
Persuasive Essay On Boy Scouts

Decent Essays

Do you sit on the couch doing nothing all day. If so then you should join boy scouts. It’s a fun extracurricular activity. You get to camp, help your community, and you will learn valuable skills that you can use. Now we take a look deeper into these subjects. Boy scouts is a lot of fun. Some people may say that it’s a lot of work. Although it might be a lot of work boy scouts is still fun even if it is work. You get to meet new friends and go camping. For boy scouts you will have some meetings you go to. In those meetings you can get requirements signed off so then you can get to the rank of eagle scout. Eagle scout is the highest rank in scouting it is a huge honor to be one. Most jobs will consider you higher than others. Another way that you have fun is the camping you do. Some troops camp once a month. In the summer your boy scout troop will camp for a week. When you are camping you get to earn merit badges. Merit badges help you to get eagle to. They teach you certain skills that other merit badges won’t teach you. In your free time at camp you can do what your heart desires that is approved by your scout master. After your camping trip your troop might do a service project for the community. …show more content…

Some people might say that the community doesn’t need work but really there is always something that can be done. You may replace signs in the state parks or plant grass for a church. The point is is that you’re doing work. When you are working you get service hours. Service hours help you for the ranks just below eagle which are life scout and star scout. You need 6 service hours which when you’re doing the service hours is not that much. You have fun getting the service hours while you are getting one step closer to eagle. Helping out the community is fun but what about the life

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