
Persuasive Essay On Assisted Suicide

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Assisted Suicide
Every day on TV, in movies, and in music there is a phrase that has been asked a lot, “Who wants to live forever?” This is such a common question and many people say “no,” these people want to live out a shorter life than eternity. Some may ask “why?” Well here is the reason. When someone gets terminally ill and death is unavoidable, but allows a short duration life in suffering, they don’t want to sit there suffering they want to move onward to their eternity. When someone is no longer feeling fit to live we should allow them to leave this world.
Everyday people are suffering and they are not allowed to be put out of their misery. At the same time people are suffering and being forced to continue, Animals enter a suffering state and they are allowed to stop hurting and stop living. As a group of people leading a motion known as the “Aid in Dying” movement have recorded 51% of people who responded to a poll inquiring about the lawfulness of assisted suicide said that, when the patient and their family are with it then, the doctor should be allowed to end a suffering patient’s life painlessly (Eckholm 1,4). Even though bigger movements have been founded on smaller groups. So with that being said, then should it not be legal to do so? …show more content…

According to their law “the law does not require that the ingestion of the drug need not be witnessed” ("Physician-Assisted Suicide Is Wrong."). This is an understandable hesitation. But some people wouldn’t want their loved ones to witness such a thing because they wouldn’t want their family or friends to watch the life flee from the body of the suffering person. Some people fear that family members will take advantage of assisted suicide if the family member stands to gain something major from the

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