Throughout the 20th and 21st century, the value of gun control has changed drastically and how the nation has handled this situation. In the United States, around 22% of Americans have at least one or more guns in their possession for recreationally or personal use. Recently, there has been debate over gun control in the country. While many people think there should not be any more government involvement, more gun control laws would greatly benefit the United States by having less crime, less mass murder, and protect people from the mentally ill. Reducing the ability to access a gun in the United States would effectively lower the death rate in the nation as well as lower the crime rate. There are some people who live in the United States that are mentally ill or psychotic. These people could also be sociopaths or psychopaths. When these types of people get a hold of guns, they can cause harm to others. There are others that use guns to kill themselves because of their mental health problems. Improved background checks could help to prevent the mentally ill from getting a hold from weapons. This procedure could save multiple lives just by checking with the Federal Bureau of Investigation if they had a criminally past. Another idea that would decrease the easy ability to get a firearm would be to stop all gun shows and private vendings or at least have these shows be more regulated. America’s history with murders, suicides, and possible accidental deaths caused by guns
The United States should make stronger gun control laws because it is possible that guns can get into the wrong hands. Imagine an unstable person carrying around a gun, anyone is at risk. “In 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, a student at Virginia Tech, used two guns to kill 32 people and wound several others in two attacks two hours apart on the college campus in Blacksburg. Cho, who had a documented history of mental and emotional health problems, had nonetheless been able to purchase guns because the state of Virginia had failed to share his history with NICS.” (“Gun Control”, 2016, pg. 5) Thirty-two families will suffer from losing their loved ones because there was not an extensive background check. There are mentally ill people who are not seeking treatment that legally buy guns
What makes gun control reform even more difficult is that many Democrats themselves can’t support gun control without risking their seats. Many representatives or senators come from districts and states that vote Democrat for different reasons, such as union strength in the Midwest or rising immigration numbers in the Southwest. However, states like Wisconsin, Florida, or New Mexico also are strong supporters of guns, putting Democratic lawmakers in a precarious position (Scher 2017). This split in the party makes it nigh on impossible for bills to get anywhere. Indeed we saw this to be true after the Sandy Hook shooting. Senator Dianne Feinstein has been a passionate advocate for gun control nearly her entire tenure as a Senator, becoming one of the leading Democratic senators in the push for gun control (Friedman 2013). Feinstein represents a state where gun control measures such as assault weapons bans are extremely popular (California), so there is no constituent fear from her to back off gun control (Wheaton 2017). After the Sandy Hook shooting, Senator Feinstein introduced a new Assault Weapons bill to replace the previous one which had expired in 2004. It made the sale, manufacture, or transfer of 150 semi-automatic weapons illegal, which had features like magazine releases and thumbhole stocks, restricted large capacity magazines, and used a one feature test to determine whether or not a gun was an assault weapon (Feinstien 2013). Democratic majority leader Harry
In today's society, it is a norm to see people with guns, no matter who they or what their background is. The Second Amendment to our constitution allows American citizens the right to bear arms. In today's society, anyone can get a gun even if they are mentally ill or have a criminal background simply because our laws are too weak and are not being enforced. Today, I am here to talk to you about how and why we should add stricter and or new laws regarding gun control, such as (hold up fingers) having universal background checks and changing the laws regarding who can buy guns.
School should be a place of peace and opportunity, but gaps in the system of gun control threatens the safety of faculty and students. School shootings have killed a total of 297 lives, young and old (Slate Magazine). Gun control has been a continuous nationwide debate for many years. It seems that no one wants to take a stance against guns unless they are personally affected. In order to take control of the matter and prevent more incidents from continuing schools need to change. To achieve a safe environment in schools need to educate faculty, safe and students, heighten security, and assess mental health issues.
There is a huge epidemic that is taking place in the United States and our government has to put a stop to it. This issue is the mass shootings that take place in America. There has been numerous amount of mass shootings in the United States and many of them could have simply been avoided if there were stricter gun laws. This last decade has made Gun Control an unavoidable topic in society for Americas citizens and politicians. Our politicians must take a stand against these senseless crimes and ban these pointless weapons once and for all.
Change is eluding our sight. There is no doubt that the debate of gun control has been prominent for several years. However, very little in the way of change has occurred. The question has shifted from how to establish gun control, to how can we avoid gun control. We the people have reached a point of no self control. We have been swept away by the blur of freedom’s sweet kiss. We hold a real issue at hand, now is most certainly not the time to sit around and ponder about the issue, we must take action in order to keep our communities safe.
