Across the world people are looking for ways to either smuggle marijuana into the United States or find a “plug” to sell drugs to them. Constantly people being arrested for the usage of drugs, the most common being marijuana. In 28 states medical marijuana is allowed, but only 9 states are allowed to use it without a prescription. Marijuana should be legal for medical uses, getting high or stressing off, and we would benefit as a country.
Medical marijuana or also known as cannabis drug is now used in 28 different states. Cannabis drugs are used on terminal illnesses like cancer, glaucoma, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and AIDS. Scientist say when consuming cannabis drugs it miscommunicates certain cells causing problems to start to go away. Over years we have told people drugs are bad, but they really aren't you have more chances of getting lung cancer with a cigarette than with a joint. With that marijuana is now being used to cure diseases like I named earlier.
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I saw a group of old ladies who were naming the parts of their body that were sore, most of them came from back issues, the group of ladies said they haven't had pot in their lives or over 30 years. In the test they gave them a glass blunt they lit it and about 30 minutes later the interviewers began to ask if the pain was as bad as it was one of the old ladies said it has gone away like if she would of took a pill for pain, so if we take a look marijuana is not bad at all it just relaxes us and makes us feel like we are numed. It also enhances sensation such as, taste and hearing not mention it helps you sleep so much better. It's not bad to smoke it all just depends on the ways you've used the cannabis
Marijuana is a plant that people use for various reasons, whether that is for medicinal, recreational, social, personal, religious or nutritional uses. Recreational cannabis (marijuana), is designed to help get people high, the compound that recreational users chase is Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. THC is the active ingredient in marijuana, which bonds with specific receptors in the brain to produce a number of effects. It can have a sedative effect, relax your inhibitions, increase your appetite, lower your blood pressure and many other factors. Marijuana can also interfere with your short-term memory, lower your reaction time and make you unsteady and off balance. Even though marijuana has been classed as an illegal drug, there are some negatives, there are many studies that prove marijuana is less harmful to our bodies than other legal dangers, such as drinking or smoking.
Legalizing marijuana for health and municipal purposes in the United States Of America, personally I think it's a great idea. A lot of other people don't think legalizing marijuana is the greatest idea in the world, they think that people will use it in the wrong ways and not to help with any diseases that it can kill. Legalizing marijuana in the United States should be done because it can help people with diseases that they can’t fix with just any medicine, it can kill most deadly diseases, and it keeps people from taking multiple pills a day.
Studies have proven that marijuana is no more harmful to a person’s health than alcohol or tobacco. Every year, tobacco kills roughly 390,000 people, alcohol contributes to 80,000 deaths in America and marijuana contributed to 0; no deaths from marijuana have ever been recorded in US history ( When smoking tobacco, the user inhales tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, and 200 other known poisons into the lungs ( All forms of tobacco, including cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, and chewing tobacco, contain the addictive drug nicotine, and can also cause cancer. Alcohol alters a person's perceptions, emotions, movement, vision, and hearing. Alcohol plays a role in at least 50 percent of traffic deaths, about half of murders, and about 25 percent of suicides ( Marijuana side effects include delusions, impaired memory, hallucinations and disorientation, which are no different from the side effects of alcohol alone.
Have you ever wondered when and why marijuana was made illegal? The herbal plant, commonly used in medicines, was not considered a drug in the early 1900s. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 banned the use and sales of marijuana. This act was put in place due to careless slander. Marijuana, in America should be legalized because it is safer than alcohol and tobacco, marijuana funds gangs and cartels, and marijuana can replace toxic, addictive pharmaceuticals.
Marijuana has been proven and tested to give a very positive impact on the American society for many different reasons. Marijuana is used for many different medical reasons. It helps people who have ADHD, crohn's disease, epilepsy, glaucoma, insomnia, arthritis, and even people with a lack of appetite. Marijuana is a harmless drug and needs to be legalized for medical use in all states.
Can you imagine being just six-years-old and suffering from over three hundred violent seizures a week? From birth, Charlotte Figi suffered from a rare form of epilepsy, which caused these seizures. After trying everything to help Charlotte, her parents finally decided to try medical marijuana, and it worked! Charlotte still had seizures, but now, she had maybe two or three seizures a month instead of three hundred a week. Charlotte’s story and many similar stories, along with medical research and sound reasons, have caused the public’s opinion about marijuana to change in favor of legalizing it, and I agree. I strongly believe that marijuana, and especially medical marijuana, should be legalized across the entire
There is little doubt that legal cannabis growers across the country are helping to boost local and state economies. However, the industry is under pressure from a growing number of people and organizations to curb power consumption. What's more, heavy competition is driving prices down, which tightens profit margins. Growers are looking for ways to reduce costs while still producing high quality crops. However, the equipment growers use is inherently power hungry, using massive amounts of energy. The cannabis industry is so new that there are no standards for growing methods, leaving growers responsible for capping their own energy use.
