
Persuasive Essay On Fracking

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I will be speaking to you about hydraulic fracturing, or as it is more commonly referred to, fracking. Hydraulic fracturing is a process that involves stimulating shale deposits within the earths crust with high pressures to facilitate the release of natural gas. North America and specifically the United States contain the largest known shale/natural gas fields in the entire world and it is only in the past few decades that the industry has grown significantly, and quickly. This rapid growth to the industry has resulted in a tremendous number of new wells and a tremendous amount of investment interest. Along with this growth as come a host of other concerns and problems and that is why fracking is a topic of debate today. My intention is not to push anyone to make up their mind about this subject, but is to provide you with basic knowledge that will help you understand the subject so you will be informed if and whenever you develop an opinion on the subject.
History: Fracking is not a modern invention and has been around since the American Civil War. In 1865, Colonel Edward A. L. Roberts was awarded a patent for what he called an “exploding torpedo”. His invention was intended for use in harvesting crude oil and not natural gas but the process is close to what is done today. Colonel Roberts’ “torpedo” was basically a big drill with a bunch of dynamite attached to it that would dig deep into the oil-sands and explode causing a huge pressure wave in the ground. This pressure

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