Every so often the media and news feeds flood with reports of a mass shooting. Families mourn. In the days that follow, calls to action can be heard, and there is a demand for change. Sometimes minor legislation passes, but in the United States extreme change is rarely seen. Other developed nations provide an opposite comparison. Following the Port Arthur shooting in Australia and the shooting in Great Britain, both countries organized for significant gun reform.
This country has a mental health issue. We don't want to talk about it because it makes us look vulnerable. There is no law that can fix this, you could literally go door to door and take every single firearm in this country and we would still see tragedies like this occurring. We have a shit ton of people in this country and people like to kill each other, it's just the way this works for some reason. The reality of it is this; these public shooters are more or less a statistical anomaly. They're comparatively rare in a country where people constantly use illegally-acquired firearms to commit murders every day.
I want each and every one of you sitting here to imagine how it would be like if there is a person sitting next to you with a concealed handgun. Would you be fine with that or would you tremble in fear just like me and wonder if this would be the last moments of my life. People often claim that owning a gun would make them feel safer, but have they ever thought about how people around them would feel. Therefore today, I am here to talk about why the Texas legislature should repeal Senate Bill 11 which is campus carry. I have done research trying to understand the challenges we students would face with the help of Internet. So today, we would take a brief look at what campus carry is? Secondly, we will talk about the reasons why we do not need such a bill in our campuses. Thirdly, few ideas and plans on how we could stop this bill. And last but not least talk about the practicality of our plan.
The topic of gun control seems to be split into two different opinions for the most part. Some people believe there should not be strict government regulations on most guns because it is part of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. This amendment states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." @@@ Most people who support the 2nd amendment believe that the government should not be allowed to impinge on the public’s right to own and use guns. On a completely other note, some people believe the government needs to step in and regulate guns. Some areas that people believe need regulating can include how guns are obtained, how many one person can own, and the type of guns that can be sold to the public. In my own opinion, even though some Americans believe access to guns help protect people and is a right, there should be heavy regulations on large capacity weapons and magazines put in place to help decrease the amount of gun-related violence in America.
Over the past two decades, gun control has raised controversy upon the American people and changed the way people foresee firearms. Most of these controversies still continue to be brought up today. The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (Brooks np).” In January of 2016, Obama stated his gun control plan that would more strictly enforce existing laws including firearms (Smith np). People deserve the right to have firearms for the ability to protect, defend, and entertain themselves and others. The biggest controversy, including firearms is the way people are introduced and informed about them. People are given the thought that “guns kill people,” when in all reality, “people kill people.” Although there are around 10,000 people killed in the United States each year from firearms, guns are not the main conflict in the killings, the people behind the guns are (Brooks np).
The modern world is and extremely diverse place. Together with the process of globalization, the society has met the increasing amount of problems in social, economic, political and cultural aspects, which appeared to be the other side of all the benefits of the mentioned process. First of all, the globalization has led to the standardization assimilation of cultures as well as trends in lawmaking and juridical processes. First of all, it could be notable in the activity of international organizations, which recommend the countries to proceed with some legal initiatives, which would be beneficial for the world. However, there are still some issues, which can not be solved either on the international or the national level. One of the most notable problems, which was described above is the question of gun usage for individuals. The thoughts about this option are diverse in the society. Some people claim that free access to guns is the key to democracy and total freedom and would decrease the number of committed crimes drastically. At the same time, their opponents state that if people have access to guns, the world will become a total disaster with blood and violence all around the street. There are also less radical thoughts about the issue. To understand all the aspects of the problem and define whether the freedom of gun usage is appropriate it is necessary to conduct research on this topic.
The idea of owning a gun can seem immoral and wrong to some people; conversely, owning a gun is a form of protection and security to others. No matter how one views owning a gun, it is a right protected by the Second Amendment. Since the ratification of the Second Amendment, people have debated how the government should regulate the sale and ownership of firearms. The general public has its own opinion on gun control laws, shaped by mass shootings and personal experiences. The Republican and Democratic parties have different ideas on how firearms should be handled, and they agree on very little. Specifically, Georgia’s gun laws are less restrictive than other state governments. With so many people that all have different opinions, the issue is gridlocked, so how should the issue be solved?
One of the perennial tropes of the gun grabbers of the national Socialist left is that gun ownership is declining and seemingly after years and years of record gun sales the number of guns remains at 300 Million. Basic scientific logic tells us that positive flow into a control space will result in an accumulation, and yet we’re supposed to believe this isn’t the case. Recent analysis and polling has dispensed with these mythical notions.
Guns are used all over the world and are controlled in some countries but in others people are allowed to have any type of gun ranging from automatic assault rifles to big rocket launches. Should it also be controlled in our country the United States of America? Many say no yes and many others say NO! In my opinion it should be controlled.