
Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying

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Nowadays the internet is a big part of our lives today, it has the consumed the entire world. Technology has advanced rapidly and it is the reason why our world is the very strong and stable world it is today. Specifically in our generation, it gives people a voice they never had. They can go online and be whoever they want and say whatever they want to say. Some schools feel that students have a little too much freedom online. They feel that this freedom should be limited. They feel it can cause problems for the school and other students. I feel that students should not be limited to what they have to say online because it does not affect most students and teachers, it’s not very disruptive, and free speech is a sacred right. Though …show more content…

The subjects that they talk about, you can’t control. So just because they were talking about her page it was a problem. If they were talking about something else, would it have been a problem? The post she made was about her principal, she was making fun of him. She made this post at home, on a weekend, not in school. The post also did not included the principal's name or school (Document D). The case was taken to court but the school did not win the case. Her page was ruled not disruptive to school, the district violated the girls First Amendment free speech right by suspending her for creating her profile (Document D). So I feel that students speech should not be limited because it doesn’t really affect school that much. As long as they post things on their own time, it should not affect the school. Speech is a sacred right that everyone has, once you take that right away, you take freedom away. Limiting speech is like limiting how we feel. Everyone has opinions, some may be wrong and some may be right but at the end of the day, everyone has the right to express how they feel. Bullying has been a problem way long before the internet. In fact, it may have been worse back then. People bullied others by mail, telephone, and even face to face (Document D). The internet was only invited in about the last 20 years. So cyberbullying has just now became a thing. The has been very little research that proposes

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