College can be a roller coaster of fun, in which can be experienced through the paychecks of Americans. College is where some would go to take advantage of their ability to increase their knowledge. Participating in this action results in a higher chance of having a brighter future and some say leading to possibly a healthier life. College is a community of its own, with some including dorms and stores on campus. College around the country are not cheap however. On average, four years of college for in state students is nine thousand, four hundred and ten dollars, and for out-of-state students, the price jumps drastically up to twenty three thousand, eight hundred and ninety dollars. Attending a college that is not public for four years, the cost per year would be thirty two thousand, four hundred and ten dollars. With that being said, that is not incorporating the cost for books and other supplies. While attending college, the thought must be kept in mind that there are indeed pro’s and con’s. Debt, is obviously a con, but attending college can open a realm of vast opportunities in a job field. College can help pave the way to an extremely successful life, but is it really worth it? Debt. College debt is a real thing, in which many of college graduates face. Four point two million Americans were faced with one point three trillion dollars in student debt. There are people who clearly stated that college was not worth it. These same people were drowning in student loans.
In 1931 the phrase "American Dream" swept the world and continues to bring hope to many Americans today. James Truslow Adams book, The Epic of America, defines the term as a “dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.” This phrase continues to aspire hope Americans of a better life with endless possibilities. As time moves past the 1930s the pure reality of achieving the American Dream dwindles. Harsh realities quickly set in; people just are not making enough money to support themselves. Everyday costs such as health insurance, mortgages, transportation, and costs of pursing higher education depletes any chances of upward mobility on the social ladder. America creates establishes college to be a necessity by increasing tuition prices; this drastically affects the everyday American’s ability to afford it. The rising costs of achieving higher public education in the United Stated schooling system reflects the increasing enrollment rates correlating with the increasing amount of student loans creating a higher dropout rate than in previous generations.
After reading all articles I feel that most information needed to shape an educated opinion was entailed. However, reading more scholarly articles on the issue could help to amount more information to have a very informative educated opinion about the value of college with costs associated. While all sources seemed knowledgeable, these sources differed in depth about information given relating to the college experience and the overall cost with respect to the value of attending college. Two of the articles were easy to locate in the Stewart Library database, while the article, “Is College Worth It?” , was much more difficult to locate.
Student loans is a program that was started by the Federal Government of the United States in 1958. The program was introduced as part of a higher learning aid to help finance the education of needy students in higher institutions of learning. Since its invention, it has been adopted by many other states and countries all over the world. The governments law took into place the right guidelines and rules meant to ensure that every student benefitted from the program. Therefore, the students were and are required to repay these loans after done with school.
Student loan debt is becoming more and more of a problem as time goes by. Evidentially, it is only its interest fee that student loan debt is becoming known for. According to Student Loan Hero, “Student loan debt is mostly for four-year or graduate degrees (“Student Loan Debt”). Student loan debt does have effects to people’s lives, but only because they allow it to build up from not paying it. Student loan debt is not something people has to live with, but it is what they choose to live with it can be taken away nothing is permanent. Most people do not understand what Student Loan Debt really is, and the confusion it brings in people’s lives need to be distinct; this problem can simply be done by colleges protecting students from going into debt, and loan company’s should allow them eight years after graduation before putting them into debt.
College can be looked at as a life investment. It is an investment for the future of your life in hopes that it will pay off later in life. College is expensive, but can be affordable for all of those who try. In 2008, Students who applied to attend a four-year college received an estimated average of $5,400 in financial aid and state grants (“Trends in College Pricing”). With this estimated $5,400, this can reduce any students’ price of college to around $1,000 to $3,000 per year! This is an
In America today, the student loan debt crisis has reached an astonishing 1.2 trillion dollars in debt, making it the second largest source of debt in the United States, according to This is due to the cut to funding colleges, which used to be 7,000 dollars for each student and after 15 years is now 4,000 dollars for each student. There are solutions that could unquestionably lower student loan debt: colleges could stop competing to have more useless luxuries, take a certain percent out of the students income until it is paid off, and more of students’ parents could take the loan and not their child. While there is no perfect solution to make this problem go away (that we know of), there are ways we can lower the astounding amount of student debt in America today, even if it is just a small piece of it.
When you make any charges on a line of credit you will be subjected to interest rates that can increase your debts steadily over time. This debt can creep up on you without knowing too.
