Abortion; noun- a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus (Webster Dictionary). Take your hand and lay it on your chest. Can you feel that? Ba bum. Ba bum. That’s your heart beating. You are living. The heart is a complex organ to explain, but your heart has to be beating to live. No child should die because their parents made a wrong decision. Parents everywhere are getting abortions. More and more children die everyday because of this. It is wrong. I can’t imagine people wanting to kill their own child, yet people do everyday. This is considered murder. The parents of these children are taking their life. How many seconds have gone by since you started reading this? Every twenty-four seconds that goes by another …show more content…
Let’s pretend you ate a candy bar this morning. Of course you didn’t eat the wrapper, so what did you do with it? Most likely you tossed it in the trash can. Eventually, the trash will be taken to the landfill, where it will sit until it rots into the Earth. Throwing the candy wrapper away is like devaluing the child you aborted. You don’t care. That what people who aborted their children are did. They sat their and they threw the child away. Your child should be loved and cared for, even if it’s not with their biological family. If 36,600 infants are killed a day, 1,314,000 infants are killed a year. 56 million children in the 41 years abortion has been legalized. Absolutely no life is worthless. Every single life has meaning. Martin Luther King Jr. stated, “ Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” He is saying that when we don’t fight for what is right, our lives will be over. If all of the fight is gone and we are just going to let the people take us down, what is the point? Our lives would be miserable by then. Devaluing life is like telling someone they aren’t good enough or worthless. Yet everyone is good enough and worth
Abortion denies the embryo the right to life as a safeguarded in the US Constitution.By aborting these unborn infants, they are not allowing themselves to meet these new identities and unique personalities that one day they will become. These unborn infants are our new future, they are presidents, doctors, firefighters, soldiers who could be saving peoples lives, and the wellbeing of our country, but if we don’t save theirs, how are we setting the example to our society that killing is wrong, when abortion is still legal? The 14th Amendment protects the unborn children from harm. Jennifer Mason, communications director from the pro-life group Personhood USA, explained, “requires, equal protection under the law for everybody”, she asserted, “and so we believe that every human being regardless of their location,
Abortion has been one of the biggest controversies of all time. Many people believe it is 100% wrong and even consider it to be murder. The definition of abortion is; “The termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to being capable of normal growth.” These pro-life believers do not support the idea of abortion and believe it should be illegal. Many of these supporters do not know that if abortion were illegal they would still be performed, unfortunately by an uneducated staff. Over 70 thousand maternal deaths occur every year because of unsafe abortions. These women die, so the idea of supporting pro-life is contradictory, this is why the nation should be pro-choice.
Abortion in America is a hot topic in today’s society. With 1.21 million abortions in 2013 (Pro Life Action League), many people are starting to question if abortion should be outlawed. In 1973, the supreme court issued that banning abortion took away a woman’s right to life, liberty, and property (Pro Life Action League). This ban overlooks the fact of taking away another human’s right to life, liberty, and property; that human, is the fetus growing inside of the mother who aborts it. Abortion should be outlawed in America because it kills innocent human beings, frees people from taking responsibility for their own actions, and because there are other options to not having to raise a child.
For many years this issue of abortion has came out, giving a huge debate about it. Right now, in the United States abortion is legal but may be restricted by the states. The states have limited degree of power. Some of the laws passed by some states are the requirement of parental notification for minors, the term of pregnancy, the abortion risk information given to the patients for the procedure, etc. Abortion is becoming more pro choice. I wanted to research abortion because I didn’t really know anything about it when we had debates in class.
Premature births are one of the numerous things that everybody has a feeling on. As characterized by the 2012 Merriam-Webster word reference,
Abortion is a contentious topic; people are either pro-abortion or pro-life. The pro-abortionist are strong on their views, along with the pro-lifers. However, there is a way that people can agree with each other and come to a solution for the issue of abortion. The best way to come up with a solution is to answer the following question: Which laws should be passed that support both pro-abortion and pro-life without leaning towards one side over the other? There are numerous laws that could be passed dealing with abortion, but only few will cause both sides to agree with each other.
As for taking away fetus’ lives, the damage that abortion makes on life can be proven with the statistics. According to Casey, “over the past 44 years, one-sixth (60,000,000) of the American population has been killed by elective abortion. Twenty-five percent of African-Americans are killed in the womb America,”
There is a threat going on right now against women’s rights that many people might not know about. Women need to take charge and not let another day of a pregnancy go by where there is not a choice available to end things that might have happened accidentally, so the life of the woman can stay happy, healthy, and moving towards a life that the woman desires. The threat that clearly needs brought to attention is one involving abortions. The government, and to clarify more specifically the House of Representatives, has begun to pass a bill that will limit the time frame that women can receive a safe abortion. This bill passed through the House already and is more correctly called the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (Unites States).
