
Persuasive Essay On Birth Control

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Teen pregnancy has become more common in recent years, most of them being unplanned. With teens still in school, it makes it very hard to support a family. Most teen mothers drop out of school to take care of their baby, because they have to stay home the first couple of months to nurture their child. During the months and years that follow, they will struggle to support their family. While some adolescent mothers keep their baby, some of the pregnancies may result in abortions. In the United States abortion is legal, however, each state has certain regulations on abortions, which may or may not allow it to happen. Birth control can be a solution to reducing teen pregnancies thus keeping young females in school and keeping them from getting an abortion. Yet a common problem that teen mothers face is being put on birth control. The reason why is because some teens struggle with talking to their parents about being sexually active. Therefore, a way to reduce teen pregnancies would be to make birth control more accessible to them without having to speak with their parents or a specialist. In Anna Quindlen’s paper “Sex Ed” she talks about the day when she went to visit a family planning clinic in one of New York City’s poorest areas. There she sat at a table with a couple of teenaged females who were pregnant. She listened to them talk about the reproductive system and about why they had engaged in sexual intercourse. From Quindlen’s understanding, they had sex to “fit in” at

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