
Persuasive Essay On Digital Divide

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Computers have shown to be one of the most used inventions of all time. They do basically anything a person tells them to, and they have been included in the every-day life of people all around the world. As we embark the twenty-first century, computers have taken over the economic, political, and social aspects of the world, making access to this modern technology a necessity. Although technology is used as a part of many Americans’ every-day life, many people fail to acknowledge the fact that over 2 billion people do not have any access to modern technology, causing a division in our society. The term “digital divide” was coined to define this growing gap between the people who do not have access to modern technology (more specifically the poor, rural, elderly, and handicapped) and the people who do (wealthy, middle class, and those living in urban/suburban areas). In urban areas especially, a common assumption made is that everyone has access to this modern technology. People see technology all around them and assume it is integrated into everyone’s life. Because of the simplicity technology offers, it has become the engine behind economics, politics, and communication. In rural areas, most people know the potential of modern technology, but don’t have the resources to achieve it. “It has been observed that households earning incomes over $75,000 are 20 times more likely to have home internet access than those at lowest income levels and 10 times more likely to have a

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