Take a Stand Against Cyber-bullying
Imagine someone you love and care about is being bullied and no one took a stand in defending or uplifting them. This horrific form of bullying takes place all around the nation through the use of cellphones, computers, and social media, that generates fear and doubt among individuals that do not have the confidence to speak up for themselves. School officials should take a stand for kids who are victims of cyber-bullying and for those who are too frightened to stand up for themselves because school officials can impact a student’s life, improve student’s behavior, and strengthen the community.
There are many ways that school officials can benefit or assist in a student’s life who are dealing with
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By taking a stand for kids who are being cyber-bullied, school officials can improve a student’s behavior. As stated in the paragraph above, kids all around the world commonly say mean or hurtful things all the time because of the way they are raised at home or the people they surround themselves with. As a survey that Cushing was evaluating, his studies said that by the results of the way kids answered, it showed how students began to post less objectionable content on social media. By shaping students to improve their behavior in the classroom, at home, and around the community, it can allow students to inspire other students to follow. (page 2 of 6).
Although school officials aim for students to have the right attitude when walking in their class and representing their family name by the way they act in the hallways, making an effort to uplift a student who is being cyber-bullied may decrease their activity in the classroom and interact less with their friends and family. Since school officials do not always know what is going on in every students life, by trying to communicate with students who are being bullied, may discourage them because of what they are going through. Some may say that you must not go through bullying alone, however, not knowing the situation that a student
Part I focuses on the “recent emergence of cyber-bullying and its devastating effects on minors” (220), Part II discusses “why current laws fail to protect victims” (220), and Part III discusses “how to criminalize the act of cyberbullying” (220). I found this article in particular to be very useful because it poses a detailed examination of the types of laws in place regarding bullying and why they need to be updated. It also specifically talks about the failure of schools and courts to effectively punish cyberbullying as a crime because of First Amendment issues, “Schools face the challenge of balancing the rights of students, while judges face the challenge of balancing the First Amendment right to free speech” (237). Lastly, this article lists many case examples of students who have fallen martyrs to cyberbullying or experienced the serious short-term or long-term effects that
This problem has become more pressing and has been a greater focus in the media. Social media has also brought the issue to the forefront in the last several years and, itself, plays a role in today’s age of bullying, cyber bullying. The Matt Epling Safe School Law (2011/2014) was amended in 2014 to add a section specifically directed at cyberbullying. The legislation identifies bullying as anything that is composed, spoken, acted out, or conveyed electronically. These acts are said to disrupt educational opportunity, impart emotional disturbances, influence physical and mental health, and/or impact the daily functioning of the educational institution (Matt Epling Safe School Law, 2011/2014). These definitions demonstrate the severity of the social problem,
A young boy was once sitting on his computer when he saw an email from one of his peers. He opened the email, and soon enough realized he was being bullied. However, the young boy let the cyber-bullying get out of control. His parents told the school about it, but there was nothing they could do. The boy had to go to a new school where he wouldn’t be bullied. There are many problems like this that get out of hand, so much that the school can do nothing to help. Many people blame the school for not helping, when there is nothing they can do about it. Therefore, schools do not have the responsibility to respond to and protect students from the challenge of cyber-bullying, even if it’s off campus.
Bullying is a real problem in today’s world and it needs to be stopped. Even though bullying appears many times in the Glass Castle, unfortunately it happens in social media, home, sports teams, and the list goes on and on. Cyber bullying is a real issue in today’s world. According
Many schools have pushed forward alongside their students digitally, in order to hold their attention, but they don’t have a way to effectively monitor students’ online activity. Many students’ bad digital habits transfer over into the education environment. This often resonates in the form falling victim to digital temptations instead of studying or paying attention in class. This makes it necessary for schools to try to compete with the internet. On top of this, due the anonymity of the internet, many children and teens move their bullying off campus and onto the web. Kids can victimize, make fun of, and even send death threats to another student all without their identity being revealed. This not only lowers the security and self-esteem of a good portion of young adults, but also lowers the feeling of responsibility in the bullies. With technology only becoming more and more prevalent, society’s digital responsibility needs to
School staff and supervisors organize solutions to prohibit bullying on and outside of campus. In the article, “Should Schools Punish Cyberbullies?” Kaitiln Menza states,“They should teach students why it’s wrong, how it hurts people, and what they can do to stop it.”(Menza). If teachers show students how to prevent bullying then it can have a positive impact inside and outside of school environments. Teachers and administrators can also teach the negative and lasting impacts of bullying it can help prevent this situation. To address this, the author states, “If we empower administrators to take cyber bullying more seriously, students will as well!”(Menza). This would suggest that if staff takes more control over bullying then it will become an important lesson to take bullying as a serious matter. It is clear, therefore that students will follow in their peers’ footsteps, so it is best to teach students that bullying is not the right thing to
By raising awareness, everyone together can diminish the effects of cyberbullying and stop it completely. Although school officials, teachers, parents, and friends are not informed about the behaviors of someone dealing with bullying, they can easily find a way to learn. People around the world have websites, social media accounts, quizzes and seminars which all help people distinguish a cry for help from a moody day. However it can be hard to deceive. As other ways to raise awareness, famous people have been going to schools etc. to talk about what they can do to help. “The first lady Melania Trump, visited a middle school to help combat cyberbullying”(Melania 1). And by raising awareness all people can inform bystanders, parents, and the bullies on what they can do to stop this fundamental problem and help diminish the terrible actions of
Bullying is on the rise across the nation. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, 30 percent of students of students were bullied during the 2010-2011 school year. Whether verbal or physical, bullying has a negative effect on the victims. Students who are bullied often experience depression, loneliness, anxiety, and isolation. The common types of bullying in a school setting are physical and verbal. With the rise in the use of social media, cyberbullying has become a big problem among children. Children who bully others are often bullied at home by a parental figure. This is why it is very important to incorporate moral instruction into the curriculum, teaching students about respect and caring for others, instead of bullying them. Schools have started to take extra precautions to eliminate bullying by implementing prevention programs. As educators, it is our responsibilities to prevent bullying from happening in our schools and protect our students. It is important that we model moral and ethical behavior for students to follow. It’s also important that we take precautions and investigate all forms of bullying, instead of only taking action when we witness physical aggression.
