
Persuasive Essay On Breakfast And Learning

Decent Essays

Breakfast and Learning

We always hear our parents say, “Eat breakfast so you can do well in school today.” However is what they say is really true? My research topic is, “Does eating breakfast really help students do better in school?” I chose this topic because I am not really a breakfast person. However, every morning my parents force me to eat breakfast so “my brain can wake up”. A hypothesis is a tentative statement, or a testable prediction about what you expect to happen in a study. Knowing this, my educated guess is that breakfast does help students do well in school. No matter what I say about not liking breakfast I think it will help your body to wake up and will improve the student's performance at school.
The operational definitions (a statement of the procedures or ways in which a researcher is going to measure behaviors or qualities) for research project is how I am going to do the experiment. First, I will have two sets of students taking the same test over a topic they all learned over the week. Next, one set of students will have the same breakfast in the morning and the other set of students will not have breakfast in the morning. They will also have a set time when to go to bed and when to wake up, so sleep isn't an issue. On the day of the test, the students who are eating breakfast will all have the same type of breakfast, and the other set of students will have nothing. They will then go and take the same test, and based on results we will see

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