Something that is very near and relevant to all U.S. residents today is gun control. There are many reason why complete gun control, in its entirety, would not be beneficial. There are some political organizations that would love nothing more than to have the Second Amendment removed from the constitution. Not only would this be completely against the laws of our constitution and but would put many law abiding citizens in harm’s way.
With so many gun related murders and mass shooting continuing to happen in the United States, more and more believe that guns are the issue. Braman and Kahan state “The consequentialist version of the gun debate is naturally framed as one between two competing risk claims: that insufficient gun control will expose too many innocent persons to deliberate or accidental shootings; and that excessive gun control will render too many law-abiding citizens vulnerable to violent predation.” The same people that believe guns are the reason for the murders and mass shootings, also want the Second Amendment to be repealed. If the Second Amendment is repealed our country would face its second civil war. Our country would be torn apart from the inside. The Second Amendment was added to the constitution so the American people could defend themselves against a tyrannous government. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear
Since 1789, Americans have had the right to “keep and bear arms.” The Second Amendment protects its citizens from infringement by the government. Without it Americans would have no defense from violent acts, nor would they have protection against tyranny. As history shows many dictators use Gun Control to gain power over countries. Adolf Hitler used Gun Control to his advantage by signing a
School should be a place of peace and opportunity, but gaps in the system of gun control threatens the safety of faculty and students. School shootings have killed a total of 297 lives, young and old (Slate Magazine). Gun control has been a continuous nationwide debate for many years. It seems that no one wants to take a stance against guns unless they are personally affected. In order to take control of the matter and prevent more incidents from continuing schools need to change. To achieve a safe environment in schools need to educate faculty, safe and students, heighten security, and assess mental health issues.
"We are dealing with the largest mass shooting in our state's history," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (Tegna) On a peaceful November morning during a “Sunday service at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.” (Grinberg) A young man across the street from the church “was dressed in black "tactical-type gear" and wearing a ballistic vest he crossed the street in his car, got out and began firing he entered the church and continued shooting.”(Grinberg) During this time “a man who lives next door to the church grabbed his own rifle and engaged the suspect, The gunman dropped his "Ruger AR assault-type rifle" and fled. The neighbor chased after the gunman, police said. The chase ended when the shooter crashed his car about eight miles from
Every so often the media and news feeds flood with reports of a mass shooting. Families mourn. In the days that follow, calls to action can be heard, and there is a demand for change. Sometimes minor legislation passes, but in the United States extreme change is rarely seen. Other developed nations provide an opposite comparison. Following the Port Arthur shooting in Australia and the shooting in Great Britain, both countries organized for significant gun reform.
This country has a mental health issue. We don't want to talk about it because it makes us look vulnerable. There is no law that can fix this, you could literally go door to door and take every single firearm in this country and we would still see tragedies like this occurring. We have a shit ton of people in this country and people like to kill each other, it's just the way this works for some reason. The reality of it is this; these public shooters are more or less a statistical anomaly. They're comparatively rare in a country where people constantly use illegally-acquired firearms to commit murders every day.
According to Nicholas Kristof’s article “our blind spot about guns” gun control is a lot like cars regulation such that if we can regulate cars we can regulate guns. It took a lot of time and effort but thanks to regulations cars are safer than they were many years ago, and the same is very possible with guns. We need to keep our country safe. The first steps to gun control are improving on background checks and also requiring trigger locks on all guns.
Gun control for who? Given the recent tragedy in Las Vegas, Nevada, where a lone gunman killed over 50 people and injured hundreds, the discussion of gun rights a dispute in the country’s storied culture wars will fail in any substantial changes to current laws. While I strongly dislike hearing of senseless deaths, especially when they seem preventable with proper legislation, however I know of gun control problematic racist past; not everything is black or white.
Over the course of three years, approximately 160 school shootings have been recorded. Including fatal and nonfatal assaults, suicides, and unintentional shootings. In all, the incidents resulted in 59 deaths and 124 nonfatal gunshot injuries (Analysis of school shootings). It is unreasonable how many innocent lives have been taken away because of these tragedies. Oftentimes when a mass shooting occurs, people debate gun control laws more profoundly. Controlling the gun laws and the way guns are obtained may be a solution to help control school shootings and save many precious lives.
