Picture this, Bailey sits on her bed, surrounded by multiple folders, and dozens of papers everywhere. Her room looked like a bomb went off. She has to dig through all of these things just to find her pencil. Her chromebook is out of its case, and Bailey is hard at work, typing away. Her room is brightly lit by her overhead light, and a lamp. This way she can see all of her papers clearly. Bailey is trying to finish all of her homework at a decent time. This student is stressing out over her boatload of homework, hoping she can get it all done. She is as busy as a bee. She hears her mom calling from downstairs, “Bailey it’s time for dinner,” she responds with, “Just let me finish my homework,” Her mom is not pleased with this response, “Okay, …show more content…
Bailey, takes about 1-2 hours of homework a night. She feels that this is very unfair because students already go to school for 8 hours a day, then they have to go home and do up to another 2 hours of school work. Many students believe that we should get time in class to finish homework. Including Jessica Laurin, a student at JR Gerritts Middle School, “Sometimes I do my homework faster than I would like too, and it is not as good of quality as it would be in class, because I want to spend some time with my family, or have an event to go to.” Bailey thinks that that students do too much school work, and students need a break. So much homework makes students feel stressed, tired, overwhelmed, and worn out. She feels pressure from her teachers and her parents to make sure to get this homework done. No matter how long it takes. Some nights she is up until 11 maybe 12 at night, just trying to get this homework done. Not only this but 52% of JR Gerrits 8th graders said that they had to stay in for recess to finish homework before. We are already taking away students after school time, do we really want to take away their recess too? Studies have proven that kids need fresh air, and time outdoors, with homework we are taking this away from
After a long day of school, students are tired, stressed, and overworked. This is often something that is ignored when it comes to students of all ages. Homework provides a heavy load that can add additional stress and time on a student’s shoulders. Schools should be making sure that students are receiving enough work throughout the day, to make sure kids do not have the worry of homework when school is over. Students who receive lots of homework, may not have enough time in the evenings to be around family, friends and enjoy the rest of their day.
Castle View High School, although some teachers,students,and parents say that homework is something that every student should do and should be a necessity, there should actually be less homework for students so their brains don’t get hot wired. The first reason is that students tend to improve if they spend at least 2-3 hours of doing homework. Students don’t want to spend 2-3 hours of homework after a long day of school, that can be exhausting to them and their brains. Doing homework very little, improves elementary and middle schoolers, homework mostly only helps improve high school students. Another reason is, teachers like students to continue working on the lessons that were taught, to be continued at home. We’ve decided ahead of time
Stress can lead to many health problems especially for young children, such as depression, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Most graduates have 2 or more hours of homework every night which causes stress and overwhelms learners, especially students in younger grades. The pain caused by homework isn't just emotional. Carl Glassman, father of two girls who attend public school in New York City, reports that last year his eldest daughter missed much of her first semester in sixth grade because of pneumonia, "due to the fact that she was doing homework until 11 every night." She got pneumonia due to the fact of staying up late every night doing homework. On the other hand, Antagonists believe that homework develops responsibilities. However, doing class work and being responsible during class and doing chores at home develop more responsibilities instead of doing the unnecessary amount of homework that overpowers them. To conclude, scholars should not be given homework because it causes stress which leads to lack of sleep and
Ms. Ruggiero I just want to let you know that I had printed off my homework, but I couldn't print off the other one. I don't have no more money in my print/account. I wanted to turn it in tomorrow/ Tuesday to get extra credit but I guess won't be able to get that. So what do that mean? I just failed the homework? Because I am very nervous and stressed out right now!
In Survey I, 91.9% of the participants reported that they have cheated on at least one homework assignment; however, when asked why they receive answers, 13.5% of the participants stated that they do not receive answers (Appendix D). Therefore, it can be concluded that some students believe that cheating on homework assignments is not considered as immoral. This may further explain why students cheat.
Most of the homework adolescents tend to receive from their teachers is busy work, and children and family agree this is not fair to them. This issue is affecting adolescents, parents, and families. When students are overloaded with responsibilities from schoolwork, their participation in extracurricular and social activities decreases. An argument over homework might seem trivial, but there are many negative effects on children who are attending school and go through this pressure.
