
Persuasive Essay On Fast Food

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According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases overweight and obesity statistics, roughly, 61% of adults in Illinois are overweight or obese and every 2 of 3 people contribute to the overweight number. Why hasn't the FDA recognized the alarming increased and made a priority to reshape the food culture? There are 124 McDonald's ( and 30 locally grown food stores ( in Chicago, as for the ten other national fast food restaurants that dominate Michigan avenue. Could we, as citizens, vote and pass restrictions and regulations on fast food restaurants or is it too late to make any further changes? As numbers keep rising, an action needs to take place to reduce unhealthy eating of Americans. I propose the FDA should make it easier for people to safely eat healthy products from small-scale, local farms.
The ratio of fast food restaurants to locally grown farming is alarming, which is why they should make restrictions to transform it. Having four Mcdonald's on five blocks downtown Chicago is absurd and why they should limit the number of them in a given radius. I would like to have my town to implement a regulation that for every five fast food outlets there has to be at least one or two locally grown and healthier food option. As this progresses, hopefully, this nonsense can diminish the ratio to one fast food outlet to one locally grown restaurant. More people walking down Michigan Avenue will be open to alternatives for a

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