
Persuasive Essay On Homework Is Not Good

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Picture this, Bailey sits on her bed, surrounded by multiple folders, and dozens of papers everywhere. Her room looked like a bomb went off. She has to dig through all of these things just to find her pencil. Her chromebook is out of its case, and Bailey is hard at work, typing away. Her room is brightly lit by her overhead light, and a lamp. This way she can see all of her papers clearly. Bailey is trying to finish all of her homework at a decent time. This student is stressing out over her boatload of homework, hoping she can get it all done. She is as busy as a bee. She hears her mom calling from downstairs, “Bailey it’s time for dinner,” she responds with, “Just let me finish my homework,” Her mom is not pleased with this response, “Okay, …show more content…

Bailey, takes about 1-2 hours of homework a night. She feels that this is very unfair because students already go to school for 8 hours a day, then they have to go home and do up to another 2 hours of school work. Many students believe that we should get time in class to finish homework. Including Jessica Laurin, a student at JR Gerritts Middle School, “Sometimes I do my homework faster than I would like too, and it is not as good of quality as it would be in class, because I want to spend some time with my family, or have an event to go to.” Bailey thinks that that students do too much school work, and students need a break. So much homework makes students feel stressed, tired, overwhelmed, and worn out. She feels pressure from her teachers and her parents to make sure to get this homework done. No matter how long it takes. Some nights she is up until 11 maybe 12 at night, just trying to get this homework done. Not only this but 52% of JR Gerrits 8th graders said that they had to stay in for recess to finish homework before. We are already taking away students after school time, do we really want to take away their recess too? Studies have proven that kids need fresh air, and time outdoors, with homework we are taking this away from

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