
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Within our nation, there are plenty of political issues that require much needed attention. However, the legalizing of marijuana is becoming more and more of the topic of debate amongst a large number of today’s society. There are various arguments on the issue but in analyzing the situation one must ask “has anyone really established legitimate researches on how marijuana could help someone?” That being said, our group has ventured out to solidify the positive claims about marijuana as well as guide various minds on how much it could help other human beings with numerous medical illnesses and diseases. To begin we must establish what is marijuana as well as how marijuana effects the human body. Marijuana is a plant that contains several …show more content…

From the early 1900’s, this substance has, at times been associated with of violence and forms of psychosis. During this time, numerous states began to outlaw the usage and distribution of marijuana. The Prohibition made marijuana a popular alternative to alcohol since there were no laws against it. Harry Jacob Anslinger, first Commissioner of the US Bureau of Narcotics, began the war on marijuana vilifying it and even considered it to be heroin’s equal (Rehmus, E.). Throughout history marijuana has been utilized, mostly for medicine. By 1937 it was outlawed nationally by the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 (When and why was marijuana outlawed?). Today, Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington state, and Washington, D.C. have all legalized medical and recreational marijuana. Additionally, there are also twenty other states that have made medical marijuana legal. Furthermore. about fifteen states are trying to pass laws in which marijuana would be decriminalized (DeMaria, M.). In our opinion, another aspect we would also like to point out is the concept of lessening the overcrowded prison system. Just think how many first time offenders could be exonerated if marijuana was deemed

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