A growing problem in communities now days would have to be obesity in children. As the years go by, there seem to be more children that are becoming obese. Now a days, 1 in 5 school aged children are obese. It is not only their fault though, there are so many other factors that can cause the child’s obesity. We as people need to start changing so that we have less people who become obese, because when you are obese you are at risk for getting more health conditions that can have an impact on your life span. The cause for childhood obesity can be found on all five different levels. The five levels are: individual (ourselves), microsystem (peers and family), organizational (school), community (area in which they live) and macrosystem (national and media). But, with the cause, there are also solutions that can be solved on all five of these levels as well. Childhood obesity is a growing problem and I believe that it is very important that we do something to change that. As I said before, on each level there is always many problems that lead to childhood obesity. Let’s start with individual level. This level is within ourselves and the things that we do that impact children being obese. We play a big factor with this because the decisions we make impact ourselves. Some problems that may come up would be things like having a large family or growing up having busy parents or being depressed. The problem with having a large family is that when the family is bigger,
This book has proven to be an enlightening read. It both teaches and inspires. Howard Zinn has offered us a perspective of the real story of American history heretofore unavailable to us – history from the perspective of real people – immigrant laborers, American women, the working poor, factory workers, African and Native Americans.
Child obesity is a condition characterized by the child having too much fat in the body to an extent of his or her health being in danger. “Obesity is the result of a chronic caloric imbalance, with more calories being consumed than expended each day” (Pulgarón. Pg 18). Childhood obesity is considered one of the most widespread issues in the United States that need to be diminished. Children have to realize that what they eat actually affects their body. If children have the habit of eating sweets and fattening foods, the chances of them being diagnosed with type II diabetes increases significantly. If a child is obese, they have the risk of being diagnosed with many other illnesses and the cost of treating these illnesses are high unless the parent has any type of healthcare. “Obesity imposes substantial negative external costs on society.It raises the risk of heart disease, type II diabetes, and cancer, and the vast majority of the costs of treating these illnesses are paid for by health insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid” (Cawley. Pg 465). I am proposing a solution to stop the increase and also prevent childhood obesity. This proposal will consist of spreading awareness and knowledge to not only children, but also their parents about this prevailing problem, and how to prevent it. This proposal is mainly directed to elementary school children and their parents.
Childhood obesity affects 12.5 million children and teens and this has continued to increase over the years because the heaviest are getting even heavier (“CDC Grand Rounds: Childhood Obesity in the United States.”). Obesity is a growing disease in the United States and it is only getting worse. Data has presented in a new study that 8 year old are having problems with their hearts, as obesity has taken over America. Of 20 obese children, 40% had enlarged hearts, therefore letting us know that the organ is strained. Children now are setting themselves up for longterm heart failure and disease and more and more children will undergo this problem if they do not make a change. Type 2 diabetes is becoming more common, in the 1980’s, this was unheard
As years go by American weight struggle has been getting worse. People with diabetes today has more than double since 1994. While there are ways to help bring down obesity, most companies have not taken action. There are many factors to why obesity has only been increasing all these years.
Do you think that ad trying to sell you Coca Cola really works? No, right? Well maybe it does affect your decisions more than you know. The use of mass media in Nazi Germany significantly affected the opinions, decisions, and overall life of many people. It defined the enemy, kept morales high, and according to Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ could be used as a weapon. Propaganda was a powerful tool especially during Hitler’s reign.
Childhood Obesity is a growing epidemic within Australia. Studies have shown that children who are obese during their childhood are more likely to stay obese and are at an increased risk of developing both short and long-term health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes as they transition into adult hood, (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2009). Important key concepts can reduce the risk of childhood obesity such as educating individuals of the risks and the detrimental factors that childhood obesity can cause if left untreated. Health care professionals such as nurses, doctors and health practitioners all play an important role
Childhood obesity continues to increase substantially each generation, especially here in the United States. Today, children have become more lazy while eating unhealthy and in excess. This trend ultimately results in increased healthcare problems throughout their life. Childhood obesity has increased because children eat in excess, they are allowed to eat food which is unhealthy, they lack the exercise needed to maintain a healthy weight, and are permitted by family to become and remain obese.
Childhood obesity it is a huge problem. Over the past years, the number of obesity in children has increased. The number of obese children in the U.S. has increased over the past years. The number has obviously also grown due to the video games, computers, and televisions, which are considered to be needed now-a-days, and have begun to take over the importance of exercising. The lack of exercise can lead to obesity, which approaches lots of negative effects. Obesity continuously puts these children at a very high risk of developing many serious illnesses like high blood pressure, asthma, and many more. Even though there are many things that get in the way that can make obesity hard to slow down or stop children from being obese, there are
Children are our future, and therefore, everyone should protect the young community. Childhood obesity is an epidemic that should be prevented. Children have the right to live a long, healthy life. However, the rise of obesity is affecting the young community. Childhood obesity attains negative repercussions. Yes, doctors have found many ways to combat obesity. As a matter of fact, they emphasize how important one’s health is. It is crucial to acknowledge that obesity alters a child’s health. Obesity has the power to affect a child mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Depression is the fourth leading cause of disease burden worldwide and is expected to show a rising trend over the next 20 years. Depression is associated with a marked personal, social and economic morbidity, loss of functioning and productivity, and creates significant demands on service providers in terms of workload. Although pharmacological and psychological interventions are both effective for major depression, antidepressant drugs remain the mainstay of treatment. During the last 20 years, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have progressively become the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. Sertraline, one of the first SSRIs introduced in the market, is a potent and specific inhibitor of serotonin uptake into the presynaptic
Childhood obesity has been a common issue in our current times. Many children and adults suffer from obesity and have serious health issues that come along with the disorder. Childhood obesity has been such an issue for so long that even the first lady Michelle Obama has changed the school lunch programs to try and feed our kids healthier foods. This has been an ongoing issue for decades it seems. There are many things that contribute to childhood obesity and there are many issues that can arise from it and cause even more problems. From the current technology to the fast food restaurants, it all seems to be a problem with this issue.
What is childhood obesity you ask … Well childhood obesity is a “Serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents it occurs when a child is overweight than usual “(Barlow SE, Nd.). Helping kids with childhood obesity will help everyone in particular . Childhood obesity is very common condition on kids . We should help kids at young age with this problem . This will decrease the amount of people with health issues like diabetes,high cholesterol, and high blood pressure that could lead to death . It will also save you money for doctors , medicine for them , etc.
First and foremost, the most common causes of childhood obesity are genetic factors, overeating, and not exercising enough. Although obesity may run in a family, it does not determine whether a child will be obese or not (“Obesity in Children”). If a child who comes from a family of obesity, happens to become overweight like them, the likely cause is due to bad eating and activity habits. Many children today spend more time inside the house eating and watching television, rather than being active outdoors (“Obesity in Children”). This is due to the recent popularity of having electronics such as television, games, and phones serve as entertainment. Another reason for the excessive eating is because parents are often too busy to cook healthy foods on a regular basis, leaving children to rely on fast food or
Childhood obesity is now a serious problem for many children and adolescents in the world. The increase of childhood obesity is on a rise and is causing obesity related diseases in children to adult life. Obesity has a physical and mental health issue impact by a person's weight. Preventing children to become overweight has a lot to do with their family, either by modeling healthy lifestyle choices which affects the childs view on food.
I think the reason we have a big obesity problem is because too many people are eating unhealthy food, not exercising, and not being active. All they do is sit inside, eat junk and watch TV and movies all day. People are also eating at non healthy fast food places instead of eating good healthy meals.