Medical marijuana is legalized in 29 out of the 50 states in the United States and the main goal is to obtain legalization in all states (Procon, 2017). People around the world have different views of using marijuana for medication, especially when it is being used for children. The benefits of marijuana are endless and it can be used for numerous different medical conditions. Of course with anything positive there is always a negative side of it. People believe that the medical marijuana will affect the brain of people that use it since it is a drug. Overall medical marijuana should be legalized in all states throughout the United States, because it is safe, and it provides a huge amount of economic benefits and health benefits.
The legalization of marijuana in multiple states has sparked a nationwide debate. Marijuana has been legalized for either medical or recreation and even for both of the reasons in some sate. believe marijuana should be legalized for recreational use in Indiana because marijuana will be controlled better, it will allow law enforcement to shift their focus to more important issues in the community, and it will stimulate the economy.
The decision whether to legalize marijuana is a difficult topic in the United States because marijuana has both positives and negatives. Marijuana, also called pot, weed, Mary Jane, grass, bud, or blunt, is a mixture of dried leaves and Cannabis. Marijuana can be either smoked or mixed into foods for consumption. Marijuana is an illegal drug that has become accessible to people through illegal drug trafficking and also through legal medical treatment.
Illnesses can also be treated by cannabis. Illness is something that someone gets over time but it eventually goes away. (The Union, Brett Harvey) Cannabis is an excellent and healthy way to relieve pain from migraine headaches. (The Union, Brett Harvey) Migraines are often caused by nausea, flashes of light, and photosensitivity. (How Weed won the west, Kevin Booth) When cannabis is taken in to a person’s body it impacts the Autonomic Nervous system which causes that person to breathe easier and relax. (The Union, Brett Harvey)
Cannabis, also known as Marijuana has many effects to it. In recent years officials have decided that it should be used for medical usage. They have found out that it helps many medical conditions. Medical cannabis has many things that could cure. Studies has shown that it slows the response time in the synapses in the brain it helps the brain heal. For example if someone was in a bad wreck it allows the brain to eventually heal. Because it is unlike other prescribed drugs weed has little to no side effects depending on the person. Compared to others it has the least amount of side effects with the best results possible. Multiple studies have shown among a variety of participants from the age of 3 to 93 that in multiple test subjects that have seizers in the womb and wasn’t able to speak walk or function properly on their own actually begin to learn to use their natural body functions, and It will help to heal the brain, body faster. Medical Cannabis has many cause and effects to it such as, it could help you medically, the cannabis could give you a bad reaction and it could be a gateway to other drugs.
Everyone has days that are very stressful or days when they just want to give up on life itself, but sometimes taking a deep breath can help or simply a cigarette can do the trick. However, in today’s society, Marijuana is usually the go to antidepressant even though it is illegal. Many people believe Marijuana should be legal in the United States and there have been rumors rising that the state of Texas may become one of the few states to legalize the drug. Marijuana has been portrayed as better than most legal drugs or alcohol out there. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol actually cause more deaths than Marijuana, about 50,000 people die from alcohol poisoning and about 400,000 people die from the use of tobacco. Marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose. Although Marijuana does have some health risk, these risks are less severe when compared to other drugs, such as alcohol. Marijuana is the third most popular drug
Medical marijuana is one of the most simple yet useful drugs in the medical field today. Marijuana can benefit all types of people when ingested or smoked. “Marijuana can relieve many types of chronic pain, nausea and vomiting from any number of ailments. Those suffering from illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS—or even the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat these problems—may benefit from consuming marijuana.” ("The Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana | The Mindful Word.”) Marijuana has successfully treated many cases of glaucoma and other life-threatening
Marijuana is believe it or not, one of the safest ‘illegal’ drugs on Earth. It is safer than legal alternatives: alcohol or tobacco. According to CNN “1 in 8 Americans smoke marijuana on a regular basis.” the drug can provide medical benefits, lower social costs, and better the economy. Therefore Marijuana should be deemed legal for recreational and medicinal usage across America, because it provides medical benefits, lowers social cost, and betters the economy across the board.