
Persuasive Essay On Breast Milk

Decent Essays

Breast milk is the most nutritional choice for your baby, but exclusively breastfeeding can make it hard to have time to yourself or pursue other activities away from your baby. If you need more flexibility or are ready to return to work, you can continue to provide breastmilk for your baby by pumping to provide a stock supply of expressed milk to be used when you cannot be physical present to feed her. While not all breastfeeding women are able to produce enough milk to build a stock supply, the majority of breastfeeding women are able to accomplish this. Don’t become overwhelmed by thinking that you have to have a tremendous supply of milk saved up in order to be successful at continuing to breastfeed your baby once you have returned to work. You don’t have to have a huge freezer full of milk, you only need to be able to at the minimum be able to stay a day’s worth of bottles ahead. Many women accomplish this by pumping another 2 – 3 ounces of milk each time they feed their baby (once she has had her fill, of course). Before beginning to express excess stock …show more content…

Because this method takes about 12 hours to thaw, a good practice is to put the amount that will be needed for the next day in the refrigerator to thaw the evening before. If you find yourself in a jam and need to thaw quicker, you can hold the container under running water to thaw, starting with cool water and gradually moving to warmer water. Never refreeze thawed milk, once it has been thawed it should be stored in the refrigerator and used within 24 hours. If your baby does not finish all the thawed milk in one feeding, it is safe to refrigerator the left overs for only a couple of hours before it should be discarded. Also be sure never to heat breast milk in the microwave or on the stove: use a bottle warmer or place the frozen milk in a cup or container of warm water to

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