Marijuana in the United States is such a widely conversed topic you will get very different opinions from anyone you talk to. There are those who say it should be legal, and there are those who say it shouldn’t be. Marijuana is widely known throughout the countries and is used whether it is legal or not. Currently in the United States Marijuana is legal for recreational use in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. Marijuana can be taxed and regulated by the government. Marijuana is said to be safer than recreational alcohol consumption. Marijuana also has several health benefits. Although Marijuana is said to be a drug, it should be legalized. To start off on why marijuana should be legal, marijuana would become the nations largest producing …show more content…
It is less toxic, less addictive, and less harmful to the body, and it does not contribute to violent and reckless behavior(Effective Arguments for…etc.). Not saying that Marijuana is harmless, yes it does affect your lungs. Marijuana is also less addictive than alcohol. The only reason people seek addictive help from help centers and rehabilitation centers is because it is court mandated most of the time. Alcohol is highly addictive and can kill you. Marijuana has a low toxicity and you cannot overdose on it. There are far worse drugs you can die from that are legal such as painkillers like OxyCotton that is prescribed through a pharmaceutical company. According to a 1988 ruling from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times the amount of THC in a joint in order to be at risk of dying(Lavender, Paige). So it shows the consumer that it would be hard to die from it, whereas alcohol is a different story. A 2009 study from American Scientist on the relative toxicity of recreational drugs showed that using only 10 times the "effective" dose of alcohol could be fatal(Lavender, Paige). So as the reader or consumer can see, Marijuana is far less dangerous than
Have you ever wondered when and why marijuana was made illegal? The herbal plant, commonly used in medicines, was not considered a drug in the early 1900s. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 banned the use and sales of marijuana. This act was put in place due to careless slander. Marijuana, in America should be legalized because it is safer than alcohol and tobacco, marijuana funds gangs and cartels, and marijuana can replace toxic, addictive pharmaceuticals.
The legalization of marijuana is a very debatable subject, some people think it is bad and should be illegal, and some people think it is good in some ways if used properly. It should be legal because it has few negative effects, it serves other purposes than getting people stoned, and it is better than other drugs.
Marijuana has been around for centuries and has been used for many things, such as the oil in the cannabis plant, which is high in protein and essential fatty acids, or the plant is dried and made into hemp, and hemp into baskets or bracelets. Other than protein and crafts, marijuana has long been used for recreational purposes. With the underground black market controlling the trade of marijuana, it poses more risks than legalizing it. Marijuana is highly illegal in the United States, and the repercussions are very harsh, in some places more than others. Recreational marijuana use should be regulated or decriminalized.
How do you measure happiness? Is your happiness totally dependent on the amount of freedom you have? By guaranteeing us the right to pursue happiness the government doesn’t promise to provide us with it. Government exists solely to grant and protect our freedoms, this includes protecting individuals from being harmed by others exercising their freedoms. The government should not legalize marijuana on the basis that every individual should be free to choose his or her own path to happiness. I am a firm believer in the individual's right to the pursuit of happiness under the constitution; however, I do not believe in the right of achieving immediate gratification at the expense of others.
The fact that Marijuana is still illegal is mind boggling to me. The fact that Marijuana, after being proven to have numerous medical benefits, and being proven to cause little to no harm whatsoever with long term use, is still labeled as a schedule one narcotic, is even more mind boggling to me. State and federal governments spend so much money trying to get rid of marijuana. State and federal government's spend even more locking up these "drug offenders" for the most harmless crime you can commit. This is a free country right ? So why are these marijuana users not free to put whatever it is they desire into their bodies? Now, of course there are violent crimes assosciated with marijuana, however a simple solution to that would be to legalize
The decision whether to legalize marijuana is a difficult topic in the United States because marijuana has both positives and negatives. Marijuana, also called pot, weed, Mary Jane, grass, bud, or blunt, is a mixture of dried leaves and Cannabis. Marijuana can be either smoked or mixed into foods for consumption. Marijuana is an illegal drug that has become accessible to people through illegal drug trafficking and also through legal medical treatment.
