The Stanford Womenś Volleyball Team is the best sports team ever. First, they have many top players on the team from all around the world. Second, their statistics are terrific. If you are looking at colleges I would totally consider Stanford. In addition, they have a great coach and an unstoppable team. To begin, the Stanford Volleyball Team has brought top players from all around the world to come play on their team. First, eighty percent of their players are six feet tall or even taller. That is an advantage because the taller you are the more strong and harder the players hit the ball which sums up to a point for them. Another advantage is a new freshman makes the team every year and one of them ends up being the freshman of the year. In
A person is capable of learning a skill if they put their time and effort towards what they feel passionate about. Has someone ever wanted to develop an ability that you practice it for hours a day? I did, I have spent around 100 hours a year trying to perfect my loving skill, volleyball. It was a hardworking skill, but enjoyable as well. It is my way of life. The most important years of my life was my volleyball experience in High School.
There may be more boys out here who desire to play but can’t find anywhere to participate. Consequently, knowing from experience, playing on a girls’ team is awkward and it is much more comfortable for a boy to be on a team with other boys. Sadly, frequently if they can’t find a boys team, they may not be able to play, for they don’t want to play on a girls’ team. This may cause them to not want to play volleyball at all, as people consider a girls’ sport which is often embarrassing for boys. Moreover, if we found coaches who are passionate about volleyball enough, to where they could coach anyone, no matter their skill level or gender, the sport could easily
Many people argue that competitive sports raise numerous amounts of pressure on the youth making them distracted from things such as their education and because it can cause severe injuries, but some people argue that youth should play competitive sports because it teaches major life lessons that can help with many different aspects of their future such as college, getting a job, and many more. Playing competitive sports also improves your physical strength, another physical aspect of playing competitive sports is decreasing your chance of being obese or having disease. If you don't prefer to play competitive sports there are alternative options such as biking or walking to school. In an HT Health article “Sports Seen As Key Weapon in Fighting Teen Obesity” it says that in a study with 1,700 kids, ten percent walked or biked to school 3 ½ days a week,, in the study they found that biking or walking to school lowered the risk of being obese by 33%. I argue that kids should play competitive sports because of the important life skills taught through these sports and the physical benefit of playing sports. In this paper I will explain how communication, time management, and lowering the risk of being obese; supports my claim, “Kids should play competitive sports”
Everyone is a nerd about something. Whether it be the more traditionally “nerdy” comic books and video games, movies, clothes, or, yes, sports. That guy that can rattle off every pitcher’s ERA from his favorite baseball team in the last ten seasons? He’s a nerd, too. Now that it’s 2017 and video games and superhero movies are for everyone, it’s time to stop feeling superior to people based on how they spend their personal time. It’s time to let everyone enjoy their hobbies in peace.
A high intensity game that involves physical attributes and cognitive awareness describes the sport lacrosse. People play lacrosse all over the world and the sport continues to grow in size. The sport lacrosse dates all the way back to when Indians would play for land and resources. The word lacrosse translates to “Little Brother of War”. Men and women of all ages and levels play the game lacrosse to this day. At the Eastern Cincinnati Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, the sport lacrosse qualifies as a club rather than a sport. The sport lacrosse should qualify as a sport because it would reduce costs, more players would join, it offers benefits, and people would consider lacrosse as a more serious sport.
Smack! Goes the ball after Grace Marker hits the ball and is about to get a home run. Beep beep beep! It’s 5:45 am Grace is getting ready for the day. Eeek! The sound of Graces bus stopping at her house to pick her up for school. This excellent student keeps all A’s and B’s, keeps up with responsibilities at home, and plays softball all at the same time.
America’s baseball diamonds, soccer fields, hockey rinks, and basketball courts have never been so busy with children. The number of kids involved in an organized sport is not what is so groundbreaking. It’s the way in which children are playing or how their parents are arranging for them to play that may be cause for concern (Ferguson). Much controversy surrounds youth sports with the biggest disagreements coming over parental involvement and the intensity of play. Although there are many benefits for team participation, there is a growing fear that the negatives are starting to outweigh the positives.
Collegiate Men’s Soccer is American Men’s Soccer’s most important asset. But the sport is currently in a unique position. It’s forced to compete with Basketball and Football for popularity. If it’s able to become the third major collegiate sport it must coexist with MLS academies. The path won’t be easy however it’s necessary if American Soccer want’s to remain stable.
How many times have you driven past your local tennis courts and seen them filled with happy kids running around and smiling? Probably more than once. Tennis is a popular sport, played all over the world and loved by many. However, more people should play this wonderful sport. It can be played at any age, and at any walk of life, be ye teenager or 65 year old lady. In fact, everyone should play tennis due to its development of physical fitness, mental health, and social skills.
It is hard to think that the season is actually over. I think the field hockey season is the best season because that is when I feel the happiest, not just because of the sport! This team was amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better one, we bonded right away, and I know we all had fun making memories. Just getting geared up to play is a memory, smelling the stench of sweaty shin guards and not so rinsed mouth guards. I cannot forget to mention one of my favorite memories, singing on the bus rides to our many away games. Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendes, Imagine Dragons, and High School Musical were just some of the songs we sang. I am one out of the three captains, Natalie Fuhrman and Elizabeth Aparitio, and I know us three had a blast bossing these
Sexualisation is to make something sexual in character or quality, or to become aware of sexuality, especially in relation to men and women, but in this case, women. Netball is a well-known sport in Australia but, it Is not appealing to television viewers. The game was then brought to Australia as to many other countries, by English school teachers in the early 1900's.Women liked the game but they found that the long passes were difficult to execute in the game due to their limited strength. So, the ladies decided to adapt the game to suit their circumstances. They divided the court into thirds and introduced a rule that the ball must be caught or touched at least once in each third. No one was allowed to run with the ball and they established
The sport of volleyball was created by a man named William G. Morgan of Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1895. Morgan was a physical education teacher at the YMCA and called it "mintonette". It was an indoor or outdoor pastime that had characteristics of both handball and tennis. The first rules were written down by Morgan himself. He wrote that the game called for a 6 foot 6 inch net and a court of 25x50 feet. A match composed of 9 innings and 3 serves for each team in each inning. In case of a serving error they got a second chance just like in tennis. If the ball it the net
Do you have a passion, something you love to do more than anything? Imagine people trying to stop you from doing what you love because they think it’s not useful or a waste. Some people say competitive sports cost too much and they are way too dangerous for young kids to participate in. However, for many youth, competitive sports play a positive role. When kids play competitive sports, they are happier and they learn how to be healthy. Also, they learn life lessons that they will need for the future.
Organized youth sports are extremely popular among youth and their families, with approximately 45 million children and adolescent participating in the US. There are many characteristics children can develop while playing youth sports such as confidence, self-esteem, leadership, respect, independence, assertiveness, and conflict resolution. Competition can help kids learn more, improve faster and reach a higher level of excellence than they would be able to without the ongoing challenge. Competitive sports can help keep kids active and health as they grow, and other distractions increase that may lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. People argue that it can destroy self-esteem and lead to resentment. Programs and coaches overemphasizing
Volleyball, one of the world's greatest sports. From the hot and muggy gym, to sweat dripping down each players face, volleyball is not for the faint of heart. This sport requires a single-minded desire: to win. It takes more than just teamwork to win. Volleyball has always been one of my favorite sports. I would always meet a new friend anywhere I would go. Believe it or not these situations are how you could meet your life long best friends.