
Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana

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In the realm of medical marijuana, there are different cannabis extracts, each being touted as having specific medicinal properties and capable of treating one disease or another. Numerous products flood the medical marijuana market, and all are not one and the same. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is quite popular these days for its many proven and potential medicinal benefits. However, another oil, the Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) has garnered attention for it supposed benefits in treating cancer, in particular. Cannabis plants are complex in nature, and cannabis extracts, marijuana oil, CBD oil, or hemp oil are themselves unique products. These products all have different cannabinoids and at varying levels. What makes CBD oil and RSO different if both are derived from cannabis?

Who is Rick Simpson?
Rick Simpson is known as the the creator of the Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), but he is also a man who seemingly has a goal to share what he believes is the healing power of cannabis, referencing his own success using his self-made oil to treat his cancer-related ailment. His seemingly miraculous recovery from using the RSO and his championing of his product, encouraged others to try it for themselves. Several anecdotal stories of persons trying RSO with success has emerged, and the oil has been used to treat various conditions, including asthma, skin burns, psoriasis, and depression have reported staggering anecdotal results. Source

Rick Simpson Oil
“Rick Simpson

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