A young woman has been sexually abused her whole life. As a child, her uncle molested her; as she got older, it got worse. Her father, a drunken individual, abused her mom and her. She was laying in bed sleeping, when suddenly her door flies open. She becomes aware that it is just her father, but then she feels someone climb on top of her, trying to grope her. Her father is so intoxicated that he believes his daughter is his wife. He then proceeds to rape her, as she began kicking, screaming, and begging him not to. He passes out and she runs away, but there is nowhere to go. She was just raped in her own home, by her father. A few weeks later, she discovers she is pregnant; this young woman is now carrying her father’s child. She felt
Abortion has been a controversial subject for decades. For a small introduction into this topic, allow me to explain what an abortion is. In summery, an abortion is the voluntary terminiation of pregnancy typically within the first trimester, but can be performed in the second and third trimester. Currently, most abortions are performed by medicianal methods within the first trimester. Then with the second trimester there is a surgical method that is used. This being said, in the past abortions were done illegally in dark alley's with the use of coat hangers which put the mothers in great risk. Eventually there was a court case questioning the rightousness of abortion and whether it should be legailized or not. This case took place in 1973 and became known as Roe Vs. Wade, which is the most famous legal case of abortion to this day. I am currently Pro Choice and in my opinion, abortions should remain legal.
Abortion is one of the many topics that everyone has an opinion on. An abortion is “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus” (Merriam-webster). Abortion has always been and most likely always be a controversial topic that not everyone will agree on. Throughout the argument, two groups have emerged; pro-choice and pro-life. Pro-choice supporters believe that women should be able to do what they want with their body no matter the circumstance. While pro-life supporters claim that life begins at conception, so an abortion at any stage of the pregnancy is considered murder. There are two types of abortions, in-clinic abortions and the abortion pill. There are a few types of in-clinic abortions such as; vacuum aspiration which happens during your first trimester, dilation and evacuation (D&E) which is during your second trimester, and dilation and extraction (D&X) if you are further along than that. However, dilation and extraction is now illegal in the United States as by the third trimester, the fetus is nearly fully developed, including its sense of pain, so this procedure is considered cruel and unusual. Abortions have been around for thousands of years, however in the 1800s abortions were illegal in the US due to the dangerous procedures and surgeries. It wasn’t until 1973 that the Supreme court granted women the right to an abortion, and abortions became legal in the United States. Ever since abortion got legalized, many people have argued whether it should be legal or not, people are either pro-life or pro-choice. Personally I am pro-choice because I believe that it is the women's right to decide what she wants to do with her body.
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary an abortion is “a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus.” (Merriam-Webster) In simpler terms, it is the action of ending a pregnancy. An abortion
For centuries people have been performing abortion. Up until the1800s women have been helping one another abort. Women in Western Europe and the U.S. helped and trained others to provide abortions.Abortion was not prohibited until the 19th century. In 1803, Britain first passed anti-abortion laws which throughout the century became stricter. The U.S. followed as individual states began to outlaw abortion. By 1880, most abortions were illegal in the U.S., with an exception to those ``necessary to save the life of the woman.'' But the tradition of women's right to early abortion was established in U.S. society by then. Abortionists continued to practice openly with public support and juries that refused to convict them. A trend of humanitarians
Many people are blinded by the tradition of when women cooked, cleaned, and cared for their children. They have not realized that the world is changing and is in need of change. Men have almost always had the higher authority in the world. Though only in recent times has the world changed to having women gain higher authority becoming equal with men. Women in this new era are finally starting to be recognized equally to men.
Many individuals fail to understand the sheer magnitude of bloodshed, tribulation, and despair legalized abortion has initiated into the human experience – both in the United States and worldwide. Far more human lives have been violently ended by this immoral decision than any other war or genocide in history. It is one of the most controversial issues in today’s society. Abortion is the intentional decision to murder a human fetus by chemical, medical or surgical procedures. Those who support the rights of abortion argue that women should be able to decide what can be done to their bodies, yet the unborn baby inside a woman is a living being, and terminating that pregnancy is the equivalent of murder. These innocent children should not be held responsible for your mistakes. Don’t terminate pregnancy now, because you may not have children in the future at all.