Bullying has changed and become a more frequent trend over the years. Adolescents get bullied through social media and in person. In some cases there are not many people who speak out and help the person being bullied. While there might be some peers who hesitate to speak up, “[i]f no one speaks out against the bully, the bystanders interpret the lack of response as an acceptance of the behavior” (Finkelstein). When no one stands up for the victim, silence is an encouragement for the bullying to continue. Students don’t realize how speaking up for someone can make a great difference, even if it’s only one person. While children are mostly aware of what bullying is, they don’t completely understand it “[b]ullying can take many forms, including
The cost of college tuition is at an all time high, unequal access to education, and though the high school graduation rate for the nation is 80% more than have to young adults are not prepared for the next chapter. Still, one complication has been making headlines throughout nation, the flurry of school shootings and bullying related issues that have resulted in suicide or deaths of student peers and teachers. Multiple of these tragic and sorrowful issues stem from online torment and bullying, but are still overlooked.. A controversial issue such as cyberbullying stirs a collective of questions. For instance, Should the Federal or State government provide a solution? What are some measures to combat cyberbullying? Why is bullying such a complex issue to address? These are are just some inquiries that have perplexed many. In order to ensure a prosperous and progressive education environment for students and staff, the public needs to be educated on the severity and definition of cyberbullying, doing so will shed light on the issue and lead to the development of
Also administrators can stop it before it gets too bad. Administrators can also warn parents about all the social media problems today. They can also make good friends with the local police department so that the police can also help take care of the bullies. The police can also talk to the parents and to the students about all of the ways of bullying and ways to prevent it. The schools need to make sure if there is cyber bullying going on within their district it needs to stop. It’s not healthy for the victim because it stresses out him or her way too much to be able to be happy. Also today, there is so many ways to access the internet for people to bully. In the old days, there was no technology and no such thing as cyber bullying. I wish we could go back where there was no technology. Even the parents can have a talk with their kid or kids about good ways and bad ways to use the internet. The child needs to learn how to do behave when online when they are young so they don't get into bad
Bullying happens everywhere not just at school but work and home, but bullying affects everyone. TV, magazines and society show many misleading advertisements that show kids how they should act, dress, and feel at times. If the parents and teachers would educate the young youth today, kids would not try to act differently or act the way their friends act. Instead they would make better decisions. We should have an after school activity to stop peer bullying in schools. Students should speak out and not be a bystander students should speak out and stop the bullying around schools. Having after school programs could help students learn to not be a bystander, it could educate a student to avoid being bullied. We should all speak out and stop the peer pressure and bullying around all schools. “As more schools and communities accept anti-bullying policies, bullying becomes a problem where law enforcement will increasingly be called upon to intervene,” adds Jodee Blanco, bullying survivor turned activist who speaks in schools nationwide through her day-long program "It's NOT Just Joking Around!" "If it's a zero-tolerance school, principals will call law enforcement, who may be very ill-equipped to deal with it," she says, noting these cases must be investigated and handled differently.
One reason schools should start limiting students online speech is because, it’s becoming a widespread issue. Between the average number of girls and boys, girls more likely happen to be victims of cyberbullying by 25.1% versus the boys whose percentage stands at 16.6. Even though there happens to be more victims who are girls than boys, according to Document A, girls are also more likely to have cyberbullied someone. The percentage of that happens to be 21.3. The fact that 7.5% of Students have reported being cyberbullied in the past 30 days is a major problem as well. What people don’t know is that something like this, has an affect on self-esteem and academic performance. A perpetrator is someone who is responsible for an offense or crime. Based off the information in Document B, most common
Have you ever been bullied or have you seen someone be bullied? Bullying usually takes place at school or somewhere where nobody is at. Usually if someone sees that someone is being bullied they will go and try to help the victim. They would probably try to get help by telling a teacher. Bullying is against the law. People can actually get hurt from getting bullied. Someone, could actually go to a juvenile prison or you could go to jail. Bullying can be very dangerous and depressing. If you break the bullying law, that is like committing a crime. A lot of teens have killed themselves because they were getting bullied. Cyber bullying can be dangerous. It can cause teens to be depressed and have some low self-esteem. Some kids may be affected by bullying that they might take medicine. In this article you may learn what cyber bullying is, how to solve cyber bullying, and how it can affect kids.
When things happen children usually do not come to an adult because of fear, but now it's time to stand up for them. Cyberbullying is one of the many forms that people use to commit serious crimes, that get looked past. Cyberbullying is not okay, neither is any way used to hurt someone no matter the circumstances. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, usually by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Social Media was created to show the world how many other are living their life, through positivity. Sometimes,you can’t just “log off” when cyber bullying is happening. When you cyberbully there will be consequences such as going to jail or getting a fine, sometimes both.