It’s a late Friday afternoon, I’m upstairs laying in my bed doing absolutely nothing but playing on my video games. My mom says I need to exercise, but we have no equipment and I don’t feel like going outside alone and doing nothing but being bored. But if I had a special something to go outside with then I would get some exercise. I think I should get a dog. Taking the dog out for a walk would get me some exercise, I would play with it instead of being on my video games all day doing nothing, and it will give the whole family something to do together. I think it’s time I got a dog. The first reason why I should get a dog is, taking the dog out for a walk would get me some exercise. According to a 2010 study in the American Journal of Public Health, children with dogs spent more time doing moderate …show more content…
Caring for a dog also encourages a more active lifestyle. In fact, a recent study showed that kids with dogs exercise eleven minutes a day more than their non-dog owning friends or neighbors. That might not sound like a lot, but over a week or month, it really adds up. Many dogs require daily walks or runs and plenty of play time. Those adorable puppy eyes that they give off are sure to motivate anyone even when they’re not feeling up to it. An added unexpected benefit of having a dog is that it encourages you to exercise more! Taking your dog on walks and throwing the ball around makes for good exercise. Apart from the dog walking alone, dog owners were also found to achieve more better stages of exercising compared to those who own dogs and do not walk them. The Journal of Physical Activity and Health concluded that dog walkers generally walked about an hour longer than their non-dog walking owners! While
Having a high cost is another common issue for many pet owners. Since we already have something that the dogs can share like multiple leashes, toys, and bones, that would significantly decrease the price. I would ask for it in replace of a present for a birthday or Christmas, so that money can go towards the dog. Don’t get me wrong, it still would be a pretty big chunk of money.
To discover whether or not dog ownership leads to increased physical activity, the study will utilize the random sampling of one hundred individuals living in the
21 minutes is simply walking down the street in most neighborhoods. Just walk the dog for heaven’s sake so that you’re not walking around heaven too soon! 150 minutes a week is the gold standard and that’s not because of streets of gold in heaven. One study showed that people were more likely to stick with their workout regimen when exercising outdoors--another reason to walk your dog plus doing so will boost one’s focus, energy, and feelings of well-being. Throw some goal setting into the mix with 3 minutes of mindfulness breathing and the ability to live a productive and healthy life should be in reach of the majority of the world. Plush sofas, big screen TVs, and luxury cars may be the demise of the off-balance human
First, dogs that dont have the room to be able to run and play could. Dogs that live in Rental units dont have space for them to run and you have to keep them on leashes. Letting a dog run and get exercixe could keep them mental and physical healthy. When you let a dog run for a while they become very happy
The research question states ‘To what extent is owning a dog beneficial for a person’s physical and psychological health?’ The investigation is aimed to determine the extent of the benefits of owning a dog for a person’s physical and psychological health. The main focus will be on exercising, developing one’s responsibility and companionship. The findings from this research target on people those involved or interested in owning a dog, such as dog owners, animal lovers, children and the elderly. The investigation will address three key benefits of owning a dog in terms of maintaining one’s physical and psychological health, which include exercise, taking responsibility and companionship.
A dog that is not properly exercised is a dog that will get into trouble! When a dog is bored, he will create his own fun, and that is usually not a good thing. Take you dog on a walk each day. Grab a Frisbee or a ball and go play in the backyard for a half hour. If you have a working dog, create a job for him to do such as pulling the kids around the yard in a cart.
Bringing your dog to work is wonderful. It makes you feel so relax and who doesn't like to feel relaxed. Researchers have found that when pet owners bring their dog to work, they feel less stressed out and feel less anxiety. Feeling more relaxed at work provides a better work enviorment. And having a better work enviorment increases the amount of work being done. Also, having your dog at work makes you more productive than not having your pet at work. When you have your dog at work you feel more at
Dogs help people to stay active and healthy. All dogs need to go on walks every day to go to the bathroom and to get their energy out. Their owners must come on walks also to make sure they don’t run away. This means that dog owners are more active and healthy by walking every single day with their dog. Dogs are not just wanted for walking, but for many other important reasons.
Many men, women, families, and roommates have some kind of dog as a pet, but what else can dogs be rather than just a companion? Studies show that when owning a dog it reduces stress. Yes stress! Not only does owning a dog reduce stress but it can prevent heart disease and high blood pressure. It’s healthier for everyone to have a dog because having someone to be there for people gives comfort, prevents sadness or depression and loneliness. Even though dogs can just be pets, they can also have important jobs like guide dogs, search and rescue dogs, and war dogs.
Owning a pet does extradonry wonders to your health. One reason I believe this is that dogs can now detect diffrent types of cancer in human bodies.Dogs are able to figure out where the cancer is in less than three hours. Another reason why owning a pet boost your health is that they lower the chance for diseases such as heart disease and cardiovascular disease. They also lower chances of high blood pressure. Also people that suffer from a heart attack and own a dog are twice as likely to fully
Have you ever noticed that dog owners are happier and healthier than non dog owners?Dogs have been used for centuries and we still love them as our trusting companions. There are many reasons that dogs are called a “mans’ best friend”. Having a dog can have many benefits including lower risk of cardiovascular complications, they can improve your mood, and they can help with many physical and mental disabilities in the form of service dogs or mobility support dogs.
Dogs are a lot like little kids begging for your attention except they want you to play tug of war or throw a tennis ball. While some people may say dogs are too time consuming and need too much attention it is very easy to find a dog breed that is more laidback or to play with you energetic dog by throwing a ball from the couch. The great thing about dogs is there is a dog out there for everyone and there are ways to fulfill the playtime your dog need without ever having to get up yourself if you are too tired or just aren’t in the mood. In contrast, getting up and playing with a dog is not just fun for the dog it is also fun for the owner. Playing with your dog is not just fun, but can be good exercise. Running back and forth with a puppy or dog can be tiring but is also tons of fun. Additionally, having your excited dog by your side is much more motivating to keep running and playing than a treadmill constantly alerting you of how long it has been and how far you have left to go. All the fun times and enthusiasm a puppy or dog provides while playing is another reason dogs are great
Adding a dog to your family can be one of the most fun and rewarding things. Dogs are friendly, loyal, protective and pure entertainment. They are always good at putting a smile on your face and they can make even the worst days, better. In this paper, I will be discussing the best way, in my opinion to add a furry friend to your family, adopting. I will be discussing the pros and cons and the many benefits that go into adopting a dog. In general, adopting a dog is the best option to find your new friend, but there can be a lot that goes into it. Doing your research and being prepared are some of the most important parts of rescuing a dog.
Many pet owners perceive to say that having a pet is the best thing in the whole world. In the United States, about 63% of households have a furry friend to call their own. They come in many different colors and sizes that make them unique and fun to play with. However, owning a pet anywhere can be very controversial. Some people think that owning a pet can throw away most their money that they earn on a day to day basis. Even if that might be true, pets can also benefit people in many ways that is worth spending a little extra money. In my opinion, I think that everyone should have a pet of their own because they can improve health, can provide entertainment, and create a special friendship or companionship with its owner. (6)
The first reason you should play with your dog is it is fun. The reasons why it's fun is that it gets you energized and gets me up and going. The second reason is it keeps me not bored and lazy. It gets me away from my phone. The last reason why it is fun is its soothing it calms me down from a stressful day at school.