Marijuana is known to most people in society, and those people that are aware of marijuana do not have a depth of knowledge of the history or the effects of marijuana Generations before us would use Marijuana for ropes because of the strength is was capable of but now people that hear the word marijuana would probably go straight with the idea that marijuana is useless and would not do the society or the economy any good. If the government were to legalize the use of marijuana then they would make extra profit off it because of taxes and other problems could be resolved like better school environments, updated technology in the school system or to just help our body out. These opinions that the people say out into society are not entirely …show more content…
Since Colorado is making money off the taxes for marijuana usage, their school construction is more up to date and their education system is much more efficient because of that fifteen percent tax on marijuana which means Colorado is paying good money to have high quality teachers to educate the students, where as, in a small town like Marshall, Missouri, where the whole high school needs to be demolished and rebuilt/remodeled because our high school is not an efficient environment to be learning in, the ceilings at Marshall High School have just been redone in the summer of 2017 because of the concaving that was occurring in mid April to March, some of the sinks do not work and some of the bathroom stalls have the door unhinged. These problems could easily be fixed immediately if the legalization of marijuana usage in Missouri is passed, money that the town does not have at the moment can be resolved if marijuana was legalized and then the town would be receiving that fifteen percent tax income where then it would go to school re/construction. Another issue that is
Marijuana, is a drug from the Cannabis plant that is intended for medical or recreational use. The main part of cannabis and what makes it so dangerous is THC one of the many known chemicals in the plant. Cannabis can be used in many ways including smoking, ingestion through food, or as an extract. My name is Timur Krapivin and I was caught being under the influence of drugs on school grounds. The specific drug that I was caught with was marijuana in the form of an edible. A weed brownie is one of the many forms that marijuana comes in. I regret everything that I did and now know that my decision was very wrong and could have harmed the ones I cared about the most. The substance Abuse Intervention Program really helped me realize how dumb I was for taking this drug. I put my friends and family in danger because it was my first time and I didnt know what was going to happen or how my body would react to it. The main reason for why I did this drug is because I was curious and wanted to try something new. I know now that this decisions was very irresponsible and dumb. I will definitely think before I act now and use the problem solving skills that I learned in the class. I will make better decisions in the future because I want to be able to reach my goals and have a successful life. I can't do these things by wasting my life on drugs. Marijuana is a very dangerous drug, it affects our community in many ways, and has a long history behind it.
Cannabis is a popular topic amongst teens, adults and medical doctors these days. Cannabis, also known as marijuana, pot, weed and hash can be quite controversial across America, since you have those who disapprove and those who condone its use. You might know someone who uses it, or maybe you have even tried it before. They say more than 1 in 3 people in America have tried marijuana at one point in their lives (Web MD). As of 2017, 29 states plus the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana to some extent (Healthline). Recreational use of marijuana has been legalized in 8 states, with the age restriction being 21 years or older (CNN).
A number of individuals and pro-medical marijuana organizations have fought for years for the legalization of medical marijuana. Numerous studies have also tried to prove or disprove the medical properties of marijuana.
In this essay I will be giving reasons and evidence for the use of medical marijuana to get taken off the ban list for the NBA and NFL. I will go in depth on why this could help athletes take the edge off and much more. there are plenty of reasons such as it can treat glaucoma,it can help control epileptic seizures and a chemical found in it and many more lets get focused on why it should be taken off the ban list for athletes a major reason is it can help recovery go a lot faster. “This pain is never going away. My body is damaged,” said Eugene Monroe, 30, who was released by the Baltimore Ravens last year three weeks after becoming the first active player to publicly call on the league to permit medical marijuana. “I have to manage it somehow. Managing it with pills was slowly killing me. Now I’m able to function and be extremely efficient by figuring out how to use different formulations of cannabis.”. That’s not the only source advocating for medical marijuana there are many more retired nfl players that use it that we will get into summary of the introduction there are many reasons why it should be taken off the ban list and I will go into more depth in the rest of this essay.
If you smoke marijuana will it be good―by good, meaning is it really healthy for your life? There are lots of people out there that seeks in different factors to face challenges and those obstacles that they overcome may be from the risk of effort, like smoking marijuana for pleasant or to feel a sense of relaxation after a long day. Marijuana is a type a drug from a cannabis plant that are for medical used (AKA weed). It is use to treat multiple sclerosis, cancer chemotherapy, disorders, crohn's disease, and many more reasons to why doctors would prescribe this drug to the victim. It contains THC chemical that is responsible for an euphoric high and also for marijuana’s psychological effects. Thus, it is why many people love to smoke it, to feel high. So that way it will benefit their mental state positively and bring a good health for themselves. However, many other people believe that smoking marijuana kills people’s health, and that can ruin people’s life forever. For those who starts at a very young age to adult years that has done illicit drug use.