Raise your hand if you have ever been victimized by a gun or know someone who has lost their life due to a firearm. Realize that if gun control laws in the united states were more strictly enforced a lot less of us will be raising our hands right now. The United States has a problem with gun violence. Great mass shootings and also school shootings have occurred in the past few years, bringing a great grief to America. Parents are scared to send their children to school or even attend any type of event due to these horrific events that have happened. Some Americans even want to ban the right to bear arms.
Banning assault weapons and toughening gun control laws across the United States would save countless of innocents lives in our school systems and in public. When referring to gun control laws In these next paragraphs, we are defining gun control laws as a set of policies or laws that that will supervise the manufacturing, transfer, modification or use of any firearms by citizens in the United States. I will be presenting sources that will proof my said statement with facts and statistics from trusted news outlets and other reliable media. I will also be presenting arguments against my stance to further prove the validity of my statements.
From 1988 to 2001, the usage of anti-depressant drugs in the general public increased by four-hundred percent (Swanson). The mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary took place in December of 2012, and during 2014, firearms were used in 88 percent of teen homicides, and 41 percent of teen suicides (“Suicidal Teens”). On February 28th, 2017, the Trump administration repealed a firearms regulation that prevented mentally disabled persons from owning guns. At the same time, teenage mental illness is on the rise, specifically in cases of depression and anxiety. A report from the Surgeon General shows that over 90 percent of adolescents that committed either suicide or homicide have or had a mental disability. Mental disabilities such as depression and anxiety put teenagers at a high risk for homicides and suicides. Teenagers who are stressed due to school, lack of parenting, puberty, bullying, and other factors can develop depression, anxiety or another mental illness. Allowing these teens easy access to firearms proves time and time again to be very dangerous. In some cases, the families of these teens have never been assessed to see if they can responsibly store firearms. The only background check performed is on the owner of the firearm, meaning that a person may own the weapon even if another family member living with them legally cannot. Loose gun control laws allow families with physiologically ill children to have access to firearms, without first checking to see if the disabled children in the home are responsible enough to be around said firearms. Repealing gun control laws instated by the Obama administration will cause an increase in adolescent firearm-related homicides, suicides, and tragedies similar to the one at Sandy Hook Elementary.
The debate over gun control in the United States has waxed and waned over the years, stirred by a series of mass shootings by gunmen in civilian settings. In particular, the killing of twenty schoolchildren in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012 prompted a new national discussion about gun laws. However, legislation that would have banned semiautomatic assault weapons was defeated in the Senate despite extensive public support. In 2017, mass shootings at a music festival in Las Vegas and at a church near San Antonio have rekindled the gun control debate and invoked comparisons of U.S. gun policies and those of other wealthy democracies.
Gun control is one of the most talked about topics in modern day America. 43 of 50 states have the right to bear arms. Most states have to background check you in order for you to purchase or sell guns. Some other states prevent carrying guns and some other ban assault rifle weapons. People who support the gun laws say that the second amendment was meant for militias and that gun restrictions have always existed. People who oppose that say that guns are needed for self-defense from people who invade houses or are actual threats. Although both of those are correct, there will always be two sides for control laws.
A few months ago, on October 1, a gunman opened fire on the crowd of concert goers at a Harvest music festival. The gunman, 64 year old Stephen Paddock started shooting at a crowd of roughly 22,000 people from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. He was able to kill 58 people and injure almost 500 in only 10 to 15 minutes, resulting in the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history.
Secondly, the right to own guns in the Second Amendment of the Constitution is a privilege that is treasured and strongly believed by a majority of Americans. This right was made by our Founding Fathers in order to protect against an insolent and abusive federal government. Next, the Second Amendment has protected against criminals breaking into our homes. It has been a tradition for those that hunt. This right in the Constitution is a right that many countries don’t have and we are very fortunate to have such a right. However, there are individuals that say the Second Amendment should be obsolete. They believe it should be banned because of the theory that guns are unnecessary in the 21st century, people don’t hunt with guns in such frequency as some might’ve 50 or 100 years ago and because we have police officers, it’s not a priority to have a gun to secure our residences. These claims sound popular in theory, but it’s not the case. On the contrary, those who support the Second Amendment believe that the Second Amendment must always exist in order to maintain stability and tradition in American society. So which side is right? Read ahead and make a decision for yourself. In the article, An Unambiguous Right, by Herbert W. Titus, he explains the reason for the Second Amendment. He believes that the function and logic behind the workings of the Second