
Persuasive Essay On Kidnapping By Parents

Satisfactory Essays

Kidnapping by parents is the act of a parent running away and fleeing with their child as of their own way of protecting them. This act often occurs when the child's parents are divorced and have limited custody. Parental abduction is a violation not only of the law but of the children’s right and against the parents themselves. If something is illegal that means it’s harmful to either people or the society and it should be avoided. Kidnapping by parents is wrong because it violates the children’s right of having a peaceful and stable life. It puts them into stress at an early age and it’s unhealthy for their well-being.
Kidnapping by parents is morally a crime because parents fail to keep a promise they made to a breathing body they bought into this world on their own accord (ignoring rape cases, and other unintentional ways). Even though the parent thinks they’re doing something beneficial for their children really they’re doing the complete opposite, and instead are putting them in harm's way. Therefore the parents are contradicting their roles as parents by endangering their child’s life. It’s like willing, signing yourself up for a specific class of your interest but never actually doing the work necessary to pass the class. One might ask “why would you even sign up anyways”, and that's the exact question society should be asking parent abductors. “Why sign up to be a parent when you really can’t fulfill your duty, which is to ensure this child’s safety and protection

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