Medical marijuana has been a very controversial issue nationwide. Many speculate that marijuana is a harmful drug. When in reality marijuana is a medicine, which has been proven be doctors and researchers, especially in small countries. Marijuana help those who use it with chronic pains and illnesses. Medical marijuana is helpful to individuals with severe chronic pain and comes from a natural growing plant. Marijuana should be a medical option because the benefits of marijuana greatly overwhelm those that oppose to the drug.
Marijuana has always been said to be dangerous to our bodies by the government and the media. Is it bad for us or is it just another way for the government and media to control us? Is it harmful to our body? Does it really help people that have terminal or debilitating diseases? These are just some of the questions that we have asked about marijuana. One of the main questions asked is marijuana worth being legalized for medical benefits when it can be abused as a recreational drug instead of medical use? It is very upsetting knowing that medical marijuana can help so many people and benefit in so many ways but is not available to the people that need it.
“Weed is addictive and is gateway drug. You shouldn’t smoke it.” This is a common misconception about Marijuana that a variety of people believe. This is because they do not know the history of it and what is in the Marijuana that makes it, what people say is “addictive.” They also probably do not know that there are disadvantages and advantages of using Marijuana. At the end of the day, it is really the choice of the user. But people should become more aware of where Marijuana originated from, what it is made from and the pros and cons of smoking it if they choose to.
The topic of drugs can be a very dismal one. We have the opioid crisis, antibiotics creating superbugs and the worry over whether or not the world will have enough rainforests in the future to create future medicines. On social media feeds or on the TV news, it seems drugs are no good. While this appears to be a dark cloud of gloom and doom, marijuana is the silver lining. That is why I support the legalization of marijuana.
For some medical marijuana looks like a horrible thing, but for people with certain diseases and illness it is a miracle worker. The marijuana has been used since ancient china as a medicine. Not just for medical use but for other uses hemp and marijuana have some key materials and things made from them. Medical marijuana uses the whole plant for different products. Medical marijuana is great medicine that is being judged for the wrong reason, when really it should be judged for medical purposes. Medical Marijuana is safer than pharmaceuticals, due to marijuana being comprised of cannabis, whereas other prescription drugs are full of dangerous chemicals.
Did you know, you have to smoke more than 15,000 joints in less than 20 minutes to overdose on marijuana? That’s also physically impossible.
The legal states that started to make Marijuana legal they had to waste money first ,for example they had to waste money on opening the dispensaries and having the money to grow their own Marijuana in the state. was able to explain on all the financial benefits from being able to legalize Marijuana. For instance, it will save the government a lot of money, to even saving our taxpayers a lot of money, and legalization will boost our fund for schools,roads and etc. Let’s take for example Colorado, they were able to collect over 135 billion dollars in taxes for the usage of medical and recreational Marijuana in their first year. Now in 2017 the sales was able to total to 996 million dollars ,and Marijuana is the strongest economic out of all other industrials active in Colorado. Colorado is now able to spend all that revenue money to fix their street, improve schools, get more after school programs started ,and money also went hospitals to. I am from Chicago, Illinois and my state is in debt they tried charging our grocery bags and soda drinks to try to pay of the debt but that left many people unhappy. If Marijuana was legal nationwide Illinois will probably match or pass over Colorado’s 135 billion dollars they got Marijuana. That money will be able to go and pay of the debt that Illinois has and even to other thing that Illinois need like fixing streets, school and etc. Even Marijuana Police group showed that legal
The possession, use and consumption of marijuana is illegal in Florida period, in fact there are multiple penalties, fines and ultimately the worst, incarceration sentences up to 30 years. Over the years’ different states have made marijuana legal and in some cases only legal for medical circumstances but Florida is one state that remains to make marijuana legal even for medical use. Possessing under 20 grams of weed (the urban name for marijuana) if caught is a misdemeanor and can result in drug diversion programs if you’re a first offender but depending on your state prosecutor your penalty for having as little as 20 grams of weed could be up to 5 years of jail time and if you have over 20 grams you could face fines up to 30,000 dollars along
For centuries in the United States the debate on whether marijuana should be legalized or not has remained ongoing. There are many controversial points on both sides of the debate, some believe that if given the opportunity marijuana can open up a whole new world into medical, agricultural, and personal hygiene products. Research on marijuana should at least be made legally available so that we can understand all of its potential benefits.
Legalizing marijuana is beneficial to the consumer and the government, it also has little to no effect on the youth. The consumer is safer consuming marijuana than alcohol. The government can make money from taxing marijuana. The states that have legalized marijuana conducted studies on the youth, shows that there is barely any change in the amount of kids that consume marijuana.