
Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying

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Take a Stand Against Cyber-bullying
Imagine someone you love and care about is being bullied and no one took a stand in defending or uplifting them. This horrific form of bullying takes place all around the nation through the use of cellphones, computers, and social media, that generates fear and doubt among individuals that do not have the confidence to speak up for themselves. School officials should take a stand for kids who are victims of cyber-bullying and for those who are too frightened to stand up for themselves because school officials can impact a student’s life, improve student’s behavior, and strengthen the community.
There are many ways that school officials can benefit or assist in a student’s life who are dealing with …show more content…

By taking a stand for kids who are being cyber-bullied, school officials can improve a student’s behavior. As stated in the paragraph above, kids all around the world commonly say mean or hurtful things all the time because of the way they are raised at home or the people they surround themselves with. As a survey that Cushing was evaluating, his studies said that by the results of the way kids answered, it showed how students began to post less objectionable content on social media. By shaping students to improve their behavior in the classroom, at home, and around the community, it can allow students to inspire other students to follow. (page 2 of 6).
Although school officials aim for students to have the right attitude when walking in their class and representing their family name by the way they act in the hallways, making an effort to uplift a student who is being cyber-bullied may decrease their activity in the classroom and interact less with their friends and family. Since school officials do not always know what is going on in every students life, by trying to communicate with students who are being bullied, may discourage them because of what they are going through. Some may say that you must not go through bullying alone, however, not knowing the situation that a student

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