
Persuasive Essay: Benefits Of Sports For Children

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Megan Drew Honors English 10 Kline 10 April 2017 Sports For Children The number one leading benefit of playing a sport is the physical benefits.At all ages, physical activity is important for your health. As you get older your metabolism decreases and to maintain a healthy body exercising is critical. Even though having physical activity at any age is important, putting your child into a sport while they are young is more profitable. Starting sports at a young age will improve a child’s physical development, endurance, and aid in weight control. As a child grows up, it is important for them to have the proper physical growth because by strengthening your body before it has fully developed allows it to grow healthy and properly. According to Health Fitness Revolution, “Top 10 Health …show more content…

Therefore, it is coaches, parents, policymakers and athlete's job to allay the risks. Policymakers around the country have already been taking the injury increase into mind and have made some adjustments to make sure our youth does not get hurt, but are still able to enjoy playing their sport and stay fit and active. Such examples that have already been made are the U.S. Soccer federation that has just recently banned headers for 10 year olds and under to prevent concussions, the NFL’S Heads Up Program which has started to teach proper tackling and blocking techniques, educates parents, and trains and certifies coaches to make sure they know safety fundamentals, appropriate physical contact, practice schedules and how to recognize when their player has a concussion, and the NBA providing safety training and licensing for youth coaches. Some of the biggest youth sports organizations across the country have already made proper adjustments as to how to keep our youth safe, and will continue to make

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