An article by HO, J.D says, “the National Center for education statistics reports an average tuition of 25,409 for the 2014-15 academic year at four-year colleges and universities.” It’s amazing how costly is to get an education. Where many questions, Should the amount of wealth you make determine whether you attend college or not.? Many students going college are in college debt College expenses are getting higher, every individual that is thinking of going college goes through the financial struggle. As many think of a question of how much income they need to pay college tuition.? In regrade to making their college life, usually, student tend to go school and work. although, going school and working becomes the habit but the student will have a dangerous effect on their study. They would have less time to study and take a rest. Education has given many an opportunity to change the world and taught people to saves other people lives. Now our world has doctors, pilots, engineers, scientist and much more that people are not seeing. The life cycle of humans is amazing where we lose another and get even smarter and betters. In this cycle, many have not have gotten an opportunity to show the talent because of college tuitions rising every year. There have been different college grants and some help on college fee if you are under poverty level. Education should not be compared with the price, we can buy a nice dress with a good price but we cannot buy an education at a price
College students graduate with an average student loan debt of approximately $37000. Of course, that's not the whole story. Millions of college graduates have student loan debts ranging from $50,000 to over $200,000.
College is supposed to be the memory of a lifetime not just an experience. College is about getting out and meeting new people from all over the world, learning how to live and do things on your own without having your parents telling you to do your homework or study for a test, but most of all college is for you to go and make your dream come true by getting a degree and making something out of your life. College may be expensive, but if you believe in your goal, then the cost shouldn’t matter.
The words “free college tuition” spark interest in any college student with accumulating debt. In fact, this topic is so incredibly supported that Bernie Sanders implemented it as a core interest in his 2016 campaign. Once Hillary Clinton became the Democratic nominee, she decided to take it on herself with an extensive plan that guaranteed students free tuition. Unsurprisingly, free tuition resonates extremely well within the student demographic. To forty million Americans, free tuition eliminates the largest problem for students: debt (Hess, 2017). However, free college tuition generates the inverse of what these low-income and middle-income students believe. In fact, free college cripples them from multiple perspectives; students will end up spending more financially, will be less likely to graduate with a degree, and will be subjected to more inequality and less exposure.
College tuition is a subject that I am certain is on every college student's mind. The current cost of college has become so outrageously high and so students are graduating college with what you think is a feeling of excitement for their lives starting, when in reality they are entering a pool of stress due to high amounts of debt and no job guarantees. With that being said overly expensive College Tuition is merely taking away opportunities from potential students. According to, you will see that 20 years ago the average college tuition for a student at any University was around $6,285 for the room, board, and tuition. Today, according to, the average tuition for almost any college is over $30,000 for those same things. Today, this isn't even offered for those same colleges, we don’t even know what is actually causing the raising tuition. At this point in time, we are paying for the name. Just like clothing, we pay more for the “high end” (a.k.a the college name) items. This is an issue that not only affects college students, but people who want a good education. College tuition should be lowered because the average student debt is too high, FAFSA results can be misleading and not high enough, and there is not enough access to college for deserving students.
“We are moving in exactly the wrong direction in higher education. Forty years ago, tuition in some of the great American public universities and colleges was virtually free. Today, the cost is unaffordable for many working class families (Senator Sanders).” College tuition is way too high and it is making it harder for parents to send their children to college. As a senior in high school with two older siblings who both graduated from 4 year colleges, I know about how hard it is to pay for college tuition. I have personally witnessed my parents struggle and get frustrated at times when paying for my sibling’s college tuition; I can specifically recall my father complaining that his college tuition wasn’t even close to being as expensive as my sibling’s tuition was. My dad was completely right; tuition at a private university is now roughly three times as expensive as it was in 1974, costing an average of $31,000. The price of college tuition needs to decrease before our future generation becomes corrupt.
Almost 70% of college graduates graduate with student loans. With discipline and determination you can be part of the 30% that does not. You can avoid student loans by simply saying “no” to spending and instead saving for a college fund. If you work for scholarships
In 2014 a study showed that the chance of completing a 4 year college in 6 years was only 57% likely for students to do. We all know that college is the highest level of education in our country and is necessary for getting degrees so you can get a good job to support you and your family, so why haven't we done anything? Europe has moved on. You can go to college in Europe and not pay for the tuition. No loans! So, I'm asking you why doesn't America follow Europe's lead? Colleges should be publicly funded because they cost so much that people aren't going to college, and yet, it is better for society to have well educated citizens so we can make smart decisions and advance in society.