Nowadays the internet is a big part of our lives today, it has the consumed the entire world. Technology has advanced rapidly and it is the reason why our world is the very strong and stable world it is today. Specifically in our generation, it gives people a voice they never had. They can go online and be whoever they want and say whatever they want to say. Some schools feel that students have a little too much freedom online. They feel that this freedom should be limited. They feel it can cause problems for the school and other students. I feel that students should not be limited to what they have to say online because it does not affect most students and teachers, it’s not very disruptive, and free speech is a sacred right. Though …show more content…
The subjects that they talk about, you can’t control. So just because they were talking about her page it was a problem. If they were talking about something else, would it have been a problem? The post she made was about her principal, she was making fun of him. She made this post at home, on a weekend, not in school. The post also did not included the principal's name or school (Document D). The case was taken to court but the school did not win the case. Her page was ruled not disruptive to school, the district violated the girls First Amendment free speech right by suspending her for creating her profile (Document D). So I feel that students speech should not be limited because it doesn’t really affect school that much. As long as they post things on their own time, it should not affect the school. Speech is a sacred right that everyone has, once you take that right away, you take freedom away. Limiting speech is like limiting how we feel. Everyone has opinions, some may be wrong and some may be right but at the end of the day, everyone has the right to express how they feel. Bullying has been a problem way long before the internet. In fact, it may have been worse back then. People bullied others by mail, telephone, and even face to face (Document D). The internet was only invited in about the last 20 years. So cyberbullying has just now became a thing. The has been very little research that proposes
Schools all over are punishing kids for online comments. So how do you make a fair policy about online speech. Students usually have the freedom to express themself online at home. Though under the Tinker law school have the authority to punish students if their comments or post can responsibly predict that the speech will create strong disruption in school or is hurting the rights of others.
Imagine being bashed on my over a dozen kids online saying rude hurtful comments, would you not want someone to help solve this problem? In my DBQ there is seven different documents with seven different examples. After reading and doing extra research on the documents I think schools should be allowed to limit students’ online speech. I believe that the schools are trying to make this a safer place for students.
This document supports limiting online student speech because the court ruled that even though it happened out of school, the school’s reason was strong enough to justify their actions toward K.K.
By limiting online speech, schools will be able to create an amiable atmosphere and keep students focused on school work. Confining speech will also legally protect students' and teachers civil rights to prevent violation of the Fourth Amendment. Lastly, schools should restrict online speech to avert emotional agony in teachers and students and even prevent causalities such as suicides caused by cyberbullying. With increasing technology, it's crucial to develop school policies limiting online speech to keep students focused on their future without the anxiety and fear of being
In school, there is bullying and cyberbullying happening all the time. The problem with bullying and cyberbullying are that it can make schools a bad learning environment for the students and the teachers. I believe that many schools should limit online speech, for the sake of learning purposes. Three main reasons that schools should limit free online speech are that many people get hurt by cyberbullying, it disrupts school activities, and bullying can make a good environment a bad learning environment.
I believe that schools should limit students online free speech because many students are seriously affected by cyberbullying. And students are not the only victim 15.1% of teachers admit that they have been a victim of cyberbullying. Online bullying has seriously affected both students and teachers too by reducing their self esteem, making them stressed out, and even affecting their home lives. If schools were to limit the
Should schools be allowed to limit students online speech? My answer, yes because there are many reasons to limit their speech by, bullying and cyberbullying. I have one report on “ Survey of British School Teachers,” it was a survey of percentages of job workers, school teachers, are scared and stressed to go back to work because they get cyber bullied by others. Students need to limit their speech because the victims can start hurting themselves because bullies have no other things to do. These were my reason for why schools should limit students online speech.
On the issue of whether or not schools should be allowed to limit students’ online speech, I firmly believe that they shouldn’t. Doing so directly infringes upon the student’s first amendment rights to the freedom of speech, and for what? Numerous surveys have shown that cyberbullying isn’t a huge problem. Further, one document affirms the conclusion that cyberbullying is just another phase in the long-running evolution of bullying. With this essay, I aim to convince you that schools should not limit their students’ online speech, using my vast knowledge as well as cold hard facts.
Has freedom of speech changed since then? Some schools nowadays punish kids for online social media comments. (WHEELER) For example, if a student posts something on Facebook, and another kid comments on that status with a rude remark, the kid who posted it could take that to the principal’s office and the kid who commented on it could get in trouble. Some could say it was cyber-bullying, some could say it was just a witty/rude remark, not meant to be taken seriously. Is this a violation of free speech/expression? Another reason school authority figures have a lot of power over whether or not a student gets in trouble for what they say, posts, or wears, is that the school can discipline a student just because they personally or morally did not like the comment/post. Most of the time, the kids that get in trouble for something they post are in their own home, on their own laptop, during their free time outside of school. So why does the school have so much power over these situations the majority of the time? “The digital age, with its wonderful capacity to democratize speech, is so important to students’ rights, but also carries new and interesting threats to students’ rights,” Tinker says. “If we don’t encourage young people to use their
Freedom of speech is one of our rights listed in the first amendment, but there should be a limit on what we can and cannot say. Because of the internet, there's a better chance of people getting bullied. People can hide behind a computer screen and say what the want to others without the person knowing who they are. Schools should care about this because this can put students in harm's way. I feel that school should be able to put a limit on students online speech. Three main reasons why there should be a limit on students online speech is boys and girls get bullied everyday over the internet, it causes disturbances in school, and it puts more stress of the schools because they have to deal with it according to law.
Finally, the last reason why schools shouldn’t limit students’ online speech is the Letter of The U.S. Education Department explains what they consider harassment. In document G it states that “harassment is based on race, color, national origin, sex, or disability”. To me this means that if I state my opinion on anything as long as I’m not saying anything that violates that rule. Such as how they dress or even an opinion about your teacher, the school can't do anything about it. If we aren't violating any rules we should not be punished.
That makes no sense cause clearly we all have freedom of speech as a free country in the United State. No, schools should not limit students online speech because freedom of speech is a sacred rights. Students problem w/ cyberbullying have been exaggerated. Restricting students’ speech is an overreaction and violation of the Constitution(DocF).
Cyberbullying is defined as, ¨...bullying that takes place using electronic technology¨ by Recently, schools have been taking actions to punish students for what they do or say online. There have been many debates and trails to figure out whether or not schools should have the power to limit and punish students’ speech online. The Supreme Court ruled that if online speech is disruptive, schools can punish students. School districts should not have the power to limit online speech because online speech does not affect most students and teachers, is not very disruptive, and free speech is a precious right.
The purposes of schools include protecting and educating its students. Therefore, naturally, when a student is cyberbullying someone else, the school seeks to intervene. However, many argue that a school’s intervention of its students’ online speech is in violation of their First Amendment rights. Should schools be allowed to limit students’ online speech? That is, should schools be allowed to punish the things its students post online, even if they are done outside of school, and from their personal devices? The answer is clearly yes. From the concept, to the precedence, to the data, to a letter from the US Department of Education, evidences everywhere supports limiting students’
Student's rights about free speech and expression shouldn't be limited outside of school.It also shouldn't be limited on social media either just because that's whats on their mind.It should only limit when your're inside of school just so it can keep the peaceful environment.From the center of Public Education "student's should be required to be in a peaceful environment so it can thrive" so if we limit the freedom of speech during school is taking place then the peaceful environment should stay.This should also limit negative clothing or expressions during school but when they're outside of school these actions can take place.