
Persuasive Essay On Drug Abuse

Decent Essays

You are sleeping, peacefully in your bed on a cold winter night. You wake up, groggy, and glance at your clock, it reads 1:43 a.m. Six more hours, you think to yourself, as you fall back into your deep sleep. But in 17 minutes, your life will change. Due to an increase in the availability of drugs, the number of millennials using and abusing drugs has increased substantially over the last decade. In turn, this is costing the United States billions of dollars, but that has not stopped anyone. The diversely of drugs is growing, with certain drugs becoming more and more popular by year. We know the causes of abuse, and we know that rehabilitation combats the abuse. But do you fully understand drug abuse, the deep blackness that takes over millions of people’s lives? Let me tell you more about the causes, statistics, diversity in abuse, side effects, and rehabilitation pertaining to drug abuse in the United States of America.

Within the last year, drug abuse has caused the United States a riveting $800 billion due to crime, lost work productivity, and most costly, healthcare. The hard-working government is taking measurements into their own hands to combat drug abuse, but first they must understand the causes. According to the National Institute of Health, 50 percent of the the time drug abuse and/or addiction is heritable (NIH 1). Passed down, and somebody must break the chain. A Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics source states that “genetics and environmental factors“

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