
Persuasive Essay: Assisted Dying In Britain

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Persuasive Essay Abbie Mackill Can you imagine being told that you are going to die? That your death will potentially be extremely painful and filled with prolonged hospital stays. That is the reality that patients in Britain who are diagnosed as terminally ill must face, as that is their only option. Unlike in other countries where there is another option available known as assisted dying. Assisted dying is when a terminally ill patient administers medication themselves to end their own life. It gives patients another option than having to go through the pain of their illness. Unfortunately, in Britain assisted dying is illegal and could result in people facing jail time for being involved. This is forcing more terminally ill patients to have to make long and expensive trips to the countries who can offer this service to them for fear of the repercussion it could have on their family and people around them if they were to seek help in assisted dying within Britain. This is the reason that assisted dying is often seen in the news as people are often making pleas to …show more content…

This can sometimes lead to the patient being unsuccessful and causes them further injuries on top of their illness. About 300 dying patients end their own life in Britain every year, potentially that is 300 people that could have been given the care they deserved when choosing when and how they die. Patients that are put in the situation of not being able to travel abroad are often far more likely to ask for a family members or friends help in killing themselves. This can be extremely traumatic for them. Other ways that patients in that situation have been known to end their life is by refusing treatment or food. Why should these patients be forced to such extremes when we could

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