Everyone has days that are very stressful or days when they just want to give up on life itself, but sometimes taking a deep breath can help or simply a cigarette can do the trick. However, in today’s society, Marijuana is usually the go to antidepressant even though it is illegal. Many people believe Marijuana should be legal in the United States and there have been rumors rising that the state of Texas may become one of the few states to legalize the drug. Marijuana has been portrayed as better than most legal drugs or alcohol out there. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol actually cause more deaths than Marijuana, about 50,000 people die from alcohol poisoning and about 400,000 people die from the use of tobacco. Marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose. Although Marijuana does have some health risk, these risks are less severe when compared to other drugs, such as alcohol. Marijuana is the third most popular drug
Mary-Jane, cannabis, reefer, hash, pot, grass, tree, ganja, dope, chronic, no matter what you call it, they’re all just disguises for the wacky tobaccy. There’s been a recent rise in our country to legalize, and even promote marijuana use. Whether it be for so-called “medical purposes”, or whether it be because it’s our civil liberty, regardless, the citizens of our country are adamant about legalizing cannabis. At first glance, most people might agree. “What harm could some stoners possibly do?”, “They’re going to use it anyway; we might as well tax it.”, “If alcohol and cigarettes are legal, why shouldn’t pot be?” are common statements one may hear from those in favor of legalization. Well, I’m not so easy to convince, and you shouldn’t be either. The facts hidden behind the smoke and mirrors tell a different story, one that doesn’t disguise the ugly truth. Marijuana consumption can have harmful effects on users’ behavior, health, and psyche; it is for those reasons that as a nation we must admit marijuana is not harmless.
The House of Representatives and Senate is a group of people who meet biennially to change and create new laws for the betterment of the citizens each legislator represents. Each bill that is discussed has been worked through to be passed. The three most important bills for the state of Iowa are, increasing the penalties for animal cruelty, the legalization of the hemp crop and, the legalization of marijuana.
Marijuana is derived from the dried flower clusters of a stain of hemp pant called cannabis sativa. So, people ingest to induce euphoria, also to treat the certain medical problems. Use of marijuana is termed is prohibited under federal law, but certain jurisdictions allow regulated use for medical purposes. The legalization of marijuana is considered as a controversial matter prevailing throughout the world. Before, in most ancient cultures did not grow the plant to get high, but as an herbal remedy. The hemp plants of marijuana have low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, the substance accountable for hallucinatory effect. In addition, there is movement to legalize marijuana by supporters for years and able to create momentum across the country. Therefore, Alaska and Oregon has been legally approved to use for any use, however in many states marijuana is allowed for medical use. As the legalization of marijuana can cause crimes, injury, and increase addicted number. However, I strongly believe that marijuana should be legalized as most of the public supports its legalization and it brings billions of dollars in tax revenue and has medicinal values. As, people have been using the marijuana in any manner, and scientifically there is no proven harm to body by it.
Marijuana is the most popular recreational drug globally and the third in America (Stuart). It is, however, unique because unlike many others recreational drugs, it also has a range of medical uses. The separation of medical from recreational marijuana is a challenging and confusing task, which has affected its legal status significantly. Consequently, nearly half of the United States has legalized marijuana for medical uses while a few others have legalized it both for medicinal and recreational uses. Nonetheless, there are significant reasons that make the legalization of marijuana completely beneficial as a legal recreational and therapeutic drug. Not only would it benefit patients and people using it for recreational purposes but it would
While marijuana is a potentially harmful drug to those who use it, but it is really no more dangerous than alcohol or cigarettes. Both of these are harmful to the user and they have many fatalities connected to each, directly or indirectly. Marijuana has been on prohibition for far too long now and states are starting to realize that. Marijuana is in our culture, it always has been, and it has medical benefits and can help our economy by putting tax dollars into the system.
Marijuana Should be legal because it's not very dangerous compared to alcohol and tobacco. According to NBC news “Marijuana was, by far, found to be the safest, even when compared to alcohol and cigarettes.” ( How ever U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration ranks “Marijuana, along with drugs like heroin and LSD, is a Schedule I drug, meaning it is considered to have the
According to a Harvard cited study, more the 50,000 young swedish soldiers who smoked marijuana at least once, were twice as likely to develop schizophrenia than those who did not. This is just one of many reasons why marijuana should not be legalized. Marijuana is dried leaves and buds from the cannabis plant that is most commonly smoked for the effects of THC, a chemical that is responsible for mind altering effects. America should not legalize marijuana because little research has been done improving medical conditions, marijuana can cause harmful effects, and marijuana commonly leads to harder drugs.
Weed, pot, dope, Mary Jane, joint, grass, chronic. These terms possess one simple factor in common; they refer to one of the most infamous drugs in the United States, marijuana. The dispute over accepting marijuana as a legal substance against the opposition is a particularly intense subject in the United States. It is deliberated on the news, political debates, and involved in daily conversations of several. The public needs a fundamental comprehension regarding both aspects of this issue before adopting a stance. Legalizing marijuana has the potential to recover our subsided economy by launching job markets, improving tax revenue for the government, along with putting the tax-payers money to commendable services.