
Persuasive Essay On Homeless In America

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In the year 2020 the issue of the Homeless had become intolerable. An approximation of the annual number of homeless in america was between 80 million and 100 million people, with fifty percent being “chronic homeless”. It was costing more and more for their medical expenses, social services, and for the criminal justice system. Worst of all, all of these cost came out of our taxes! They were going to bankrupt all the middle class, and possibly drop the annual income of the millionaires by a few thousand dollars. The prisons were filling up with all these dirty, jobless vagrants. Taking all the cells away from real criminals. Prisons started having no choice but to release convicted felons early. Drug rates in cities were constantly rising, and with that came higher crime rates. It was becoming clear that the homeless were now the only people doing drugs or killing people. If we the people didn't do something soon our country would become as bad as Canada, or (God help us) France. Something needed to be done, so the government stepped in. Just like the perfect decision of the “Patriot Act” our government took this one into their own hands and decided that the …show more content…

Surprisingly a large percentage of the homeless were in good shape. Too good of shape to be wasted on farms and sewage plants. With the promise of just one pack of cigarettes or one bottle of booze most of these men (or woman) would battle to the death. The proposal of the “No Life Wasted Act” would allow companies to choose their own fighter from any encampment and sponsor them. With the one hundred percent accuracy of Facebook polls it has been projected that ninety five percent of the population would pay to watch these battles. The potential income from these entertainment events could help fuel any number of branches of our government. The school system, disease research, or any homeland defense

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