
Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

Decent Essays

Animal cruelty is an act of violence or neglect perpetrated against animals are considered animal cruelty. Examples include overt animal abuse, dog and cock fighting and companion animal neglect where the animal is denied basic necessities of care such as fresh water and food or shelter. Animal cruelty is a threat to dog's life and other animals that live on this earth. This happens every day to a poor defenses animal in all 50 states of the United States. Animal cruelty should be enforced in the prevention of dog fighting, neglect and breaking the law.

The First, reason why animal cruelty should be enforced is to prevent dog fighting and the harming of animals. Dog fighting is a type of bloody sport in which dogs are forced to fight on another for the entertainment and/or profit of spectators. Dog fighting is one of the most inhumane forms of animal cruelty. One of the things they do to the dogs is cutting their tails.“Dogs may have their ears cropped and tails docked close to their bodies to minimize the animal's normal body language cues and to limit areas that another dog can grab during a fight. Fighters usually perform this cropping/docking themselves using crude and inhumane techniques.” There is no reason why someone should cut off a body part of a living thing. This deprives dogs of a way to communicate or showing how they feel. The trainers of the animals usually kill the animals if it loses a fight or even if they refuse to fight.:”Killing methods include shooting, hanging, drowning, and electrocution.Some handlers may lace their dog’s coat with poison or paralytics to harm the opponent. Approximately 16000 dogs are killed each year in dogfights.” Why would you kill a dog just because it didn't want to do something harmful to them? That's killing innocent and defenseless animal for no reason. Everyone has the right to refuse things they don't want to do even animals have this right.

Second, compelling reason why animal cruelty should be enforced to prevent neglect and breaking the laws.Neglect is not providing animals with proper food, water, veterinary care, shelter, and socialization. Puppy mills are one form of this cruelty. Puppy mills are overcrowded and unsanitary. In a puppy mill, dogs

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