
Getting Rid Of Guns In America

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Boom! The little boy kills his first deer while hunting with his dad, they’re both ecstatic, the dad experiencing all the skills he has taught his son over the years finally pay off, and killing his first deer with the same gun he used thirty years ago. The first firearm was made 653 years ago in 1364, to fire the gun, you had to hold a burning wick to a touch hole to ignite the powder, causing an explosion which sends the projectile out of the barrel. Since then, guns have evolved tremendously, in Germany, 1885, the first semi automatic handgun was made, allowing the user to fire shot after shot without reloading, until the magazine is empty. This gun was made for police officers around the world, allowing them to have an advantage over …show more content…

The second amendment creates many jobs in the manufacturing business in the U.S. In 2015, 263,223 full-time careers were recorded in the United States from gun and ammunition related manufacturers. 42.9 billion dollars was the total economic impact from firearms and ammunition in the U.S. Getting rid of guns would mean most of those people would be fired, with no people being allowed to own guns, there would be no need for manufacturers to make the same amount of guns as before (Popken). Our right to own guns has been around for hundreds of years, taking it away from us now would be taking away part of what makes America, America. Criminals do not follow the law. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens only hurts them, criminals do not follow the law now, this one will not be the exception. Many families own guns for protection, once criminals know they are a gun free zone, it will be much easier for them to be robbed (Defilippis). With the law abiding citizens of America unarmed, crime rates will go up, death rates will rise. More robberies, shootings, police chases, shoplifting, and many other styles of crime will happen. People across America would not feel safe in their own homes, they would be afraid to go to public events, large gatherings, it would be a mess (Defilippis). With

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