Have you ever seen a tiger jump through hoops in the wild, or do hard tricks because they want to? I didn't think so that's because they don’t want to. Animals are forced to learn these tricks by using a shock collar, whips, electric prods, etc. Puppy's are being kept in a puppy mill, animals are being neglected and abused. I have basically had a zoo at my house, I have 3 birds, 1 chicken, 2 fish, 1 puppy and I don’t want them to feel like they are neglected and it hurts me when I see that Animals are being neglected.
While all of my research that I did on animal rights I wanted to find helpful information and guess what I found… Helpful information. So I asked myself some questions. Is there anything that can help animals? Can I do anything about? So I made a driving question and it was What can society do to solve this problem about Animal rights? I was looking up things about this topic and I found a lot of things that can help to prevent or at least help animal rights.
The problem is that people are neglecting, abusing, and even get up to the point of killing the animals. The reasons why people started to protest is because other people started to use animal fur, killed animals for food, killed cows for leather, and animal habitats were being destroyed. According to Britannica school people started to protest about animal right in the 1970.
The animals that are being most abused are pets and zoo animals. A lot of people are concerned about these animals
Not only does this relate to animals situation but it is their situation. They are forced onto farms where they are forced to work relentlessly and are whipped and punished to no extent when they don’t perform. Not all farms are like this, local farms are usually better treating to their animals, however large corporations that produce mass amounts of milk and animal foods definitely do this, and anyone could even see all the torture with a simple google search. The sad reality is something humans never seem to see yet is right in front of America the whole time; it never occurred to any human to open our eyes.
Humans have the ability to speak for animals to protect them and they have the ability to wipe them all out as well. Tom Regan talks about in his article that animals should have rights. His goals are to abolish
The “General Information” chapter discusses what is meant by animal rights and which animals are included in the animal rights movement. The animal rights movement questions whether enforcing and enacting animal rights is a moral issue or a legal one. The author calls for the readers to have an amount of
The fight for animal rights is one that has been going on for centuries. “The new emphasis upon animals ' feelings of sensation in the eighteenth century brought growing criticism of some forms of cruelty. Doubts about the ethics of castrating domestic animals were raised as early as 1714." (Guither, 1998, p.1) According to Guither (1998), London was the first to encourage the prevention of animal cruelty in 1824 where it eventually became the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. They aimed to "attack animal cruelty and promote kindness to animals in support of prevailing social and religious values, support enforcement of existing laws, and pass new ones. (Guither, 1998, p.2)
Animal cruelty laws need to be more strict. Animals are getting abused and killed for no reason everyday, and none of the people who abuse the animals are getting charged with animal cruelty or going to jail. If the government doesn’t make animal cruelty laws more strict than the people who abuse these animals could take it to the next level and start abusing humans and/or murdering them.
Animals are being abused and murdered all over the world. Animal cruelty is a relevant and disgraceful issue that happens everyday and we do nothing to stop it. Everyday more and more people start losing themselves and hunt on animals to solve their problems. These people believe that they are the dominance in the world. They believe that they are the most important living creatures on earth, and take leadership in believing that animals are made to serve the people. This myth is unethical and cruel, animals themselves have a heart and feelings. They each have their own dilemma going on and like humans, they are one of the most important factors to exist on earth.
Animal welfare groups such as, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the Humane Society of the United State, and many others have been around for many years and they have been standing up for animals and they have definitely made progress in animals having rights Leepson 1). There are tons of footage and evidence online, commercials, and people that protest in the streets in front of animal testing companies (Leepson 1). All these acts cause this issue to be more known by the public. The more that media takes over controversial topics, the more these topics will be discussed (Leepson 1).
Animal Cruelty is a problem that many ignore. People are oblivious to these animals and the negligence their owners show. Animal cruelty is an underlying problem in today’s society, and the only way to counteract these problems, is for this generation to do something about it.
Animal Rights Around 70,000 animals each year are being used for center experiments every year. And ten billion farm animals that are being raised each year in the United States suffer in bad living conditions.(Patty Taylor.) Although they are being raised for food, and live in poor living conditions with the lack of attention, they should still be treated with care, have the proper medication needed when sick, and live in a free-range living environment with the proper food and nutrition needed to grow strong and healthy. Animal rights is the philosophy of allowing non-human animals to have the basic rights such as; the freedom to live a natural life free from human exploitation, pain and suffering, and premature death.
There are many types of animals used for entertainment such as circuses, dog fighting, zoos, and rodeos. All of these types of entertainment are not natural for these animals which is a form of abuse. Often times they are wild animals that don’t belong in cages and are not able to do things that are in their instinct to do. This is especially true about zoos and circuses. Animals are not able to roam free and instead kept in small cages. Even in optimal settings experts say that it is difficult to provide for the needs of wild animals.(Lemonick) Children should learn to respect animals and not see them as entertainment. People should only support animal free circuses and raise awareness how animals are abused for entertainment.
Animal abuse is a major problem in the United States. It’s a problem that is often overlooked or put on the back burner. Mainly because as a society are often more concerned with crimes that involve a person being harmed rather than an animal. Although laws in some states are strict against animal abuse, there are some laws that seem to be more lenient towards animal abusers. Even though some states have strict laws, that doesn’t mean those laws are strictly enforced. More so, there has been research conducted to show a link between animal abuse and violent crimes against people, like domestic violence. If the U.S. was to crack down more on animal abuse cases, then it could lower rates of domestic violence. Animal abuse has a larger spread
There are many different rights that animals have had taken away from them because of human behavior. For example, animals are being harmed around the world as a result of human product testing, many are being euthanized when there are too many in shelters and pounds, and countless are constantly being neglected or abused by owners. Luckily, there are movements and groups that are working to protect animals from these inhumane practices. Animals need the protection of humans to bring an end to testing on animals, abusive treatment and euthanasia.
Humans are negatively affecting animals now more than ever in many ways. Some ways they are negatively affected by people are pollution, habitat loss, being kept as pets when they shouldn't be, poaching and being kept in circuses and zoos. People don't like acknowledge or believe, that they affect animals in a bad way.
Inspired by the values of my family, the morals of my faith, and the love I had for my personal pets, I started volunteering at rescues. Through volunteering, I learned of the complex characteristics and emotions of animals, and was educated about cruelty, responsible pet ownership, irresponsible breeding and learned about the sorrowful pasts of many animals at the rescue. Furthermore, through my experience of moving back and forth from Hawai`i to California, have seen a major difference in farming practices. In Hawai`i cows are grazing on vast and lush fields of grass, while many that I have seen in California have the cows packed together in a small space, permeating with an odor that can be smelled from miles away. Through these instances, I realized that the choices people make dramatically affect the welfare of animals, which puts the responsibility on people to be more conscious of their actions and responsible in their choices.
Animal rights is a very controversial topic in today’s world. This controversy began back in 1975 when Peter Singer’s novel Animal Liberation was published. In the book, Singer explains the issues we still face at the top of animal protectionism today. Although Singer and his theories enlightened a lot of people of animal protectionism, he actually did not start the animal rights debate. People started questioning the status of animals all the way back to ancient Greece. Some people in these times such as Pythagoras, the great mathematician, chose to live as a vegetarian because he believed animals deserved different protections. We now know humans have been fighting for animal rights for longer than expected. Although many people believe that the legislation of animal rights is more than necessary, others can argue that human rights come before animal rights.