
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana in the United States is such a widely conversed topic you will get very different opinions from anyone you talk to. There are those who say it should be legal, and there are those who say it shouldn’t be. Marijuana is widely known throughout the countries and is used whether it is legal or not. Currently in the United States Marijuana is legal for recreational use in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. Marijuana can be taxed and regulated by the government. Marijuana is said to be safer than recreational alcohol consumption. Marijuana also has several health benefits. Although Marijuana is said to be a drug, it should be legalized. To start off on why marijuana should be legal, marijuana would become the nations largest producing …show more content…

It is less toxic, less addictive, and less harmful to the body, and it does not contribute to violent and reckless behavior(Effective Arguments for…etc.). Not saying that Marijuana is harmless, yes it does affect your lungs. Marijuana is also less addictive than alcohol. The only reason people seek addictive help from help centers and rehabilitation centers is because it is court mandated most of the time. Alcohol is highly addictive and can kill you. Marijuana has a low toxicity and you cannot overdose on it. There are far worse drugs you can die from that are legal such as painkillers like OxyCotton that is prescribed through a pharmaceutical company. According to a 1988 ruling from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times the amount of THC in a joint in order to be at risk of dying(Lavender, Paige). So it shows the consumer that it would be hard to die from it, whereas alcohol is a different story. A 2009 study from American Scientist on the relative toxicity of recreational drugs showed that using only 10 times the "effective" dose of alcohol could be fatal(Lavender, Paige). So as the reader or consumer can see, Marijuana is far less dangerous than

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