
Persuasive Essay On Endangered Animals

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Thousands of people have probably seen a video or read an article about an animal being tortured then killed in the wild by a poacher. The videos are exceedingly graphic and the pictures used in articles aren’t any better. Animals aren’t just being killed, but their natural habitat are being chopped and burned down. The poaching and destruction of their natural habitat has left hundred maybe thousands of animals extinct and more are going extinct every single day. To help the animals from going extinct there are two solutions that could help them. One is to keep them in captivity at zoos where they will be cared for and the second is to keep them in the wild, but have them supervised. With deforestation and poaching has led animals to extinction. To solve the problem the animals should be held in captivity because the zoos will help with the breeding of species, they won’t have to fight for territory, and they won’t have the problem of being killed. Then when the species is ready to be released they will be sent back to the wild and thrive and live with other like them.
First let’s start with how zoos can help with breeding. There are dozens of zoos who specialize with captive breeding that “aims to manage the breeding of specific endangered species in order to help maintain healthy and self-sustaining populations that are both genetically diverse and demographically stable.” There is proof that this has worked and have sent back the animals into the wild. “According to the

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