Within our nation, there are plenty of political issues that require much needed attention. However, the legalizing of marijuana is becoming more and more of the topic of debate amongst a large number of today’s society. There are various arguments on the issue but in analyzing the situation one must ask “has anyone really established legitimate researches on how marijuana could help someone?” That being said, our group has ventured out to solidify the positive claims about marijuana as well as guide various minds on how much it could help other human beings with numerous medical illnesses and diseases. To begin we must establish what is marijuana as well as how marijuana effects the human body. Marijuana is a plant that contains several …show more content…
From the early 1900’s, this substance has, at times been associated with of violence and forms of psychosis. During this time, numerous states began to outlaw the usage and distribution of marijuana. The Prohibition made marijuana a popular alternative to alcohol since there were no laws against it. Harry Jacob Anslinger, first Commissioner of the US Bureau of Narcotics, began the war on marijuana vilifying it and even considered it to be heroin’s equal (Rehmus, E.). Throughout history marijuana has been utilized, mostly for medicine. By 1937 it was outlawed nationally by the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 (When and why was marijuana outlawed?). Today, Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington state, and Washington, D.C. have all legalized medical and recreational marijuana. Additionally, there are also twenty other states that have made medical marijuana legal. Furthermore. about fifteen states are trying to pass laws in which marijuana would be decriminalized (DeMaria, M.). In our opinion, another aspect we would also like to point out is the concept of lessening the overcrowded prison system. Just think how many first time offenders could be exonerated if marijuana was deemed
Also, marijuana can be seen as being addictive in nature. “Approximately 9% of individuals that use marijuana become addicted” (Marijuana Statistics). Marijuana contains many chemicals, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can cause many positive and negative effects to the human body and brain. A major attribute for medical marijuana is the economic advantages that are produced from the distribution of the drug. Also, the legalization of medical marijuana can portray positive and negative outcomes for law enforcement. Therefore, medical marijuana has many positive effects, such as treatment for diseases, and negative effects, such as immune system suppression. Throughout this research paper, medical marijuana will be thoroughly explained to exemplify the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing the
The decriminalization of marijuana is an incredibly controversial topic in the United States. Conservative views deem the drug dangerous and debilitating, while reformers suggest that legalizing the plant would have an enormous positive impact on the economy. While others, the terminally ill, wish for the plant to be legal so it can be offered as a less toxic and sometimes more effective alternative to harsh prescription drugs. an overwhelming wealth of facts that state the benefits marijuana can have medically.
Legalizing marijuana for health and municipal purposes in the United States Of America, personally I think it's a great idea. A lot of other people don't think legalizing marijuana is the greatest idea in the world, they think that people will use it in the wrong ways and not to help with any diseases that it can kill. Legalizing marijuana in the United States should be done because it can help people with diseases that they can’t fix with just any medicine, it can kill most deadly diseases, and it keeps people from taking multiple pills a day.
Marijuana has become one of the most controversial drugs used today and in the past. Many claim fame to the medicinal purposes of marijuana as to why the drug should be legalized. Today the effects of marijuana use are more known. According to Carroll (2000), marijuana contains 50 percent more cancer causing hydrocarbons than cigarettes. Blood pressure is affected by the use along with sexual function. The abuse of marijuana is one from the past and continues to be a trend in today’s time. An epidemic of marijuana smoking began by 1935, which caused laws to be enacted against the use of marijuana not for medical use.
Marijuana has been used by people over many centuries for medical uses. It is a natural pain killer used today as a recreational drug by people all over the world. According to Noel Merino in, “Introduction to Gateway Drugs: Opposing Viewpoints”, “a drug is something other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body”. Marijuana is a very controversial drug and has been outlawed in many countries for its affect on the function of the body. “Effects may involve hallucinations, impaired judgment, and mood swings.” Describes the effects of marijuana in “Marijuana” Current Issues Macmillian social science library. During the past century Marijuana has been legal, made illegal, strictly enforced, decriminalized,
Can you imagine being just six-years-old and suffering from over three hundred violent seizures a week? From birth, Charlotte Figi suffered from a rare form of epilepsy, which caused these seizures. After trying everything to help Charlotte, her parents finally decided to try medical marijuana, and it worked! Charlotte still had seizures, but now, she had maybe two or three seizures a month instead of three hundred a week. Charlotte’s story and many similar stories, along with medical research and sound reasons, have caused the public’s opinion about marijuana to change in favor of legalizing it, and I agree. I strongly believe that marijuana, and especially medical marijuana, should be legalized across the entire
The chemicals in the cannabis, or marijuana plant can cause desired psychological and physical effects on the human body. However, for many years there has been an ongoing debate about the legality of the drug. In the last few years specifically, the issue has become very popular and has received a lot of attention from the media. Citizens, doctors, and politicians have many different views and opinions on whether the drug is dangerous or harmless. Marijuana comes from a natural plant and causes a euphoric “high” sensation when consumed. Doctors have proven that the psychological and physical effects of cannabis do not pose any substantially harmful threats to the human body. These effects can also be very medicinal and helpful to those
Thesis Statement: Marijuana has been regarded as a harmful plant that can endanger lives and is thought to be nothing more than an extra problem to be dealt with in today’s society. However, based on its economic value and medical benefits, the cannabis has proven to outweigh its negatives with numerous other positives.
Equally important is the effect that marijuana has on the justice system. Resources are being used every day that could be allocated to a number of other pressing issues that are facing communities across the country. If marijuana is legalized, the resources of agencies of law enforcement would be able to focus on much more pressing issues. By legalizing marijuana, it will promote a reduction in street crimes and it will also take business from illegal drug dealers and direct it to the government. This would hopefully lead to a decrease in violence related to drugs in the United States ("Legalization of Marijuana"). Decreasing petty street crime and violence would make local streets safer. That is something that would benefit civilians as
There is little doubt that legal cannabis growers across the country are helping to boost local and state economies. However, the industry is under pressure from a growing number of people and organizations to curb power consumption. What's more, heavy competition is driving prices down, which tightens profit margins. Growers are looking for ways to reduce costs while still producing high quality crops. However, the equipment growers use is inherently power hungry, using massive amounts of energy. The cannabis industry is so new that there are no standards for growing methods, leaving growers responsible for capping their own energy use.
The research presented in this article is an easy read and seemingly geared to those who are curious on the positive effects that marijuana can produce across a plethora of diseases.
Marijuana is said to be a healer drug that can help relief stress or a drug that is dangerous that is said to causes high crime, but should it still be criminalize or changed to be legalized?
The legalization of the marijuana is one of the hot topics these days. The states of Colorado and
Many believe that cannabis is not helpful in any form of medicines. When most people think of marijuana they think of teenagers, drug dealers, and many bad things. Medical cannabis is safe and useful for medical conditions such as cancer, pain, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and many conditions that are more serious. Many believe that marijuana is not for medical purposes, but cannabis can be helpful in so many cases. Marijuana can be used to somewhat sooth the symptoms of many major sicknesses, this essay is going to attempt to make you agree that marijuana has great medical uses. Elvy Musikka is a fifty-seven year old woman
Medical marijuana has been legalized in over twenty states and is already being used by over a million to treat various conditions. Its potential for medical use is extraordinary, but its growth is hindered by government officials who worry about the social and medical impact the drug may impress. This makes it difficult for researchers to validate the drugs potential and find new uses for it. Likewise, there are many potential uses for medical marijuana, but they cannot be pursued until officials acknowledge its cultural impact and promote researching the drug for significant evidence of its medical benefits.