
Persuasive Essay Homework

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Homework has been a topic of conversation and controversy in elementary education for as long as many people can remember, the pros and cons have been argued and researched time and time again. While most professionals in the field agree that homework is needed and helpful in middle and high school grade levels, when it comes to younger grades the information strongly shows that it is a waste of time. At its core homework has two possible effects in the home. Homework can be seen as a rule over parents from the school to manage their children’s time outside of school or as a way to inform parents on what their children are currently studying and allow them a participation in their children’s education (Wright). Around the time leading …show more content…

But when it comes to the elementary grade levels, the cons of homework far outweigh the pros. The research shows time and time again that higher levels of homework in elementary school cause more issues than it does benefits. So, what are the cons? And how can learning be encouraged outside of the classroom without it having a negative impact?
In 2008 the MetLife American Teacher series polled students, teachers, and parents on their feelings and thoughts about homework and the results were as follows; one-third of parents rated the quality of homework given as fair or poor, one-quarter of students say that they as if their homework is busywork and unrelated to what they were learning in class (MetLife). But, one of the leading reasons that people support homework in elementary levels is because they believe it can kick-start healthy and even necessary habits. These habits include; time-management, study skills, independent working, etc. It is unrealistic to expect students to gain important life skills from poorly created and unrealistic homework.
Jay Matthews of the Washington Post says “What most people do not know about elementary school homework is that the research strongly suggests that it is a waste of time, something I began to suspect after my daughter's eighth or ninth collage.” Matthews consulted with a Duke psychologist who helped him to conclude that in elementary education the correlation

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