
Persuasive Essay On Childhood Obesity

Decent Essays

A growing problem in communities now days would have to be obesity in children. As the years go by, there seem to be more children that are becoming obese. Now a days, 1 in 5 school aged children are obese. It is not only their fault though, there are so many other factors that can cause the child’s obesity. We as people need to start changing so that we have less people who become obese, because when you are obese you are at risk for getting more health conditions that can have an impact on your life span. The cause for childhood obesity can be found on all five different levels. The five levels are: individual (ourselves), microsystem (peers and family), organizational (school), community (area in which they live) and macrosystem (national and media). But, with the cause, there are also solutions that can be solved on all five of these levels as well. Childhood obesity is a growing problem and I believe that it is very important that we do something to change that. As I said before, on each level there is always many problems that lead to childhood obesity. Let’s start with individual level. This level is within ourselves and the things that we do that impact children being obese. We play a big factor with this because the decisions we make impact ourselves. Some problems that may come up would be things like having a large family or growing up having busy parents or being depressed. The problem with having a large family is that when the family is bigger,

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