
Persuasive Essay On Life Without Parole

Decent Essays

One potent alternative to the death penalty is life without parole. All the states that have the death penalty also have the ability to sentence convicted criminals to life without parole. The sentence prevents the criminal from going back on the streets again. Life without parole also allows mistakes to be corrected, unlike the death penalty. “As of 2008, there were 3,864 people in California who have received this alternative sentence, which also has a more limited appeals process. According to the California Governor's Office, only seven people sentenced to life without parole have been released since the state provided for this option in 1977, and this occurred because they were able to prove their innocence,” (Death, Death). Another alternative …show more content…

Had I done that, Robin's mother, Marianne, would have been spared the pain of 30 appeals and writs and retrial. She could have dealt then and there with the fact that her daughter's killer would be shut away, never again to see a day of freedom, and gone on to put her life together. And the people of California would have not have had to pay many millions of tax dollars in this meaningless and ultimately fruitless pursuit of death,” (Pro). Rodney James Ascala was sentenced to death by McCartin more than 30 years ago for kidnapping and killing Robin Samsoe, who was only a 12-year-old. Macaroni reflects upon his decision and feels regret for all the pain it caused and the money it had wasted. The death penalty system is also flawed. Many defendants have been sentenced to death due to a poor quality defense. According to a study at Columbia University, researchers "found that 68% of all death penalty cases were reversed on appeal, with inadequate defense as one of the main reasons requiring reversal,”

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