With Christmas quickly approaching, I sincerely feel compelled to reach out to those of you who may be experiencing difficult emotions due to the absence of loved ones. Holidays are often catalysts for such instances of despair and longing as unfortunately, I, myself, know all too well. I lost both my husband and my father within the past three years, and while I’ve prevailed in becoming stronger and more determined than I ever thought possible, this time of year never fails to unearth the raw pain that permanently resides just beneath the surface. So, from the deepest regions of my heart, my pledge to you is this…if any of you, whether it be day or night, ever need an empathetic ear or shoulder, I’m merely an email, message or phone call
Homework kills. Can we all agree on that? I will be discussing how less homework could make a change in our lives. Having less homework is relevant right now because as a 7th grader, my friends and I complain about homework almost all the time. I chose to discuss this topic to let teachers get a possible glimpse on how we feel about getting homework. This issue affects me because I always want to play volleyball outside and watch tv, but homework always interferes. Teachers should give us less homework because it gives us stress, it’s unhealthy, and it takes away time from your friends and family.
I am against it because a lot of people are going to be mad about it. There are many reasons why one is that they love the sports and the activity they can do with them. Another is that it give them stuff to do after school and in the summer. The sports are like a getaway place for them it’s fun and it also help them get in shape and healthy.
A study conducted by Stanford University found that students in middle to high income school districts receive on average three hours of homework every night. After an extensive day brimming with classes who would yearn to go home and immediately undertake this additional burden of homework? Unfortunately for most students this is precisely what they have to do; this is particularly challenging for those who partake in extracurricular activities. These students stay up later to study, otherwise the abundance of homework handed out by teachers would never get completed. The overload of homework students receive on a daily basis is detrimental to their well being, for it results in a debilitating surge of stress levels, an inadequate development of life skills, and deprivation of necessary sleep.
The value of homework varies, most high school students don’t mind doing it, but most students find it stressful themselves. Homework has been a subject of debate over the years varying among students and educators within different grade levels. Even though most students find homework stressful, it’s easy for others who focused on the lesson and understand most of it. Most kids who do homework claim that it usually takes about an hour or 2 just to finish depending on classes and how much work is given. Other students including myself have been under pressure due to amount of work assigned by their teachers, grades, and how long it will take to complete.
Homework over two hours has started negatively impacting teens. Without homework, students would not be able to review at home and would not be able to show responsibility. Despite these benefits, homework can cause students stress and at times can cause family conflicts. This essay will outline the damages for students with homework over two hours.
The majority of students have, at one point or another, wished for less homework. For some student’s homework is not a big issue but for other students it can take hours and even days to do all their homework. That wasted time could be used for enjoyment or learning life skills instead of homework. Nine in ten high school students reported feeling stressed about homework (Galloway 4). So, should students get less homework? Yes, students should receive less homework because it improves their well-being by reducing stress and its impacts on health, increasing leisure time, and showing that homework does not affect grades significantly.
A Chicago-area mother was looking at her son sleeping in his bed with 30 minutes till school and woke him up and questioned why he was still asleep. He said that he didn’t get a lot of sleep because he had too much homework. The mother asked him if he wanted to do his homework and he replied no. Both the mother and the son agreed that both of them didn’t want to do the schoolwork so they decided that was the end of homework. The mother also mentioned that if there was something that he was struggling with that they would do the work but she thought that after eight hours at a desk she didn’t want her son to bet at a desk for eight more. Student’s say that they have too much homework, students shouldn’t have more than two and a half hours of
What are your thoughts about homework? Do you think that it really helps you or do you think that it is bad for you? Imagine a world without homework. Some people may argue that homework is great as it really helps you understand the material and get better grades, however, some disagree and say that homework is bad for oneself and creates many health and life problems. Homework should not exist as it creates too many problems with one’s health and life, and would be much better if kids in school did not have to do homework. The majority of students absolutely hate homework and life would be so much better without it. Stress and high blood pressure, less time for interests, doing work on top of going to school, and