
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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With gun related crimes steadily increasing, the spotlight has been on a solution to cease firearm problems. Firearms have been around for hundreds of years, and they are included in self-defense, sport, show, and unfortunately crime. The danger of the situation immediately escalades when there is a firearm involved. A plan to fix these issues has been talked about and looked at throughout the recent years, but there are many different aspects you have to look at when trying to find a solution for this problem. However, not all gun related situations are at fault, for most people follow the law, using and collecting the guns for sporting, collecting, and self-defense purposes. The second amendment in the constitution gives citizens of the United states the right to bear arms. Areas of concern that can be focused on to prevent future danger in firearm situations are gun control laws, process undergone …show more content…

Some citizens believe in a very strict policy when it comes to firearms, and they merely do not want people in the states to have many rights with guns. They believe that along with more gun control laws, there would be a decline in gun related crimes. Also, they strongly place importance on the benefits of enacting a plan that can stop the use of guns for illegal activity, whatever the cause. Opposing them, are the civilians that relate to guns and use them frequently throughout their life time; therefore, they want to keep the laws enacted with gun control to safe minimum. Some careers would have drastic changes, due to number of jobs related with firearms throughout the communities. These people stress that not all firearms are being used for crimes and controversial situation. All in all, there are two opposing sides involved with the topic of gun control, both state ideas why there should be more emphasis on gun

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