Theory approach to ethics. I am going to start by explaining what Devine command theory is then clarify how it is a problem to a Divine Command Theory approach to ethics and finally explain the influence of the Divine Command Theory meta-ethically