Where I live, most people are out partying on the weekends, going to stadiums and fields to see the game, dancing at the noise filled concert or rave, but me? I'm out bass fishing. Bass fishing to me is much more than casting a rod, it's about staying driven for that moment, that feeling of setting a hook and fighting an aggressive bass. John Warren in his book Fishing with Confidence said, “In bass fishing we don’t often have the comfort and confidence of knowing the bass are there.” Honestly it can be When I'm out on the water, it's all mental; I've got to think, not just about the season, weather, time of day, tide pattern, and the lunar phases, but about what rod, reel, line, type and color lure to use, where to cast, and what structure to be observant for. For me, it's a game, a sport full of endless possibilities, strategies, and techniques to delude a bass. The thrill of it all keeps me going, and even if I have a rough day fishing, the tranquility of being in nature surrounded by wildlife and having the opportunity to escape the busyness and distractions of work and school means the world to me. …show more content…
Ever since my passion began in the 7th grade, the amazing people I have come across, stories I have heard, and memories I have made fishing are innumerable. A few of the many guys I have met fishing have become valuable mentors to me, which of whom I have bonded with and become closer to. I have shared lots of experiences by spending time and traveling with these men, shaping me as a person. As humans, we learn so much from one another, and through fishing I have learned not only many old traditions and modern fishing methods, but life skills that I use in my day-to-day
As with Tyler Hurd’s involvement in the sport of fishing, it is not just the awe-inspiring loot he may catch that drives his persistence to keep fishing, it’s also about the fishing ventures he takes alone that satisfies his curiosity as well. While Hurd’s many fishing expeditions occur in the fishing areas of Galveston, his accompanying friends or relatives seem to limit his eagerness to try various different ways of fishing other than occupying fishing piers that contain crowds or charter boats that carry packs of people. Unlike the regular ways of his companions, Hurd particularly uses one of many available canoes within a bay area whenever the chance for him doing so arises.
Most people don't realize the amount of choices that are avaiable to them when it comes to ice fishing equipment. There are choices of clothes depending on the weather, choices of rods or tip ups and even choices of bait, string, shelters and everything else that you could think of.
We have done many things to try to insure that everything goes properly and that you can relax in the resort spot or you can commercial fish without really knowing that you’re not very far away from each other. Since we have tourism on the far left of the land, we put commercial fishing on the far right to insure that you don’t smell fish while you’re trying to relax. Since the shipping boats have to be at a certain depth, then when near the shore or in what would be a common swimming depth in the ocean you shouldn’t be able to see any passing cargo ships.
Many people find hobbies that they enjoy; some people find hobbies that they love and make them lose track of time. What I have come to realize is that when you truly have a passion for something, whether it be good or bad, you tend to put it ahead of other things in life. You become so skilled in this one area because it is something you truly enjoy doing. But you can take what you have learned from this and apply it to the real world. What drives me is bass fishing, to the average person this just sounds like a lazy man's weekend activity. When I was young there wasn't much to it just put bait on a hook and wait but the possibility of potentially catching a giant has kept me hooked. As I have grown older I've learned how complicated what seems to be simple task
A simple statement, but one that holds true regardless of your experience level, financial position, or background. Although a boat and top of the line equipment would certainly bring added enjoyment. The same can be said for sitting on the shore with an inexpensive rod and only a handful of lures.
Many of these portals and magazines will have testimonies of masters of the sport. These testimonies will be very useful for your to understand what it is that attracts the mighty Bass. It is up to you to combine the knowledge you have accumulated from your past fishing trips to judge the quality of advice in these magazines. If you feel the advice is practical, go ahead and give it a try, however, beware of any testimony that attempts to promote any particular manufacturer or supplier. These are mostly hyped testimonies and planted stories, and may never work well.
Fishing is a fun way for me to spend some time with my family members and just relax feeling the refreshing breeze hit my face. I enjoy going with my older brother to the lake here in Newton or Out in other towns. One time me and my brother went to a lake outside of Newton in a different town and stayed there for most of the day. We hardly caught anything but it was fun being out there with only my older brother. And the fish we did catch were all to small to take home to cook and man I wish we did catch a big one.
Now, you know that I am in the military, in Italy, and one of my interest is fishing, I am ready to read about you!
Recent surveys by the U.S. fish and wildlife service have shown that over 40 million fishing and hunting licenses were sold in 2014. Fishing and hunting products such as lead bullets, lead fishing weights, and lead hooks have been released into the environment for many years now. After talking to my dad about a recent story of California condors being lead poisoned and killed after ingesting lead from dead animals, it made me think of how much lead is truly in the environment which sparked my curiosity. According to my estimation, I contribute around 175 ounces of lead into the environment. This is due to the hundreds of shotgun shells I shoot every year for hunting and target practice and the numerous ounces of lead lost while fishing due
Fly-fishing has become so popular that third most printed text in English language is Sir Izaak Walton’s The Complete Angler: Or the Contemplative Man’s Recreation, Since one must understand the way the system works in order to catch fish many fishers look to old texts. Arnold Gingrich who is a fly fisher said “some of the best fishing around is to be found not in water but in print” Great resources would help you learn about the environment better to where you will feel like you are part of the system. To the fishers the water is symbolically the most holy objects next to the fish. Fly-fishers, many people travel to different locations of the world to find the perfect streams.
Fishing can bring you a sense of peace and keep you physically fit. You don't have to be rich to participate in the sport, but you do need certain gear. From a fishing rod to extra bait, here is a list of the things you'll need if you want to start participating in this fun sport, or if you want to get your children into fishing. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/06/benefits-of-fishing_n_5754408.html
Some people consider bass fishing a sport, but for most fishermen it’s a lifestyle. People have been bass fishing since the beginning of time for different reasons. Bass fishing has evolved over the years from using a sapling and some string to the high tech rod and reel technology, as well as sonar fish-finders. For modern day fisherman fishing is a lifestyle that may require a wealth of money depending on what kind of bass fishing someone wants to do. People will less wealth just fish from the bank, but for the luckier individuals that are able to own a boat, fishing is easier, and more fun. Since the beginning of time people have been using real worms for bait, but now with the advancement of technology you can use baits that have a
You may have heard how boring fishing can be. Sitting there waiting for a catch that may never happen can be frustrating. However, for people who have more patience and are still interested in learning to fish you may want to follow some basic steps. After following these steps, you should be able to have a smooth and relaxed time fishing. These steps include how to set up your pole, choose your bait and how to cast your line. All you need is a fishing pole and a pre-supplied tackle box.
Fishing is an activity I have enjoyed doing ever since I was a little kid. In fact, one of my first fishing voyages was with my grandpa when I was about eight years old. He was an avid fisherman who went fishing almost every day and knew everything there was to know about fishing. Grandpa got me hooked on fishing. After Grandpa died, my dad picked up where Grandpa left off. We had a pontoon, and Dad took my brothers and me fishing whenever we had the chance. To this day, I still love fishing just as much as I had on my first fishing trip with my grandpa. Many people enjoy hobbies that are relaxing and peaceful, and others prefer exhilarating activities that never have a dull moment. I enjoy fishing because it has some of both.
I am very good at being impatient. However, it is easier for me to be patient when I am fishing because I know if I am patient, there is a chance at some point, I will get what I want, which is a fish. For a ring of a bell, a sway of a pole or a splash in the water.