
Persuasive Essay On Cloning Humans

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Most people have the intuitive sense that there is something immoral and wrong about the cloning of humans. I believe that it is an inhumane violation of the natural order of nature to clone humans, and our society will not benefit if research on this topic is continued. Scientists should be focusing their research on more important issues, like curing cancer or mass purifying water in third world countries. By cloning human beings, we would be viewing children, and people in general, as objects that can be designed and manufactured to perform specific tasks, which would essentially lead to creating slaves and/or weapons. I am going to prove to you that cloning humans would violate the natural order of nature, and further research …show more content…

No argument could ever justify cloning humans and having them risk these health hazards. People argue that reproductive cloning can provide genetically related children for people who are infertile/ cannot have kids. This would give them a chance to have children of their own. However, the number of people who cannot have kids is very small, and there are other ways of having a child of your own without the dangers of human cloning. They can have surrogate mothers produce a child for them, and even though it will not have their exact DNA, the child will still be yours. If this small group of people had access to the information, it would be impossible to keep it from spreading. There is pain for everyone involved, especially the subjects used for these experiments.

Another reason why I feel cloning humans should be illegal is because it is very unsafe to attempt cloning a human without risking physical safety of the clones and the women who bear them. Trying to clone humans is not worth risking the safety of these women and the clones themselves. The clone's surrogate mother faces potentially fatal risks from carrying clones that are usually abnormally large at birth. More than 95 percent of cloning attempts fail, and the ones that do not fail, as well as surrogate mothers who carry the clones, suffer painful diseases and deformities to produce each ‘successful’ clone. In recent studies with animals, the surrogate mother is

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