
Persuasive Essay On Modesty

Satisfactory Essays

Dress codes are present in every school, but is it really fixing anything? Schools put them in place for the intended benefit of the teachers and students. My school is similar to the others. They recently implemented a “new” dress code to scare tweens and teens into dressing more modestly, but who's to say what is and what isn’t modest? Also, who's to say that if a woman covers her entire body, then a boy won’t gawk at her? And, why is it that the dress code mostly targets girls and not boys? There is an answer to all of these questions, but our school board doesn’t seem to realize that. Let’s talk about modesty. When modesty comes to mind, I typically think of someone wearing nicer clothing that covers up most of their skin. But, why does that come to mind? Society. Society plays a large role in the way people think and act. Most Americans have a similar view when they think of modesty. However, this is different for a lot of other countries. I want you to think of poor African countries. When visiting some of these countries, you will notice that they dress completely different than most Americans. You will find them wearing traditional clothing or even no clothing at all because of how poor they are, but it is the norm to see this. They are used to seeing it so often that they don’t even notice it anymore. The only people that will notice it are foreigners. This is because everyone lives in a different society. So why is it okay for schools to tell us what is and what isn’t okay to wear? That is our own personal decisions. We shouldn’t get in trouble for having different beliefs. We, the students with free will, should be aloud to decide what is and what isn’t modest for ourselves. Another thing, why do the school boards think that if a woman is completely covered, head to toe, then boys will stop staring? That isn’t true at all. If you make someone used to seeing women covered up completely, then they will just notice the smaller things like an ankle. It’s crazy to think that would happen, but that is what will happen if you force people to cover themselves up. It is like telling a person to not think of an elephant because they are then going to start thinking of an elephant. You have to do the

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