With gun related crimes steadily increasing, the spotlight has been on a solution to cease firearm problems. Firearms have been around for hundreds of years, and they are included in self-defense, sport, show, and unfortunately crime. The danger of the situation immediately escalades when there is a firearm involved. A plan to fix these issues has been talked about and looked at throughout the recent years, but there are many different aspects you have to look at when trying to find a solution for this problem. However, not all gun related situations are at fault, for most people follow the law, using and collecting the guns for sporting, collecting, and self-defense purposes. The second amendment in the constitution gives citizens of the United states the right to bear arms. Areas of concern that can be focused on to prevent future danger in firearm situations are gun control laws, process undergone …show more content…
Some citizens believe in a very strict policy when it comes to firearms, and they merely do not want people in the states to have many rights with guns. They believe that along with more gun control laws, there would be a decline in gun related crimes. Also, they strongly place importance on the benefits of enacting a plan that can stop the use of guns for illegal activity, whatever the cause. Opposing them, are the civilians that relate to guns and use them frequently throughout their life time; therefore, they want to keep the laws enacted with gun control to safe minimum. Some careers would have drastic changes, due to number of jobs related with firearms throughout the communities. These people stress that not all firearms are being used for crimes and controversial situation. All in all, there are two opposing sides involved with the topic of gun control, both state ideas why there should be more emphasis on gun
Every so often the media and news feeds flood with reports of a mass shooting. Families mourn. In the days that follow, calls to action can be heard, and there is a demand for change. Sometimes minor legislation passes, but in the United States extreme change is rarely seen. Other developed nations provide an opposite comparison. Following the Port Arthur shooting in Australia and the shooting in Great Britain, both countries organized for significant gun reform.
According to Nicholas Kristof’s article “our blind spot about guns” gun control is a lot like cars regulation such that if we can regulate cars we can regulate guns. It took a lot of time and effort but thanks to regulations cars are safer than they were many years ago, and the same is very possible with guns. We need to keep our country safe. The first steps to gun control are improving on background checks and also requiring trigger locks on all guns.
The debate over stricter gun laws has been ongoing in the United States for quite some time now. Individuals who oppose stricter gun control laws argue that the second amendment to the constitution of the United States constitute part of the bill of rights that protect the right of American citizens to bear arms, and any attempt to set up laws for gun control will be a direct violation of this (Hofstadter 10). They argue that the primary purpose of the amendment was to ensure that American Citizens had the capability to protect themselves against criminal activities and defend the country against external aggression. From a personal perspective, the recent surge in instances of gun violence in the United States of America indicates that stricter gun control laws are necessary for the safety of the American citizenry. Thus, this paper is going to focus on highlighting the benefits of more stringent gun control laws and why members of the public should support it.
Imagine you are a little boy, no older than the young age of six, entering school. The first day arrives, however conflicting feelings - from excitement to anxiety - emerge. Suddenly, a harsh metallic booming sound erupts, and within a mere sliver of time, you lay dead on the floor in a pool of blood. Unfortunately, this scenario is not merely hypothetical. Scores of innocent individuals are routinely massacred, killed by the mentally ill with legally bought guns: guns made for war, guns made to maximize death and horror. An increase in gun restrictions are essential in ending this gun violence epidemic plaguing the nation.
October 1st, 2017. On the night of this horrific date, 59 civilians were killed and 527 were wounded at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival, shot by a 64 year old man on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort. When his room was searched, investigators found 23 firearms in his room, many of them long range rifles outfitted with scopes and bump stocks, which allowed the guns to fire hundreds of rounds per minute (Goldman). From this unspeakable atrocity, an abundant perspicuity is created, portraying that gun control laws are unable to prevent many violent actions, including mass shootings and other horrific events. Even a drastic increase in gun laws cannot prevent men that have irreproachable records from acting recklessly, or predict
October, 1st 2017 has marked the latest in a now all too familiar trend of tragedies; a mass killing of civilians by a sick individual. In the wake of this tragedy, there is a mass of human emotion, grief, anger, sadness, and a demand for justice to right what has been wronged. In looking for justice, one needs an antagonist to blame, in this case an object, the gun. While it is true that firearms are the weapon of choice for many violent tragedies across the United States, will a ban on firearms truly solve the problem of violence for the country? Although a firearm ban may seem like a preventative for violence in the United States, a comparison of violent crime in other countries with varying levels of gun control, the lack of
From 1988 to 2001, the usage of anti-depressant drugs in the general public increased by four-hundred percent (Swanson). The mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary took place in December of 2012, and during 2014, firearms were used in 88 percent of teen homicides, and 41 percent of teen suicides (“Suicidal Teens”). On February 28th, 2017, the Trump administration repealed a firearms regulation that prevented mentally disabled persons from owning guns. At the same time, teenage mental illness is on the rise, specifically in cases of depression and anxiety. A report from the Surgeon General shows that over 90 percent of adolescents that committed either suicide or homicide have or had a mental disability. Mental disabilities such as depression and anxiety put teenagers at a high risk for homicides and suicides. Teenagers who are stressed due to school, lack of parenting, puberty, bullying, and other factors can develop depression, anxiety or another mental illness. Allowing these teens easy access to firearms proves time and time again to be very dangerous. In some cases, the families of these teens have never been assessed to see if they can responsibly store firearms. The only background check performed is on the owner of the firearm, meaning that a person may own the weapon even if another family member living with them legally cannot. Loose gun control laws allow families with physiologically ill children to have access to firearms, without first checking to see if the disabled children in the home are responsible enough to be around said firearms. Repealing gun control laws instated by the Obama administration will cause an increase in adolescent firearm-related homicides, suicides, and tragedies similar to the one at Sandy Hook Elementary.
