
Persuasive Essay On Drug Cartels

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“For me personally, it’s been a nightmare, because I don’t see any way out now. The men who got inside my house put their guns to my neighbors’ heads—that’s including one six-year-old girl.” This is Mexican investigative journalists Anabel Hernandez’s response when asked about her safety and a recent home invasion directed toward her courtesy of the drug cartels.(Alexandrov) This is what it is like to lead a career as a journalist reporting on drug cartels in many latin American countries. The cartels influence on local and federal government in Mexico gives them the freedom to threaten and actively pursue journalists as targets with no retributions for their actions. This is leaving journalists like Hernandez defenseless and in danger, in the last ten years alone more than 80 journalists have been killed and nothing is being done about it.(Alexandrov)
The impunity given to cartels for the acts of violence and intimidation carried out on journalists has taken a toll on the media’s integrity and has made their job one of the most dangerous and undesirable jobs in Mexico. Not only are the cartels …show more content…

We have a president that bashes the media from all sides claiming most every report that is not in his favor as “fake news”. We have all heard him say it, on social media or on television or other sources. The problem with this is, even though it may seem harmless, this undermines the media's credibility due to the millions of people that are influenced by his words and actions. Creating a relationship of mistrust between the people of America and the media as well as casting them as an “enemy” to the public is detrimental to the media sources; furthermore it has the same consequences as the weakened media in Mexico. Media’s role is to provide unbiased reports to the public and should neither work with or against the

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