
Persuasive Essay On Equality

Decent Essays

Although we think that equality is something good and that everyone should be equal, equality not only takes away your personality, but also your freedom. Likewise, in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, the reader learns that equality is not necessarily a good thing that we should try to achieve.At the start of the story, the author makes us believe that being equal is a good thing because it is something that people want in society. It is not until we experience how the government treats unequal people and the way handicaps are put on those who are more advanced than others,, that we realize how equality takes away makes us unique and what makes everyone different in a good way. On the contrary, equality is what causes all the problems. Even though the reader originally believes that being equal is a good thing, once they experience the dystopian setting where equality is the cause of all the problems, they realize equality takes away what makes us unique. Because of the way the government treats people in their effort to enforce equality, the reader learns that equality doesn’t always lead to good endings. “The year was 2081 and everybody was finally equal”(Vonnegut Pg1). This quote means that everyone was finally equal and the world is good. Because of the word ”finally” the reader knows that in the beginning of the story, they mean it in a good way. ? In examination day caps it also talks about equality, and how everyone is equal and the way they treat equal people you would need evidence to prove this . It talked about a little kid and that he was really smart so they did a test and they killed him because he was smarter than everybody else which means he was not equal. Get a quote from the story to show this This shows that in the beginning of the story the people were happy that everyone was equal. The reader can say that because it said “finally” that means that they were trying to be equal and trying to work towards that for a long period of time. This makes more sense than what you mention before in the explain This relates to examination day because a lot of people are taking the same test and they are all competing against each other to see which person gets the highest and

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