
Persuasive Essay On Abortion Research Paper

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Abortion; noun- a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus (Webster Dictionary). Take your hand and lay it on your chest. Can you feel that? Ba bum. Ba bum. That’s your heart beating. You are living. The heart is a complex organ to explain, but your heart has to be beating to live. No child should die because their parents made a wrong decision. Parents everywhere are getting abortions. More and more children die everyday because of this. It is wrong. I can’t imagine people wanting to kill their own child, yet people do everyday. This is considered murder. The parents of these children are taking their life. How many seconds have gone by since you started reading this? Every twenty-four seconds that goes by another …show more content…

Let’s pretend you ate a candy bar this morning. Of course you didn’t eat the wrapper, so what did you do with it? Most likely you tossed it in the trash can. Eventually, the trash will be taken to the landfill, where it will sit until it rots into the Earth. Throwing the candy wrapper away is like devaluing the child you aborted. You don’t care. That what people who aborted their children are did. They sat their and they threw the child away. Your child should be loved and cared for, even if it’s not with their biological family. If 36,600 infants are killed a day, 1,314,000 infants are killed a year. 56 million children in the 41 years abortion has been legalized. Absolutely no life is worthless. Every single life has meaning. Martin Luther King Jr. stated, “ Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” He is saying that when we don’t fight for what is right, our lives will be over. If all of the fight is gone and we are just going to let the people take us down, what is the point? Our lives would be miserable by then. Devaluing life is like telling someone they aren’t good enough or worthless. Yet everyone is good enough and worth

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