Gun control is a creation of laws to prevent people from owning certain types of firearms and also to ensure that guns are not owned by the criminal minded people but by the people who are helpless against crime. The restriction and availability of guns and firearms has become political and social issue in American society. Gun control has become a controversial issue which is hard to enforce over a long period of time. Many of the research studies and surveys have found that the majority of Americans agree with the constitutional right to own a gun and also agree with the enforcement of gun control law. Gun control is necessary to reduce the chances of firearms getting into the hands of unstable and violent people. To reduce this, government has to enforce stricter laws on gun ownership, gun trafficking, create a mental health support system and educate in second amendment.
With being at the heels of the Vegas mass shooting, the deadliest mass shooting in United States history, anti-gun advocates are out in full force. Being a gun owner myself, I am worried that my guns for hunting and self-defense are in jeopardy. The implementation of the controversial gun control concept has been casually taken part in a numerous amount of political debates throughout the course of time. If this act is potentially taken to action in the United States, it will stir up a large dispute as it will take away the whole concept of the Second Amendment allowing the right of the people to keep and bear arms. With attempts to achieve the vision of a gun-free America by appealing the emotions of a hurting nation, society seems to be
It is widely agreed that the United States has a very large number of guns compared to other countries. If guns really keep Americans safe, the United States would be the safest place in the world since it is estimated that 270 million firearms are owned. Compared to the world richest nations, the United States has the highest gun accidents, murders, and suicides among them all. An investigative report conducted in 2012 by Mother Jones Magazine found that between 1995 and 2012, the number of guns has increased by 50% while the population has increased only by 20% (Doeden). Firearm injuries are the second leading cause of injury death in the United States. In 2010, the percentage of homicides committed by firearms was 67.5 percent. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence estimated 97,820 people are shot and killed in the United States yearly, averaging 268 people per day, since 1972 (Newhard pp13). Unfortunately, with some many Americans killed by guns every day, shootings in the United States have become so common, many citizens have grown immune to the news.
Over 13,286 people yearly die from gun violence. In 2016 over 700 people were killed due to guns in the streets of chicago. Which is the most restricted place to purchase weapons. So they would get it from other ways. Such as buying out of state, or the black market. People would have to resort to these dangerous tactics if only there were less gun control laws. When there can be a simple solution that is not looked at. A solution that could completely fix the problem by the way it started.
Lately, there has been a controversy about gun control due to an increase is gun crime. With all the crimes throughout the years, many people don't know if we should have more laws for firearms or no more than what we have now. Within the last year, there has been about 53,000 incidents alone, but the year before was about 52,000 so not much of a difference of the two years. With mass shooting between the years 2014-2015 here is the only difference of eighty that had occurred and been reported, but yet with the accidental shootings, they are about equal with 2,000 that were reported (Past summary ledgers). The number of deaths that happened in 2015 was around 13,000 and in 2014, it was 1,000 less than that within the year gap. The new laws not only affect the people who oppose firearms but
The wake of so many recent tragic mass shootings has sparked controversy on gun control. Those who oppose the control on guns present arguments against these proposals. The contentious issue tends to divide people into different sides. Both sides believe they are in the right, while the other is in the wrong. The fact still remains that the United States should enact stronger laws on gun control to further prevent catastrophic tragedies.
This paper contains information regarding gun control and what happens when it is not enforced. When raising our children, we want nothing more than for them to live in a safe and loving environment. No parent would ever want their child’s life to be in danger. Gun control plays a key role in the safety of our families. There is a significant difference that can be found when gun control is enforced compared to when it is not. Living in a world with no gun control would give the mentally ill and terrorists gun ownership rights. When a gun falls into the wrong hands, the amount of injuries and death caused by a firearm increases. Clearly, that would not be the ideal setting that anyone would want their children to live in.
Guns have been a part of history since the first firearm was made in 1364. Over the last few years there have been many shootings across the Country. This makes many people view guns negatively, others not so much. I am a proud supporter of the second amendment. Gun control is a waste of time because there are so many ways to learn about guns, it is the person who does the crime and also it is in our second amendment.