“Going to College when nobody really expected you to” don’t let anyone to get in your way of getting the first step to achieve your goal. Studying is the highest priority of a student and as a role model of your younger siblings. Be a total student get involved in school activities and join students club. Don’t hangout to the people who really cares of being conceited to itself from inside and outside of the school. Showing people a model car or those shiny, spinning, chrome rims to make it look cooler. What can you get of being boastful? Nothing right? Just being show off to the people won’t make you an intelligent. A nice set of wheels may carry you many miles, but a good education will carry you for life. Teachers are aspiring students to
For incoming freshman who are attending to Oakland Unity, there are some things you need to know. Incoming freshmen need to be prepared for school by bringing folders and especially pencils. It's important for freshmen to bring materials school because teachers will not provide them. Since eighth grade is the last year for middle school, you would usually hang out with friends you've known for a long time. Unfortunately, when transferring to high school, friends will (or eventually) depart from you. So I recommend for incoming freshmen to try to make some new friends. Middle school grades and work were easy to achieve and weren't important back then, but now you're transferring into high school. High school is very hard and
“And no matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that you'll need an education to do it.” (Barack Obama) College is needed for many careers, whether you want to be a doctor, teacher, or vet, it will be required to obtain a college education. College has many benefits in the long run, from earning more money, increased job security, better health and much more. Going to college opens up a door of endless possibilities, which is why everyone should go to college.
Colorado is the perfect spot for my family to go on spring break because of the climate. Colorado’s springtime is very inconsistent. One day the state will encounter a blizzard and the next day the state will be warm. I think this weather is very diverse; the climate would make my family’s spring break interesting. The varying weather would give my family a unique trip.
Being a freshman can be quite intimidating, especially because you are at the bottom of the totem pole. You are worried about finding the right classrooms, impressing teachers, sometimes maintaining your grades. I can tell you from a senior standpoint that things aren’t as bad as they seem. Yes, teachers will pile on the homework once and awhile, but I promise you will survive. As graduation day is approaching fast than I want, I have a little advice for freshman. Freshman you need to take your grades seriously because they will impact your future, you may think you know everything, but trust me you don’t, and most importantly is to have fun because before you know it you will be writing this same timed writing as I am right now.
“A college degree is the new high school diploma” (Sanders). The United States’ society values higher education as high school students are constantly told to be perfect students so they can get into an amazing college and have stellar lives. They are told that if they do not get a college degree, they will be stuck in a minimum wage job for the rest of their lives. But, this path to college and a better life is unattainable for many Americans because of the cost. People can pay for college and leave with no debt, pay and leave with tons of debt, or not attend at all. It is necessary and possible for the United States to implement free four-year public college education.
We are always told that social programs such as free college, social security, and rent control are put in place to “help” those that are unable to assist themselves. There are many people that believe free college is the answer to high college debt, just ask Bernie Sanders and Gov. Cuomo. But what these people do not understand is the affect “free college” will have on the forgotten man. But who is the forgotten man? This is how William Sumner, a Yale professor, describes it:
Why is college not for everyone? Well i believe that college is not meant for everyone because, college is a place to learn and study. In our generation today many people think college is hard to enter. Some people don't have enough credits, or just have lack of education to go to college. Which leads them getting on the street, or living with thier parents. Also they could end up working in a job that they would not be happy working at for the rest of life. People are capable of entering college even though they may not think so. All they have to do is apply themselves and be motivated. However college is not nessecary for all buisness carrers. As people can learn on the job. There are many techinal carrers that does not require college such
Open- Campus for sophomores and juniors should be allowed. The reason being, there are too many students to try and obtain all of the students, over crowded, not enough food to be served for all grades, food at the school is not always hot and fresh, businesses are running out of business because their most, busiest time is when students are released to eat.
Your junior year, when all of the adults are asking the same question, “What college are you going to?” Fast forward to your senior year and college applications are due. It seems as if all that is expected of highschoolers is to go to college. Four, or more, years of torcherous education that you are “supposed” to want. However, college is more that that. Along with monetary benefits such as a superior job and lower unemployment rates, college is an opportunity to learn more about the world and yourself.
College students are not focused enough when it comes to academics. A majority of college students are more serious-minded when it comes to co-curricular activities, and hanging out with their friends having a good time. If people were to say that college students that are not serious about their academics are irresponsible and should be drop from the college, most college students would consider that to be unfair and judging. Academics are very important because of the impact that it leads to in the future. Today’s college students are not focused when it comes to the importance of academic success because of co-curricular activities and socializing with their friends/colleagues.
Picking a college is super exciting and a new chapter in life, but it also can be quite a challenge. Every college works in different ways, especially with a special type of uniqueness about it and you have to find the one that fits you the best. Sam Houston and Texas A&M university are both exceptional schools, but are different when it comes to expenses, location, and educational programs.
Once highschool ends, you will think you are already done with school, and you can finally be free, and you are kind of right. However, your college education should not stop at high school, as high school only teaches you a few things. Going to college will teach things outside of just learning some basic math and writing formats. College will prepare you for life as well. By going to college, you will earn more, be more employable due to your accumulation of knowledge, and you will live a healthier life. College is not for everyone, but if you prefer a secure future then it is suggested to go to college. By pursuing business without a college degree, you could lose all your money and everything you have worked for at any moment if you are not cautious. With a college degree, you can earn a decent salary with a secure job.
In 2014 a study showed that the chance of completing a 4 year college in 6 years was only 57% likely for students to do. We all know that college is the highest level of education in our country and is necessary for getting degrees so you can get a good job to support you and your family, so why haven't we done anything? Europe has moved on. You can go to college in Europe and not pay for the tuition. No loans! So, I'm asking you why doesn't America follow Europe's lead? Colleges should be publicly funded because they cost so much that people aren't going to college, and yet, it is better for society to have well educated citizens so we can make smart decisions and advance in society.
If you were given the chance to change your life for the better would you take it?Taking a chance on become better and moving up in the world is always a great choice to make. You're showing yourself that you can do anything that you want. It also shows you that you can do it when everyone said that you couldn't. Receiving a scholarship to go to college would be one of the best things that could happen to get you started on the right path.
Every semester there is a fight to find a parking space on campus. I began Northshore Technical Community College in the fall of 2014 at the Hammond area campus. With enrollment increasing rapidly, Northshore relocated the business department to the North campus of Southeastern Louisiana University campus in the spring of 2016. There is limited parking for freshmen. The parking area, we can use is assigned to the overflow of the upper-classmen. Even though driving a car to campus is convenient, riding a bicycle to school is a more practical option for some commuter college students since of the amount of parking spaces available to students are limited.