
Persuasive Essay On Mexican Immigration

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Beaner “When Mexico is sending its people, they're not sending their best… They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They are rapists. And some, I assume are good people” (Trump 2015). Donald Trump's campaign Mexican immigration, led to the rise in the use of an “informal offensive” slogan, beaner. Mexicans are discriminated because they “rob” Americans of their jobs, the jobs they definitely want to do, the jobs that require vigor, vitality, and perseverance to accomplish the hard task given. US citizens see beaners as the reason why America has declined. Trump promises to make “America great again.” People see beaner as “curse word,” and to be associated with it……………. Beaners are people from Mexico who have “jumped” the border, to cross into the US seeking new opportunities. Usually obsessed with beans because of their deliciousness and affordability. Their English skills are non-existent or limited to the phrase, “yes” to accept more work. Extremely hard working due to their determination to support their family, they usually work in the fields because of the of the lack of knowledge they have on how to operate technology too complicated because of their stupidity. His family includes his ten brothers and sisters, his fifteen uncles and aunts, his parents and their parents, his wife, and his twenty children. In America, the country described as the great melting pot, where the origins of the immigrant do not matter, the

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